Jnt.ere•ti••K Prt»>ltul1le · 2015-01-19 · SALE .OF WASHABLE&. . A mighty exhibition of choice,thin · Fabrics, pur ased expr ssly lor the -Spring selling, but offered during - [PDF Document] (2024)


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  • Jnt.ere•ti••K Prt»>ltul1le· 2015-01-19· SALE .OF WASHABLE&. . A mighty exhibition of choice,thin · Fabrics, pur ased expr ssly lor the -Spring selling, but offered during


.... . : \�-·-' ·' SALE .OF WASHABLE& . . A mighty exhibition of choice,thin · Fabrics, . pur- ased expre ssly lor the -Spring selling, but oered duri ng sale at surprisingly little figures, Our sate purpose been to procure the wi dest and most economically collection of strictly worty tub fabrics in aU. New FRENCH BATISTl II c Yd. and be an ti ful btttisto, linen linid11 best· thut can be proclnc, in a lnJ'Il variet y o! pt ' tty esi g ua, 1111 of tbe newest shudiugs , light 1;,,111, greeJJ, lwl io, tan 111od bl,wk rl white effects. 19o. vuln� . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . tt c. Y d 39c. OXFORD CHEVIOf 25c. Yd. · we11ve of rnuml tlimud, spun lro rnereel'ized yals, protlucing appeunmcc in a mpt.ingly cool ummer falJri c, striped green, nMy, l ight hlue, reti 11'1 jJiuk. 32 inches witlo. 39c . S p ee i ul . . . . . · . . . . · · . · · . , .. : ... . 25c 25c. & 35c. SCOTCH TISSUES 19c. Y d. . uiry · we�tvt•, Cll t 'd otfcct�, lat:e stripes, uwrcizeJ s p ots, and gure work, uleverly raised from p h.iu snrface, artistic com· of light blue, huliotro p e, Lilli, gmy, rose, Jigbt green, p ink unrl whit•J. Mukes decidmlty d1·essy ttists or clubom•o toll 32 inches wide. Speuiul. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . f8c Yd SWISS MUSLINS I He. Yd. •moumru feathet'Htitohing, upou sheel' Ullldliu, e11ch style i u+ runge colorings, suitable for gowm, shirt wuist•, chiltlren'e Hie. vulue, sp e ci+!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , , . BOURETTA NOVELTr SUITING. ne cloth for Outing Suits, rep1 · es t mting ull the newest weaves in uud boure t tc wm · swth, colorings of block, nuv y , green, tam, and red. 2 iJH;hca wide . . · · . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tic NEW CHILLIES 29c. Yd. BlUU� satin Hnisb stt'i[!B, uucommonly cburming " designs, splcn· from which make ludie11 and children's gowns, ful l f the newest coluriug. 3ac. value . . . . 29 c Y d UTTl;E BR·aS. oar··� tub8r. Westfield avenue, L\U�It?1cE Spring and Broad Sts., Westflelo. Paragon Furnaces c Have special points of superiority and one of those placed in a dwelling meam 1 war hous e i,n the coldeat of weather, AMIOR M. PERRIS. 8AIITJRY PLUIBINI, Hot Air Furacss, Stoves and Ranges, STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING, TIN. . ROOFING, ETC. Albert B. Decker, LIYI lid Boardlnl ·· Stl�las, Jortb A"'' We�18t1 J, J, Slal mmatlont · · for rdlnl HorHI, ,,,.r ouaa , TL, M, JlMEllON, N. J., FRIDA, FEBRUARY J3, 1903. $1.50 Per Y r Single pies . MEN'S CI.UB DINNER. OAZZUNG l1ASQUEJtADERS. -- E SUBURB G!GGL. ' ' . COMMITTEE GR,NTS EXTENSION TO MAY FIRST. Mr, ran Talk• 011 11 Government"-Au Jnt.ere•ti•K Knd