Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (2024)

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Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (1)

I am aware that this is basically the least sexy name possible for a recipe, I think it sounds like something you would be served at a hospital as a means to hide some sort of treatment. My husband Mark said this sounds like some sort of superhero food. Regardless, for those that are following AIP and might be desperate for a different breakfast recipe, I wanted you to find it as easily as possible. Who knows, maybe you are even landing here on this page because of this very not-so-sexy name.

While I am personally no longer strictly following the Autoimmune Protocol, after following it very hardcorefor over 30 days, I can tell you that it changed me. This diet rocked my world and healed me, in all the most amazing ways possible. It was everything that my body needed, right when I needed it most. As I was searching for ways to heal my gut and deal with my autoimmune condition, as well as the terrible fall off my health took after taking prescribed drugs for my condition, I was working with a naturopath, taking supplements and trying various elimination diets and nothing was quite dealing with this underlying conditionof not feeling like myself and desperately wanting that to change. I took it up upon myself at the time to research all the various more extreme ways to help my gut, to remove foods and to get back to a place where my body could focus it’s energy on healing. I followed the protocol by way of Dr Sarah Ballantyne and Mickey Trescott and Angie Alt, their websites, the various books and cookbooks and any and all the other resources I could find.

Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (2)

While many people find themselves needingto follow AIP much longer than 30 days, I was fortunate that I wasn’t dealing with a severe condition nor debilitating or life-threatening symptoms, so I am grateful to have found great relief in that short time. As I continue my personal healing, I have also stuck to many of the principals of the protocol that have resonated with me and I have had great luck and results by continuing to listen to my body and what it is telling me it does and doesn’t need.

Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (3)

Beyond the incredible amount of healing I experienced, the new found energy and finally feeling more like myself, I also have found myself even more inspired and energized in the kitchen, still feelingcalled to createdelicious recipes as needed for myself that would fit into the very strict restrictions of the protocol. If sharing some of my favorite recipes can help even just a few of you find the protocol less daunting to start or a bit easier if you are in the middle of it–than I am happy! You may not need the AIP, you may never have heard of it and if that’s the case, if you are simply trying to reduce the amount of grains and starches you consume, if you are looking for egg-free and/or dairy-free recipes, this too will work for you.

Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (4)

These waffles are absolutely incredible, fluffy on the inside and crispy on the outside. In fact, my husband, Mark, has told me on countless occasions that he likes these waffles better than any regular grain containing waffles he’s had. That says a lot considering this is a man that can eat EVERYTHING! They aren’t too dense like many grain-free waffles and they reheat beautifully (just pop into the toasted oven). Cassava Flour is the jam and I am currently obsessed with how versatile it is.

Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (5)

I go light on the sweetener in these so I can drizzle maple syrup and some fresh berries on top, without feeling like I am overdoing it with sweetness. I have also on occasion left the sweetener out completely (adding in just a little more liquid), to make these ore savory to use as bread for sandwiches. OH YEAH, that’s right, AIP sandwiches!!! You’re welcome.

Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (6)

[print_this]Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour)
{gluten-free, grain-free, vegan, paleo-friendly, AIP-friendly, nut-free, seed-free}
Yields: 2-3 large Belgium waffles, may make more
depending on your waffle maker.

Add all of the dry ingredients to a large bowl. Whisk well to combine. In a small bowl, mix together the wet ingredients. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and mix really well to combine. You may find you may need to add a little more coconut milk (or simply a small amount of water), if it’s too thick.

This batter will definitely be thicker than a pancake batter and maybe your typical waffle batter, but that’s OK, it’ll still work out great!

Add the batter to your waffle iron and cook as you normally would, adding about a minute of longer of cook time, than your maker suggests, watching carefully so as not to overcook.

Serve immediately or store in the refrigerator and reheat in the toaster oven.


You may find you need a little bit more liquid than what the recipe calls for. The batter should be somewhat thick compared to a typical batter, but still pourable.

I use thiswaffle iron. I cook each waffle for just about 5-6minutes each. Using this waffle iron, this recipe yields three VERY large Belgium waffle,using approximately 1 cup of batter for each waffle.

Make sure that your iron is preheated and very hot and that you cook the waffles long enough or they can turn out gummy.[/print_this]

Did you make this recipe - or any others from the TY archives?