Prt»>ltul1le t�v••ln· " sewud dini;er of lbe Meuo Club WEST F IELD SOCIETY IN FANCY 008 · .lflh I•�t:aunodl• Ca�� natloa TUME · J,ecnliar fo om Ouii•Of1'VWJI llt•idelllo �Atnlltteeman DiiDi• WUhtlraw• Ill• , Name ·From lteL•nmuaeudatlon+nf Tµ• ·�, Committee-Uue• Not AttJlruWe of Jt•e D�pq•·tmtHit Att J irOJtrhltlun. rfhe town COIUtllittee ef ill sessiotl o rltlay uight aud h�•l but little buHi· u• to trnsact, · CmnmittHHtuan De'utlis usked to hVft his name willulrawu from the Jist of recouunerulatlons to priuted In the town report· for thi• year. Mr. De1mi• sld it woul d not cousl s t ent to bve his name app?tr as hvorlng ail apt•ro· pat l on of t20 for tlte re departiUent �ben he' votd agalst the plp!Itlou. His name wil l be wl tbdrawu and a minority report pnted. ;M. Power•. sidewalk 11tracr, ++ for au exteuslou of time on his contract wl tb the wn. The exnelou 1va• gu until May 1st. His .lxmdameb, tbe Atoerlcan Surety . alP exnded the time of hie bond. J nne 1st, Chalrmau Counoly waa authorized to iuue a certi of lndebtednel for + oa�lent amount tu cover all omBII x bills. The bill of VanDuernn and Oliver, XWer utt·r�; was ordered paid The bill amounte d to $+3.83 Afrer paying oevet·al other bills tbu mtlng adjourn ed, was hld iu �he pal'lors of tbe, CougregK.· \V•ud.tlelil Cll•b aue .,r, . Much Gay�ty- t i onu l Church Jat, [on<lay eveuiug. A•mtud fn•luet·ade A Snc•:IJM-\ho Th� room Wfl d(ll·u�d with Americ1m Wtfl 1'hre-8om uf tl•u Vu+1tnnae• ſt�;g, alJproriut "to the nel'by &• \Yorn, )ll'uachiug Lmcolu ' s birthday. Sm�ll y0+ mi•a treat if yon tlid. not •tau�" of fl,,gs wet·e pl a ced 11)1011 t b e pa r ticipate ill 01' at liSf witttPoA th• t�uhi aud "ach gue•t wa• ""llie� with nmmal mqnerad9 of the Westfield u 1!'1g as u souvenir . �eiU r� uud • clnb helrl Wednesd+y eve11ing in the gu est� to tb unmller of fif ty enJu y ed un pre t t y clnb h ouse. It wns an iuteresexcellent dmnor pl'ei�IU'ed and ned iug slgbt from tile ga ller y to look dowu uuder the dirtion ta JllB of the upou the d11ncers. in f•ucy costume•, �lmrcb . Alter the dume r, alte J' ton · an d W n y o f t h ew of the mo! t �orgeuuo Ul•rk tbe Prealde+t uf the Club, tutro- ki ud, with au oionul laugh. at the duced Boo. Frank rgeu of Eltz th m b n ke y ohlues of s o m e. uf those i n gro tile guest of tbe ev.•n! n�, M : Bergen te•<tlle outfits. · o upon, the Ob�t of Govern· The entertainment .mmittee consist me !·" He spoke generally npou the In& of , B, Wils on, Chairman und A, subJt .rewuklu, thut altbough he A. Swltb, with the asslstnc of t he knew we wore dluMiug , cllaue of "lnveetlgatiog" mmitt, J. J. Joaal .overuwent, co ul d not advise and F. s. su1tth, conduct•d the affair In U8, aug u ltJ·auger OII us. At &be In an exceptionally satlafactory manner conci lon of h i rewt, how e v e r, M r. a n d e ver y thiutf"8 ruu o smhly. l'geu 1poke. of I be l�r"er future lor Profer W Xlerveh and his orch•str• Wes tel d , if wi th energetic and capaie furnished 'exllent music and tbe danc· public officials, Westfield would dd lug of th! iu ostuwe comQtenced oome O lmprovowenta to our shortly fore 10 o'clk and lasted until muulty. 