Share your photos on Instagram, tag @bethmanosbrickey and include the hashtag #tastyyummies


  • Spiced Coconut Squash Breakfast Porridge
  • Grain-free Basil and Mint Zucchini “Noodles”
  • Dark Chocolate Crispy Peanut Butter Balls – No Bake {Gluten-Free + Cane Sugar-Free}
  • Paleo Breakfast Sausage Patties {Whole30 friendly}

82 Responses

  1. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (11)Laura Jarrardsays:

    July 21, 2015 at 1:23 pm

    Thank you for this! Interestingly, I have been on your email list for a while but just started Dr. Ballantyne’s AIP a few weeks ago and found Mickey and Angie this morning through PaleoMom…then this email!
    It’s inspirational to find these connections and to hear how much it helped you, along with a yummy recipe that I can’t wait to try!! Thanks!


  2. July 22, 2015 at 9:40 am

    It does kinda sound like superhero food! But then you’re totally a superhero to me so that makes sense!


  3. July 27, 2015 at 7:03 pm

    This might be the one that makes be break down and get a waffle iron!
    I really want to experiment with cassava. It’s crazy how common it is in so many countries in the world but not really here…


  4. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (14)Philippasays:

    July 28, 2015 at 9:48 pm


    I tried making these as pancakes – but they turned out really gummy.

    Is it because I don’t have a waffle maker?


    • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (15)Beth @ Tasty Yummiessays:

      July 29, 2015 at 12:38 pm

      Philippa, I cannot say, as this waffle recipe was really only developed for use in a waffle iron. I haven’t tested nor can I recommend as a pancake or not. Sorry I cannot be of more help.


      • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (16)Philippasays:

        July 29, 2015 at 2:39 pm

        Thanks for the reply 🙂 I have ordered a waffle maker and I’m pretty excited to try it again – the batter tasted amazing


      • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (17)Kimsays:

        September 18, 2015 at 7:11 am

        I also found this recipe to be very gummy and I used a waffle maker. I thought maybe I didn’t cook them long enough so on the second try, I left the waffle in longer and found the same issue. A little crunchy on the outside and gooey/gummy in the middle. Any idea what went wrong?


        • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (18)Beth @ Tasty Yummiessays:

          September 21, 2015 at 6:36 am

          Kim, what type of waffle maker did you use? Did you make sure it was very hot? I have made these waffles many times now and 1 time they came out gummy in the middle, it was because the waffle iron wasn’t hot enough. The rest of the times, when I gave it ample time to preheat, I had no issues. Sorry they didn’t work for you, I hope you can get it right, they are worth it!
          PS when I did make them, and they came out gummy, I reheated in the toaster oven and that took care of the gumminess.


          • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (19)Charitysays:

            October 31, 2015 at 6:04 am

            I am having trouble with them sticking. Does that mean the waffle iron isnt hot enough? They are so good. Thanks!!

        • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (20)Rachael Kelleysays:

          September 22, 2016 at 10:59 am

          Gumminess due to not super fresh baking soda is a pretty common problem with cassava flour.


        • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (21)Noelle Franzensays:

          August 27, 2017 at 9:42 am

          I just made these, and cassava flour is gummy by nature. I actually split the difference with coconut flour and it made them way more like regular pancakes (I don’t have a waffle iron). I used a cast iron skillet to make them. Came out great. Good luck!


          • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (22)Noelle Franzensays:

            August 27, 2017 at 9:44 am

            Sidenote: I’ve been AIP for almost a year. I am unfortunately unable to reintroduce foods like eggs and nuts (sadly), so I have really been working with coconut and cassava flour a lot lately. Hopefully something works out for you!

      • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (23)Kris Cannonsays:

        September 30, 2015 at 5:46 am

        I made them this morning in waffle iron. Gummy. Nothing like the picture. Definitely not crispy on the outside. More like Mochi if you’ve ever heard of that. Don’t get me wrong, I ate it, with coconut manna and maple syrup and was super grateful. I used Otto’s brand.


    • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (24)Charmainesays:

      April 24, 2016 at 11:15 am

      No, they’re gummy any way I’ve prepared them! It was like a mouth full of cheese. :/


  5. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (25)Staceysays:

    August 5, 2015 at 1:36 am

    Thank you so much for this! I made these a few days ago and they are amazing! Hands down the best paleo waffles I’ve ever had, let alone AIP! I’m doing my second round of AIP right now and these definitely help with the cravings for a treat! I just ordered more cassava flour and will be making these again when I get it! By the way, my non-paleo mom and my semi-paleo boyfriend loved them. Thank you again! Delicious!


  6. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (26)noellesays:

    August 26, 2015 at 1:28 pm

    this is my new favorite waffle recipe. they were AMAZING.


  7. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (27)Pamsays:

    August 28, 2015 at 5:33 pm

    Can these be frozen and toasted for quick morning breakfast? Also, can you add some fresh/frozen blueberries in it?


  8. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (28)Erinsays:

    30 days…Dr. Sarah would say, “Results not typical.” I’ve been strict for almost a year and have only seen the first hint of improvement over what I got from cutting out gluten and dairy. This is a great recipe; all the AIP waffle recipes I’ve tried with plantains came out gummy. It’s amazing you can get this texture without eggs. Thank you so much!


    • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (29)Beth @ Tasty Yummiessays:

      September 21, 2015 at 6:34 am

      Yes, I am quite lucky that I was able to see relief in 30 days, but yes, definitely not typical results. That said, it also wasn’t a complete cure in 30 days, either. I have been very mindful this year of my diet, after kick-starting my healing with AIP, I also maintained a low FODMAP diet for several months, as well as taking many supplements. Wow strict for a year! I feel for you, it is certainly not easy. I am glad you enjoyed this recipe, it’s a favorite over here! Thanks.


      • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (30)Alanasays:

        December 1, 2015 at 9:02 am

        It really depends on the person! I found a lot of relief after 30 days for my digestion issues, but not my more complicated symptoms. If you’ve been strict for a year, however, I would say that there are probably more issues at hand than diet can cure (Jessica at AIP Lifestyle has a great article on this). I would also say Beth, that you probably found relief quicker because you have been gluten free as well for a while. The cleaner you start, the less detox there is left to do!


  9. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (31)Noelsays:

    October 2, 2015 at 5:12 pm

    I might actually cry from happiness right now! I came across your site for the first time tonight and was so excited about these waffles that I had to make them right away. I’m sitting here eating one and it is SO so good! Perfectly crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. My three year old just ran up and stole a bite off my plate and he loves it too. Thank you for creating something that we can really enjoy while doing AIP!! I can’t wait to try your other recipes!


  10. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (32)Michellesays:

    October 5, 2015 at 3:32 am

    Could I use raw goat milk instead of coconut milk?


  11. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (33)teahsays:

    October 16, 2015 at 3:30 pm

    Hooray! Finally a waffle recipe without plantains/bananas since I can’t have either. My daughter is also going to be super stoked. Can’t wait to try it. 🙂 Thanks!


  12. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (34)Alanasays:

    December 1, 2015 at 9:06 am

    These waffles were SOOOO good!!! Omg they came out great. The first two I did were slightly on the softer/gummier side on the inside, but by the last one I made I realized that they needed to cooked longer than I was expecting. They also crisp up well in the toaster if you accidentally undercook them. Recipe was perfect as is!


  13. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (35)Viviansays:

    December 20, 2015 at 3:33 pm


    I just finally ordered myself my first waffle iron and I can’t wait to follow your recipe as soon as it comes in. I started AIP last week after struggling with gut dysbiosis for years. I never understood why I was so bloated when I exercised plenty and ate extra clean. I’ve also had good results trying low FODMAPs, but never did it for 6-8 weeks. Like you, I am young and don’t have anything debilitating or very serious, but it gets more severe each year. I was wondering if you could tell me a little more about your healing process, and who I can turn to for advice? I’ve felt so alone on this journey grasping for a direction to finally get results. I’ve been GF and semi-strict paleo for 6 weeks, I’m on plenty of supplements from a naturopath who lives three hours away, and am giving AIP my all for the next month, juggling it with school and travel. Your thoughts?