11 o'cloc k wb e u Mr. Wil n gave the '!'ho prent were: W. J. Alפt·s, order to unmk sfter a grand wnrclt A. L. Aiפu, Jnd+e W. B. Toucey ; W · l�d . W. Gl adwi n aua lra. F. A. R. Dlby, Lawrence gert, A, E. B. K in c h Boert, F. W · , Perkiu�, J obu C a r bet· r y , P r o b a bl y among the gruteHtnes no one P. G. DuBois, J, S, Cowpe r t h w a i t e , J . ac tetl h i s p ar t tter tb ah tlid Hurry · Cla yton, S. 8., Ul ark, N; L. Newcomb, Gl•<lwiu who was 81·rsyed iu + gre•t (loKI CMr 'urued Lnnoo, u. G. Bh•�. Cllro l uU la rk, U, A. D n t ch makeup rivKiing Lew Weller, o r •''fhcre i no cloulJt uhou1 it., in tny opinioJl,1' I'HHll'ied n faiJ'oUlJUrhuuite, n�cJrcling to t1a• l'w YorkTrll;une. 11P�opl ' c dtcrlorat(' lJ,\' JhiiJg in the CO"llll11'JThe men in: up flJ'tng f or dillllel' and b�<'I!UH' slovenly in thei1· aj1pa1·elnnd t•al't•le n1Hnl11heir Jnnnt•l·:, atul ! he (HJl!'ll liefJUirc a cer 1nin ru�ticits, wi l i eli 'is Hr,r J't't�ogniz- ub1e. 'l'J�e fullll,\' pa 1·1 of i1,1(Jo," he C()lltinued, HjK that theJ II m•rJuire a Cl!rlain rcK('Illhluuee t11 cll<'h ot1u�r in )l]H'UI'Ulll'e liiHI mallllel', 'J'hi l lfi\\'S ll�t!l{ espt·eiallJ' un1ong the young '\'OH en who lla \' e 1Jren hoi 'J l nnd Lred in tlleel �ubm·b�. 1 do · not mean com1nrm peop1e at all," h� explnind. llln lulldtlg of uw�e of u goo social claM�, who nrc weB conm�d e d und rea HQJlllbly wl'll n, b11t who, H'l'theJes, fire h o pclessls provineiul. A s I belong to the B}>Ccits m,rdf," sJJe lnterpoJ a t- ed, "I uppose I can �u.v · whnt I please , !nrl mal<e "" donHthntl amllsundBS the ret. Jln\'e 'on eer noticed, b7 the by, lww mnny countl'y 'vomen )Ja\·c 1he �nme cuow;, JJCr\'Otlfi little latJgll Now, 1 um sm•e I hat m11st be due to s'll b uJ•bnn living, fot' I l1nve l1 nrd pr�h;ely the snmc giggle nt Jrlel dll'el'g'ell( places. ;. u er- f eclly 'mlrtlllP�h �pnsmodic eat•hhma tion, dellrerNl either ln•fm·c ol' after a sentence, us: 'How arc yo11 hee�)Jee- )Je'l' or 'I ueut'l• llli!ist�< · l n;y trnin. Jlee�l1ce!' 1\n<l so on. One womun I k0\V has gnt info t)lC hnhit of )lfe miEin� eret'yflling slte �n�·witlJ wlt 1 cull the !dHlrlmn gigle thnt. no11ung ngo, when r met he1· \n'Ul'iu� mourn 1'ng nJl(] spoke to l1 er HJ+1J>afht'fically, she nnsw<:rt�d 111e: '1Tt•e-11cr! Ye�. my ))Pnr nm1t. i� rlenrl, nnd 1 nm going n !or the funeral!'" Snturdy morniug a c olored mau In C l a J·k, J•w e s Q, Ulut · k, W m . +, C la rk, W e b er a nd Fields. Ot h ers iu co•tume tile employ of the J. S. Irvi ng Co., was W · +, DeL Hw a ir, C , D. Or tb, S. White , wore R . H. Smnn�r , Chinam+n; Rober! sb i ftlng + heavy coal car lu the shed J, K. D a ufot·tb, C. '. '!'aggart, J. 0. Bat·eu, clown; bliss Stowe, Pnritan over tb� coal trestle in the lrvlug y +rd Oohnnu u . W . B Ouw es, E. G. H an ford, laitlen; Miss Grace St owe, Q11een of wheu tho car gut UlllieJ' hoadwy run· R o b ert Johnsto n , Geor ge Larson, J ohn Hearʦ, MissBardeu, Wells College gil'l: nlug OVe block placed on the track M cCorm ic k , J. 0, M or row, R. '1'. Iill s , Br old W •lwortb, SIUliUler dude; wu; ami crasbed tbl'Ougb the be11vy doors !'; lfi . 