    Happy Holidays,


  14. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (36)Deborrahsays:

    December 28, 2015 at 4:59 pm

    Sadly, this recipe did not turn out for us despite 2 tries at the recipe. I made no substitutes, and have the same waffle maker. Each time dough was stuck to the top and bottom of the waffle iron (like the waffle separated) and gummy/raw-like inside and this was cooking them 4.5 minutes.


    • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (37)Beth @ Tasty Yummiessays:

      January 4, 2016 at 7:37 am

      Deborrah, I am so sorry to hear that. I am learning after many times of making this, that this recipe is crazy finicky and I cannot figure out why. I make it the same exact way every single time and every so often it doesn’t work out and it sticks, like you are saying. I am not sure if it is an inconsistency with the heat of the waffle iron or what could cause the difference. I have to play around some more and see if I can figure it out. I have noticed that letting the waffle iron heat up for longer than usual helps and I have also noticed that sometimes these take upwards of 6 minutes to cook.


  15. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (38)T.H.says:

    January 7, 2016 at 6:17 pm

    Thank you for this wonderful recipe! It’s my favorite AIP recipe to date.


  16. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (39)Analisasays:

    February 25, 2016 at 11:14 am

    Do you know if these freeze well?


    • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (40)Beth @ Tasty Yummiessays:

      February 25, 2016 at 4:25 pm

      Sorry I haven’t tried yet. I do refrigerate them often and actually really love them reheated. Please report back if you do.


  17. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (41)Joycesays:

    February 29, 2016 at 2:36 pm

    I tweaked your recipe a bit and used it as a batter for fish! It’s so yummie and I have missed fish and chips for years! Not anymore!


    • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (42)Beth @ Tasty Yummiessays:

      March 2, 2016 at 3:08 pm

      WOAH, no way. that’s brilliant. I am gonna have to try that. Thanks for sharing.


    • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (43)Marlasays:

      August 21, 2016 at 10:25 am

      How did you tweak it? I would like to try this!


  18. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (44)Sheryllsays:

    April 17, 2016 at 8:13 am

    Just finished breakfast. I have to say, this is the best ever waffle!!!
    Thanks so much for perfecting this recipe. My husband didn’t know it was healthy.
    I was able to get 3 1/2 waffles out of the batter, but only used 2/3 cup. Next time I’ll try using 3/4 cup.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
    This is a keeper!


  19. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (45)Rachelsays:

    May 21, 2016 at 8:23 am

    These came out gummy for me as well, but still delicious and I happen to love gummy textures! They actually reminded me a bit of those Asian gummy rice cakes that I miss eating so much, so I may experiment here.
    Cooking for 6 minutes rather than 4 did help – the second waffle was significantly less gummy than the first. I also turned up the heat on my waffle iron a tad as well.
    I noticed I didn’t have to oil the iron at all because these waffles themselves came out oily. I used coconut oil rather than avocado (or olive/any other oil), so I wonder if a different type of oil would make a difference in the gumminess and/or the oily nature of these right off the griddle.
    Thanks to Joyce for suggesting using this as a frying batter! I have been missing fried chicken, and now I may experiment with some chicken and waffles using the same batter 😀
    Thank you Beth for putting this together! I have got to say, I hate all the plantain breads/waffles/pancakes because they always come out tasting like…plantains. I love fried plantains, but not plantain-flavored breads. This was such a great find now that I finally got a bag of cassava flour!


    • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (46)Rachael Kelleysays:

      September 22, 2016 at 11:00 am

      Make sure you use SUPER fresh baking soda with cassava flour. It makes a huge difference.


  20. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (47)Rachaelsays:

    May 22, 2016 at 3:43 pm

    I’ve made these a dozen times now, and I’m truly obsessed. Only issue I ever had was not using fresh enough baking soda… totally a must! I may even have been known to eat the batter on an especially hungry morning waiting for the first waffle to be ready 😛


  21. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (48)Leahsays:

    May 24, 2016 at 12:38 pm

    Yum! Just made these and they are delicious.


  22. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (49)Shellysays:

    May 28, 2016 at 7:51 am

    Unfortunately this recipe was a waste of perfectly good and expensive ingriedents. I tried them as waffles first and they stuck to the waffle iron, were extremely crispy on the outside, and really gummy on the inside. So I decided to try them as pancakes since the waffles were an epic fail. Well the pancakes were just flat and extremely gummy.