1K. J li i J is ,hT. P ilcG R aJ· rp a h, R. B. l iaru ine c ke , negro ; H uro l Tic e , IN THE . LIGATOR POS. aud . down the ittcliue o vor Ceub·ul >ullllS d , r ., 0 0 a tt, · o r ry, A negro; John Bwnner, Kid; ll•s H•ge. venue and onto !be siding where it r,, Ru s s el l , Wm. H e lk, F. 8. S mit h : UlHn, l i ttl e girl; �liSM Bmuoet·, nurse ll.p{IJe• Collect l n Greaol N••· ma•bed into a string of freight cars Lloy d boml180U, F. A. 'fa*gga r t, F. S. irl; Dr. and l•·s. F. A. Kiucb, "Iu tbe �er• In 1 he �, . ,.,, nl th J. Caullold , section buso, b eard tile cor 'aggtu• t , W . E. ' u lt •· Jr., W. good old suwme1· thne" style; lr•, m·a,b tlirougb the shed dꝏr just in time J. Bo g er t, J ., J . B . W t l n , Ma rt tu Robinson aud Mr s. Woodward, wilclws; to tUl'U the swi tc h wbich prevented the Welles, C. P. Wo rt h and th e g ue st o f M1 · . Pratt, sailor; M!ss Conuoly and is• runaway cur from jnmpiug the tt· ack tbe ev<uiu g , Hou. Fr a nk B erg"n of ger t , )lani�h d ancers ; Lynn Brenucs- aud toppling over on the mlllu llue. E l iza t b . holtz . little boy; Ft·ank Warncke, '!'hecolored man wontbe carwben �· JapRue; A. H. �[eyers, 611tnn; Mise it s petl dowu the i n cline aud wlleu be' AN APPEAL F ROM THE NEW JERSEY Warncke , flower and motto g irl; W F. jU11111ed off h• was so fright en ed as to be AUDUBON SOCI E TY. Brainerd, Fr e ucbiUan; Mro. lock. sפbles� for several.tnlnntes. . . colored lady; H. C. Piker, coon; U1·s. The hordes ol . Pl 011 shooters who iker, nur; Mr. Bachmann aud have en vrolulntetlm New York frow Pat&J••ou, dowluo; F•·ed Tagga1•e, Cow- rry n g ou the barbarou1 . aud . cruel bor; c. 0. Pꝏr, lndiau; John Pldtt, p mout . of trHp •hꝏti n g t l i ve p t g oon s o ce r of th e EugUsb a r my ; a n d H any w ill uow r manently tranHfetheir Bale, Jew. Altogether th•re w•r about cruel +od be11rlls wo r k t o Ne1 v Je r y , o e hundred I n Clnme ami two buu u nle a aw prohibi t ing i t I s. p ab y d t· ed and twen ty.Hve aat do wn t o a n t h e g1si atn re now iu Bt810 n to o u r el a r a te supפr. ,.:tre�oProfesstol, State. A bill bas alrdy en lutro· The gallery aod ste were ll with duc by the Hou . . gar Williams, of sightrs who eujoyed tbe dancing of O ran e, N. J ' wbwb I� k n ow n 88 A •· tb o . to c ᵫtuwe . BUd frequently ap se bly Bl, No.7. Thwtll aka. It B plaud. · ,, ·, . ,: · Wlldewuor shꝏt. &t or kill a me After iJnwauiiJ the ſtoor · wa� open to pin u a tt of mark8wauahlp or of all guts for tlancing und I t WHS four skill, un d er a . h ea v y פnalt y, , , o 'c l k t h e nex t o r nio g befora tbe clnu Au ap i ts made ro u B4 � i tl n wi s ' d ir k eu a nd the lights wool. of tbe Stte of New Jery do tdllbat out atter oue of 'the mo1t successful you cau +id iu tbe lge of t oil lllUaJ'nd98 of the clu hl otory. nery ieg i�latlo, iu ord er to stop --· ,' ,_ __ _ such ·an lnbnmn aud unu e l a r y F I REMEN WANT APPARATUS .�lligutor hunting usc : to he wnnton Flnugter; 11ow Utere is n we1l-llefincd co<le of et h ics for the sportsma11. 'l'en yem·s ngo it wnulcl lun·c b ee n hard to ovrrestimnte the number of alligators In b'Jm·i<ln. · Shwe then the sl<in hunt. ers btH'e made such inrnnds upon lltem t hnt the ar e 110\1' almost difficult. to fh1d in some lornlitit's. 'l'ltc home o! the nlligntor is the Grell! Cyp1·r•""'nmp west of the E\'ergluilt's. In the ry season the wuter recedes from great portions of this ll·nct, lelll'ing many tmmll flfillds, in whic1t ulligntors collect in great nurnbers. I om�e set up my eumrt·n on the bor· drr of o11e of t hese pnml, whil'h wa1 nearly cl••cultn· in form, about 200 ice� din meter, am1 SlllTotwded by dense·_ · \'egetution, su,,·s a writet' in Country Life in . mericn. AI flrst the reJlli l es 'disnpJleiii'Nl, hut. nftJ' the e n mer� wa1' ad;iusterl a pecnlinr 1811l soun£1, lik& tlte cflwiug of a ci·mv, lmitntetl With close n ostr il s, imm•<liately<lotte<1 the · Stlrface with eager ey e · s, nn'ff soo hr9nght �cort•s 'of 'gntors into fnll vitw. One of t.lte pictm·e s then o·· t .. ine� sl1o"s 73 lilllgators. VIE STARS WIN T�TLES MAIIAQI TRIATMIIT11 J. WlloLtA LYD, a oll, Weslſtold, S. J, alaugbter of l nnut bird life •. You can help lu this tltter by writ� H. K l L. o . Al•t•n l uiCo m mlttee To Ao k MOlnG•rman Xobl•n•n FaliVIell . MO, . L LAW OFFICE, ſtl Park A•· Plalnſtold, N.J. M AH, CRAIG A. CO U NSELLOR AT LAW, Park Avo. and Bl., Plalnſteld, N 1, VAlMBURGH, H. . O lVIL ENGINEER & SURVEYOR, 1•0 Noh avonue, Smally Building, Plainſteld, N J. lug vary urgent and ltive letter& your &uat· aud Repreutati ve, asking them to h e lp p11Ql Bill, No. 7. If 'yon have decided convictions on t b e oubject, convey t hJU te your letdsiators in em' plt+lic lHuguage. Fnrther, do not depend un your own elforts, but get &8 many of yo u r ft·ieuds aud neighbors a s yu can to ta ke tbe sawe action. 1l11aud ' or Trade u t•ruper -"t•l•IIHitt:t, •ru Fl1ht )'Ire. Hꝏk and Ladder Co. mel Mndny night and H)lpolnted a �owwltt of six to mt witb t . be Board of Trad e and disonss •lelrtment WJttt. ers; Tbe vr ious companles are at the pres· ent time well muuu bot their "l'IJKI'K· tns Is antiqnated und tbe best r·esults fighti ng fires cauuot ohtalued. They will try and convince the Board f l'r, <le •euotous ottces. Wbat Is done must do ne at ones, in order esoape the f11te wh1ch atteuded the bill last year , and if the bill falls of 1"'"""+" Baln, the shꝏtlnglntereeto wlll me so stro n gl y intreocb tb+t it will ꝏ doubly dicnlt to oust them. 1'he number of vuriet.y doneers nn <•' �·ingt•rs in G e rmuny who g·et l.lo1ble . : bnsbuncls-11otnbJe ut i to· ·J't aa , rt•ganls titles und l'iehrs-is l'lljlidly in· crenJng, �ays u llerllu J' tqml't An in . niring stnth;tk•iun IHIS nseerhlined thnt 60 per ct•nt. nf 0f'rman \' al' iety acl!"efise� who IIHiJ win hn�lmnds in. fnr lwtter HH'ial fll l . if . ion 11HIIl their birt· h nml training wnuJd hn\'e led t1te1 t h 1t their demands for .a mo re JDll<l . eru to e xped, nnd 20 I"''' eent. we<l men of app ar atns shonltl t'ece1 ve hnwe d t a t e title. M the pt·••enl time :18 emmte C O �Dl08O U O H tb, OJ. D., PMr. Bunday PaubiDfl '" at 10.1* +. and 4.1 a•, . Snnd" 1 at �!gfg a?;. p�l:arlf��ome to al . ) ' ETHODI8T EPISPAL OHUBOB, t: v.o. ll. Ande1n11 Jl,D.,Pur, . M n · s d "�� p�· YoUDI Pple'• Mꝏtltfl ,u, I'• m. EvliDK v lce ?:0 o'clk. Ola+ iiDKo TuoaJ avenlg at 8 o'olꝏk. Oeneral •' : i. : �=T . nl at 8 o'c k. l We o11end you 1 hoarly lcomol th• "!, If Dot idontlſt with aDy othor lllon uld pi- lo- ro• DD our atta ++d rrdiiJ lvl OU maka tbla oborob reur bome. P R88YTIRIAN O H UROH r,.B u dar ll �. •· 8: . lal Mœlln - Wn ar ar g Mœlln "'ꝏ p, m,1 8UMay, �f Ji. N�lll!