  23. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (50)Timsays:

    August 7, 2016 at 11:23 am

    The pictures of your waffles are so beautiful, and inspired me to try them. I have no idea how you did what you did. I followed your recipe, but my waffles just turned out rubbery, gummy and flat (didn’t even rise enough for the top part of the waffle to fill the pan). I have now tried about 5 different cassava flour recipes found online form different sources, with the same results in every case – also replaced my baking soda just in case. I have tried two different kinds of cassava flour (Otto’s and Moon Rabbit) to no avail. Today’s complete failure was a pancake recipe with baking powder – same result, a flat, glossy, sticky rubbery mess! I was pretty excited to find this product, but fear they hype doesn’t match the reality. Any thoughts or advice on what I might be doing wrong? (I did add more liquid to your recipe, because I couldn’t actually pour it into the waffle iron)


    • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (51)Beth @ Tasty Yummiessays:

      August 8, 2016 at 12:23 pm

      Hi Tim, I am so sorry to hear about that happening. So since you have made them a few times, using my recipe, and using Otto’s flour, this leads me to believe that it is an issue with your waffle iron possibly? What type of iron are you using? Additionally, reading that you added more liquid that will certainly make it more gummy. The batter should be very very very thick, definitely will not be pourable. I scoop it into the iron with a 1 cup measuring cup and I have to push it around with a spatula to get it to the edges. You may want to try making it exactly as I did, don’t add extra liquid and give in another extra minute or two in the waffle iron. I find that when I get gummy results, the iron wasn’t hot enough at first and I didn’t let it cook long enough. Hope that helps.


  24. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (52)Sarahsays:

    August 12, 2016 at 3:41 am

    Wow, super yum. I made these yesterday. I followed the recipe to the “T” and with reading some of the reviews I decided to cook them a bit longer in my waffle maker. When they were fresh they are very crispy on the outside and only slightly gooey on the inside but I have made other AIP recipes and that’s how they seem to turn out, however that being said the next day they seem to turn out like a normal gluten filled waffle lol. I’m having mine now the the day after warms up with peanut butter and banana with my morning coffee. These are very tasty and I will def make here again, thank you for a great recipe


  25. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (53)Alexsays:

    August 27, 2016 at 9:06 am

    Thank you soooo much for this recipe! I made this for the first time this morning and it turned out fantastic. It was my first experience with waffle iron too.
    I’ve read the comment about these waffles not turning out good. The only thing I did different was prewamed coconut milk and I added about 2/3 of a 400ml can, not a full can.
    Thanks again!


  26. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (54)Paulettesays:

    September 11, 2016 at 6:42 pm

    These are fabulous! I made them exactly as is and they were to die for! Then I took half the batter and added 1/2 cup pumpkin puree and some cinnamon and they were crazy good! Thank you for this amazing recipe!


  27. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (55)Susansays:

    October 24, 2016 at 11:02 am

    These are amazing waffles!! I am AIP, and most of these recipes contain plantains or bananas, both of which I am allergic to. These fit the bill perfectly. I have also added huckleberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries (I just use the hand mixer until they’re all broken up.) I don’t even need to put anything on them, and they’re delish with a couple of pieces of bacon between two corners. I am a holistic health coach, have AIP and non-AIP clients. I give this recipe to all of them, and they rave every time. One client takes her waffle maker in her camper now! ha! Thank you so much for creating these!!


  28. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (56)Carissa Krabillsays:

    November 29, 2016 at 10:37 am

    Could I use coconut flour in place of the cassava flour?


    • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (57)Beth @ Tasty Yummiessays:

      December 7, 2016 at 7:33 pm

      Definitely not! Coconut flour is highly absorbent and it isn’t at all interchangeable for other flours, it’s it’s own beast, for sure!