�n�· lutn:�l �tran ido f l M homo, ALEXANR OJLDEIIT, Prlent Ne1v ,Jersey AnuLou Suclety. At,FitE C. NICKERSON, Ubah·mun Ex.cuUV Co mmitt. JULIA S. ScmBN£tt, Sꝏrelry and Tre11surer, Plaineld N. J , - Fewer G111lous; Wenrs Lcn+Br. - Fewer Gallons: Wear• Longer, R•alo RIAHd lo War. t. nll hJiere>tlng fnct that the great l'Rilwny& of t.bh counh'�· follow vtt y olo•cly "'''" the n i l ndiun t l'UII•, and U1at, tile nd men, In their llll'll, to!· lowed t · he trni/ of the hu'nlo, any• l�(l\l•'J'I'nck NewM, �ngihersRUr\'eyed ronl•s nc Joss the continent., lnylngout lines for tho rnllwny• to follow, bu�, aftu ull, Jt,wn• the bun!o, guided onlr by natural Instinct, which "blued t .., . .. IF VOU HAVE A UOH tdteuiou. ha\· whe� who were t•um�rlJ nrt ren•e• -�•,_ r danccl', A Prn�inn p1•ince (Atlu] . ! 'rena,·•ou'a Me•nor,.. bert ) js mnrgnnu1ic·ully monied to Tennyson when + )'O!IIJg Willi bl a TherPe lh:tnir nrHl Prince Philip of: 1troug liking fm• Grit)' nntl clnssetl h im H n nnn t u . �l b <'l ' t l ne St Hher. AnH>D &I B u rns us tllo two great est lyr l e 1 he! ' b e nt· e r' nf Jll'nwl nn mes wh o Ito V p œt� of Rll' ttge ot' country. He much r£'(! e nt1,r m n J ·r l ed tngt.• wn me n n lo\'ed some of Bnl'lls' pocll'Y· But be· IJt1kr "''""I o f tnlemh e rg, l'rhw to r e ull 'J'enn.rson plnced Ills lble. IJe R n ll <nw•k.r, l'l'i'"''' l'n ul of 'l'l11mt un' ha nlso n great llklug for Dilute's "In· ' n x i ' u n t l Cu llllAcilnfl' n llch. E1 · e r y fct•no" and lwew It li ne fo1· line. He yc n r t he 111 1 mh er of sucllmnrr i ages ; wonld bonst ill hi• plensnut 1vny tilllt "''"""" · lr any one re11d o ne line he coul£1 glve t11e next fm memory, nml he lm·arla· bly did lt. An .ulle Coll•atlnſt. WnggAhy-Gmclousl If young Got· rox uml Miss Blubhtd ut o so fortunnte as to hn \'O tbelr marrin go bless with cll!ldreu, tho rising gcnerntlou will �t! tm•rlhlo tnlkeu. Nngg�by-Why so? Wuggsh-Why, It "money t11lks" nnd "�lꝏd will tell," thnlr p rogeny will In· berlt two mighty sh•on+ ludncemouta to be comUlunlctlve.-BaltlmoJ•e Amet•· . Y Kin•. MIHs 'l'ownlt·nm-Oh, l'm n!l t ent wsu hru•d.lmilell •�ggH, My dn t.or ""Y' tl1 e y nre HD •ery hJ i ligest ibl", 'l'11u Snnltnt'itlln llo•tess-Hnt th eggs lU uxL�cptlons. 3'hcy we•llllil hy hen• thnl lll'e fed with pre dhre•l�d �ut•n an w.heat.--Judge. n't.neglect it Ulltll there Is dan�r of It comiullncnrRille. Take Trencbard'a Cou1h Syrup an<l AVoid Rll rl•, Uae Trenobl'• Rnd . yo1r can ou Jour cou"h qu ick •ꝏ э It , A 8Do loie will oare any ordinary couylt. It wl I •tren"ll•en the enllre 1yatsm •nenble it wttb1ta11d the •trtln. M++y ple e It throll ' ' ' · ., �· � '' ' tb' ltl Whar to Yoid COUih IDd ldl, .

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Jnt.ere•ti••K Prt»>ltul1le· 2015-01-19· SALE .OF WASHABLE&. . A mighty exhibition of choice,thin · Fabrics, pur ased expr ssly lor the -Spring selling, but offered during - [PDF Document] (3)

.... '·.: \�-·-' ·'

SALE .OF WASHABLE&. . A mighty exhibition of choice,thin



ased expressly lor the -Spring selling, but offered during sale at surprisingly little figures, Our sate purpose been to procure the widest and most economically

collection of strictly wortlty tub fabrics in aU. New

FRENCH BATISTl II c Yd. and beantiful btttisto, linen linid11 best· thut can be proclnced,

in a lnJ'I(Il variety o! pt'tltty tlesigua, 1111 of tbe newest shudiugs , light 1;,,111, greeJJ, lw lio, tan 111od bl,wk amrl white effects.

19o. vuln� • . • • . • • • • • • . • • • • • . • • .. • • . • • • . . . . . • . . • • . • ttc. Y d 39c. OXFORD CHEVIOf 25c. Yd. ·

we11ve of rnuml tlimud, spun lrorn rnereel'ized yal'lls, protlucing appeunmcc in a tempt.ingly cool l!ummer falJric, striped

green, nMy, lig ht hlue, reti �&11'1 jJiuk. 32 inches witlo. 39c. Spee iul . . . • . • . • • • • · . . . . · · • • . • • · · . , .. : .... •• 25c

25c. & 35c. SCOTCH TISSUES 19c. Yd. .

uiry ·we�tvt•, Cllt'd otfcct�, lat:e stripes, uwrc<ll'izeJ spots, and figure work, uleverly raised from ph.iu snrface, artistic com·

of light blue, huliotrope, Lilli, gmy, rose, Jigbt green, pink unrl whit•J. Mukes decidmlty d1·essy IVttists or clubom•o toll

32 inches wide. Speuiul. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . f8c Yd SWISS MUSLINS I He. Yd.

•mntoumr•eu feathet'Htitohing, upou sheel' Ullldliu, e11ch style iu11 runge colorings, suitable for gowm, shirt wuist•, chiltlren'e

Hie. vulue, speci11!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , • . • . • . • • . , • , . • • •

BOURETTA NOVELTr SUITING. neiV cloth for Outing Suits, rep1·estmting ull the newest weaves in

uud bourettc wm·swth, colorings of block, nuvy, green, tam, and red. 2'i' iJH;hca wide . . · · . • ,

. . . • . . . • • . • . • . . . . . . . . . . tic NEW CHILLIES 29c. Yd.

I!I:IBlllUl!UIIII� satin Hnisb stt'i[II!B, uucommonly cburming"designs, splcn· from which to make ludie11 and children's gowns, full

C!f the newest coluriugil. 3ac. value • • . • . • • • • • • • • . . • 29c Y d

UTTl;E BR·aS. oar··� tun1b8r.

Westfield avenue, L\'I:U�It?1cE Spring and Broad Sts., Westflelo.