  29. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (58)Dorothysays:

    December 16, 2016 at 11:15 am

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I went the elimination AIP over the summer, and by November I was ready to throw all my hard work down the drain from the monotony. Finding new things to eat has been a journey and struggle for sure. I was getting so sick of eating squash, sweet potatoes, and coconut. Waffles used to be a Sunday morning staple in my house. They were also a staple on long mountain bike rides. I spend a lot of time outdoors, and it is challenging to find packable AIP foods, with the exception of veggies, fruit, and coconut, which gets old fast. I get a little excited when I find a food that freezes well and can get thrown in a backpack. While I cannot eat these daily like I would like to, they have brought a little bit of sunshine back into my life. <3


  30. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (59)Katsays:

    December 29, 2016 at 11:56 am

    OMG are these good. I’m making them in a Dash mini waffle maker. Just like the eggo’s I grew up eating. Thank you.


  31. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (60)Cathy C.says:

    January 4, 2017 at 1:04 pm

    Hi I’ve been on the AIP for 3 weeks now for my R.A. Just found your recipe and it looks so good! However, due to lack of use, we gave away our waffle maker some time ago. Wondering if I follow your recipe can I make pancakes with it using a frying pan? Thanks


  32. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (61)Donnasays:

    January 21, 2017 at 7:54 am

    I cook these every Sunday – double the recipe to make “Eggos” for the week. I did make some tweaks that made them more flavorable, I think. After mixing the dry ingredients, I add a finely chopped apple and some chopped dates – anywhere from 4 to 6 dates, depending on the size. It adds so much flavor and enough sweetness that it makes a good snack while driving into work.


    • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (62)Beth @ Tasty Yummiessays:

      February 23, 2017 at 8:51 pm

      Yum, love those additions Donna, thank you for sharing. So glad you enjoy this waffle. <3


  33. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (63)Courtneysays:

    February 9, 2017 at 9:42 am

    I made these today with a regular waffle iron (not Belgian). I used 1/2 c batter for each waffle and was able to make 6. Five minutes for each waffle was perfect. Hubby thinks they taste better than Eggos, and little girl and I love love loved them. They were crispy on the outside and not gummy or chewy on the inside…absolutely perfect. I did not need to oil the waffle iron, as these have enough oil in the batter, I believe. I think I’ll omit the maple syrup next time I want some savory bread for sandwiches or the like…and maybe add some savory seasonings (garlic, dill, etc). Thank you!


    • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (64)Beth @ Tasty Yummiessays:

      February 23, 2017 at 8:41 pm

      Yummmm. This makes me SOOOO happy. I actually posted a recipe for savory waffles a while back, a slightly edited version of this recipe (it includes eggs) and they are awesome for sandwiches


  34. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (65)Emilysays:

    March 3, 2017 at 3:45 pm

    Thanks for the recipe! Our family has been strict AIP for eight weeks now and I am excited to try a non-plantain waffle recipe. I wanted to share a tip I have discovered about how to avoid the gummy texture of AIP flour goods: the dough or batter has to be cooked or baked IMMEDIATELY. The longer it sits, the gummier the end product can be. Make sure your oven, skillet or waffle iron (depending on what you’re making) is preheated and ready to go before you add the wet ingredients to the dry to minimize how long it sits before being introduced to heat. I am not a chemist, but suspect it has something to do with locking in the bubbles formed by the baking soda reaction before the arrowroot or tapioca starch starts thickening and turning gummy? Whatever it is, it has worked for us. Hope that helps!


  35. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (66)Gilda Perezsays:

    March 7, 2017 at 11:33 pm

    The waffle sound very nice, I am in different program for my tummy, I never here of that flour. I’ll try to find it, thank you


  36. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (67)Jessie Raesays:

    March 12, 2017 at 9:44 am

    I was nervous to make these because of the gummy reviews. So glad I did. These are amazing!!! My whole family loved these. My five year old made them with me. So good and I have one left for tomorrow. Thank you and no gummy middles here but I cooked them exactly for 6 minutes after closing the lid.
    So good!


  37. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (68)Lindseysays:

    October 30, 2017 at 6:11 pm

    I cant have any vinegar could I substitute something for the ACV?


  38. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (69)Paulasays:

    November 4, 2017 at 8:04 am

    These always turn out great for me!! Make sure you cook them all the way and iron is hot!! I make double batch and freeze them!!!


  39. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (70)Alison Whytesays:

    November 10, 2017 at 10:18 am

    These waffles are so tasty!!! You made my 6 year old very happy this morning!!! I also made a few pancakes with the batter and finished them off in the oven to cook through.


  40. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (71)Shannonsays:

    December 25, 2017 at 10:11 am

    Thanks for the recipe! I made these for my family for Christmas morning and they came out very gummy, which it seems that others have had the same problem with. Perhaps the waffle maker wasn’t hot enough? But we were still able to eat them and the texture improved after they cooled completely. A wholesome Christmas breakfast 🙂


  41. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (72)Michellesays:

    January 27, 2018 at 5:50 am

    Thank you for this recipe! I have been missing ” crispy” in my diet…. This crisp crunch on the outside was very satisfying!


  42. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (73)AGsays:

    February 15, 2018 at 6:51 pm

    I followed this recipe almost exactly, but I used tapioca flour/starch instead of arrowroot. The batter came out extremely thin! Is this because of the tapioca?


  43. March 23, 2018 at 8:25 am

    Thank you so much. Those are awesome. I have a every old waffle/sandwich maker that destroyed the first batch, so i just fried the rest in a small fry pan for 2.5 minutes per side. Couldn’t eat it all so put in fridge for tomorroe. What came out of the waffle maker was really good even though they stuck! I’ll be making these again.
    Thank you again!


  44. March 23, 2018 at 8:26 am

    P.s. I would love to share with my readers if that’s OK with you.


    • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (76)Beth @ Tasty Yummiessays:

      May 26, 2018 at 10:31 pm

      Hi Louise thanks for the comment, I noticed that you copied and are sharing my recipe in full on your website, I wanted to let you know that I do not allow duplication and sharing of my recipes without prior consent. Can you please remove the full recipe from your website? I am OK with you mentioning the recipe and directing people to my website for it, but not duplication / sharing in full. Thank you for respecting this request.


  45. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (77)Katesays:

    April 5, 2018 at 9:55 pm

    Thank you so much for this genius recipe! I love it as is, but I’ve also tried it without the maple syrup and vanilla to create a FANTASTIC toast substitute. It works a treat – and now I can have the avocado toast I’ve been missing 🙂 Thank you SO MUCH for sharing – it’s amazing how little wins like this can make such a huge difference. Thank you!


  46. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (78)Rosesays:

    May 8, 2018 at 9:12 am

    I had success with these waffles- with a little adjustments each time. Crisp on the outside- and after roasting in toaster oven- cooked to dry, on the inside. And DELICIOUS! (Just like “regular waffles!) The first time I used a non guar gum coconut milk, and 2 TB of water to sub for maple syrup, and greased my iron with coconut oil- all which made it too thin- so , to save the batter, I added extra flour/soda and it solves the problem- and gave me a perfect firm waffle. The second time I used a regular coconut milk, didn’t sift the flour, just squished out flour lumps , didn’t add extra liquid substitution, was more careful to really heat up iron, and to cook them longer, as well as toast them in toaster oven. They were a bit “sunken” compared to my first batch, where I had to add extra flour- so next time I think I’ll…add extra flour 🙂 but these are so delicious!


  47. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (79)lorisays:

    June 30, 2018 at 11:51 am

    So I originally made these waffles with my sister last new years eve. morning. We both had our own waffle makers. They turned out perfect in her’s and flat and gummy in mine. I think her waffle maker is hotter than mine. So if you are having gummy issues it is probably the iron does not run hot enough.


    • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (80)Beth @ Tasty Yummiessays:

      July 2, 2018 at 1:34 pm

      Lori, thank you for sharing this. I have often felt like this is the issue and it’s so hard because those variations are so out of my control and also hard to correct. Anytime mine have been gummy it’s been because I didn’t let the iron heat up and usually tossing into the toaster oven or oven to continue cooking through, corrects it. Thanks again for sharing. Appreciate your time.


  48. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (81)Helensays:

    August 21, 2018 at 9:16 pm

    I have developed a sensitivity to coconut.
    I wonder if there is another milk I can use? I can’t do cow dairy (on AIP myself) and wondered if goat might work? Perhaps add a little more thickener since coconut is a thick milk?
    I have been drinking goat kefir and tolerating it well. Powdered or liquid goat milk should work.
    Appreciate any assistance u can offer.



  49. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (82)Ksays:

    September 7, 2018 at 5:43 am

    Many people seem to experience a gummy texture when using cassava flour in various recipes. It seems to be hit or miss…


  50. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (83)Tinasays:

    November 10, 2018 at 6:14 am

    Thank you a million times over!!! I am currently eating my first waffle, that is not made from plantains, thanks to you! I have been on AIP since August 2018 and this one of the few recipes that make me feel like I’m eating grains again. This is going to be a staple for sure!


  51. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (84)Sarahsays:

    November 18, 2018 at 8:57 am

    I just started the AIP and am so happy I found these! I made a few changes because of what I had on hand. I used a small can of coconut cream and mixed it with enough Califa farms almond milk to equal 13 oz. I also omitted the vanilla because I’m allergic. I preheated my Cuisinart waffle iron for about 15 minutes on setting 5 and cooked the waffles for about 5 minutes each. I thought the first one burned but it was so good! Crunchy with a little bit of chewiness.


  52. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (85)Rebeccasays:

    January 20, 2019 at 1:17 pm

    A friend posted a photo of waffles earlier and I got super jealous and google gave me this recipe. Came out great, and topped with coconut butter and maple syrup makes for a happy camper over here


  53. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (86)Bobbisays:

    February 2, 2019 at 4:24 pm

    Please DO NOT make these. Horribly gummy and I wished I had read the reviews before making. As a women with chronic illness I can’t afford recipes to just “try”, so sad the waste of ingredients.


    • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (87)Beth @ Tasty Yummiessays:

      February 5, 2019 at 8:02 pm

      Bobbi, I am sorry you had a bad experience. Though many people have had amazing results with this recipe. Often the gumminess comes from undercooking or a waffle maker that isn’t hot enough, etc. I cannot account for all of the many variations with waffle makers, but I and many others can vogue for this recipe.


  54. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (88)MELISSAsays:

    February 6, 2019 at 2:31 pm

    This was very tasty!! Now I’m hooked! Thank you! (I am curious about nutritional content but not taken the time to put ingredients in a program to calculate>>>>)


    • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (89)Beth @ Tasty Yummiessays:

      February 7, 2019 at 10:52 am

      hey there. YAY so glad you enjoy. Yeh, unfortunately until I have lots of free time or the $ to invest in an assistant to do it for me, I won’t be adding nutrition facts to my older recipes. There’s just too many of them and it’s not even really a reliable service, since ingredients can vary wildly. That said, you can totally plug your ingredients and serving sizes into a variety on inline nutritional calculators pretty easily. Hope that helps. xo


  55. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (90)Courtney Ksays:

    January 1, 2020 at 11:12 am

    I followed the recipe to a T. The batter was EXTREMELY liquidy; it had me wondering if the 13.5 oz coconut milk measurement was correct. After reading many people’s comments about the batter sticking to the waffle maker, I decided to thicken out the batter with an extra cup of cassava flour. This was the correct consistency. The waffles didn’t stick and came out nice and crunchy on the outside, but super gummy on the inside. Decent recipe, but needs improvement.


    • Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (91)Judisays:

      March 28, 2020 at 2:39 pm

      I make mine even if liquidy and when they are almost done, I flip them and let them cook longer. Thinner means no gummy insides!


  56. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (92)Chrisitnasays:

    March 27, 2020 at 6:08 am

    Thank you for this recipe! These were delicious and I topped with a half of sliced banana, cinnamon, and coconut manna. I was so excited to have a little treat for breakfast. I added some cinnamon to a couple of the last waffles I cooked, and it reminded me of my favorite frozen waffle from before I cut grains out.

    I used just a regular waffle maker and made sure that it was nice and hot before cooking each one–no problems with sticking. They turned out perfectly crispy on the outside and just a tiny bit gummy on the inside, but I made extras so I’m sure the toaster will fix that when reheating. I’ve learned not to expect the same texture from AIP recipes, so this didn’t bother me at all! My batter was very thick (like a biscuit), and I refrained from adding more liquid, as I’ve found the liquid ratio will affect the final product’s gummyness. I squished the waffles with the iron to make sure there was little room for the insides to be under-cooked, and I think this helped. I also blended my coconut milk before using, so it was hom*ogenized before mixing with the dry ingredients.


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Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour) | Tasty Yummies Paleo-friendly Recipes (2024)
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