Paragon Furnaces c Have special points of superiority and one of those placed in a dwelling meam 1 wariD house i,n the coldeat of weather,


Hot Air Furilacss, Stoves and Ranges, STEAM AND HOT. WATER HEATING, TIN.


Albert B. Decker, LIYIIY lid

Boardlnl·· Stl�las, Jortb A"'' We�18tkl1 J, J,

Spec:lal .Ac:commodatlont · · for doardlnl HorHI, ,.,,.r ouaa , •••

TilL, M,


N. J., FRIDA\', FEBRUARY J3, 1903. $1.50 Per Y car Single Copies 3c.



Mr, Beratln Talk• 011 11 Government"-Au Jnt.ere•ti••K Knd Prt»>ltul1le t�v•••ln•·

'l'li" sewud dini;er of lbe Meuo Club WESTFIELD SOCIETY IN FANCY 008· .lflh I•••• �t:aunodl• Ca����� natloa

TUME· J,ecnli.ar fo tiomf! Ouii•Of•

1'VWJI llt••idelllllo (l�Atnlltteeman DliiiiDi• WUhtlraw• Ill• , Name ·From lteL•nmuaeudatlon11nf Tmu•

·�, Committee-Uue• Not AttJlruWe of JtJt•e D�pq•·tmtHit. AttJirOJtrhltlun.

rfhe town COIUtllittee \\'eft! ill sessiotl on, li'rltlay uight aud h�•l but little buHi· ues• to trnrJsact,


CmnmittHHtuan De'utlis usked to hlt.Vft his name willulrawu from the Jist of recouunerulatlons to be priuted In the town report· for thi• year. Mr. De1mi• s�ld it would not be couslstent to bilve his name appettr as hvorlng ail apt•ro· prlat lon of t2000 for tlte lire departiUent �ben he' vottld agal�st the pl'OpO!!Itlou. His name will be wltbdrawu and a minority report printed. ;M. Power•. sidewalk 0011tractor, 1111lrlld

for au exteuslou of time on his contract wltb the town. The extenelou 1va• giiluted until May 1st. His .lxmdameb, tbe Atoerlcan Surety Co. al80 extended the time of hie bond. to J nne 1st,

Chalrmau Counoly waa authorized to iuue a certillcate of lndebtednel!ll for 11 oaftl�lent amount tu cover all omBII pox bills.

The bill of VanDuer110n and Oliver, 88Wer coutt·tWtor�; was ordered paid The bill amounted to $113.83

Afrer paying oevet·al other b ills tbu mlltltlng adjourned,

was httld iu �he pal'lors of tbe, CougregK.· \V•ud.tlelil Cll•b 1ilt1aue .,r,. Much Gay�ty­t ionul Church Jat�t, !\.[on<lay eveuiug. A•mtud l'fn�<�•luet·ade A Snc•:IJIIM-\'t'ho Th� room Wfllil d(lCol·u�d with Americ1m Wt!tfl 1.'ht!re-8omt� uf tl•u Vu111tnnae• ft�;g.ot, alJpro}Jriut�;� "to the nelll'by &lJ• \Yorn, )ll'uachiug Lmcolu's birthday. Sm�ll y011 mi••llil a treat if yon tlid. not •tau�" of fl,,gs wet·e placed 11)1011 tbe participate ill 01' at llliiSf witttPoA th• t�uhi aud "ach gue•t wa• ""VJllie� with nmmal mHI'qnerad9 of the Westfield u 1!'1g as u souvenir •


�eiU�r� uud • clnb helrl Wednesd11y eve11ing in the gu est� to tb� unmller of fifty enJuyed un pr e tty clnb house. It wns an iuterest· excellent dmnor pl'ei�IU'ed and 8t!ned iug slgbt from tile gallery to look dowu uuder the direction �� tlla Jlldlt'B of the upou the d11ncers. in f•ucy costume•, �lmrcb. Alter the dumer, l:!alteJ' �ton·• and Wtlny of thew of the mo! t �orgeuuo Ul•rk tbe Prealde11t uf the Club, tutro- kiud, with au occtl8ionul laugh. at the duced Boo. Frank Bergeu of Eltzllbeth mbnkey ohlues of some. uf those in gro tile guest of tbe ev.•n!n�, M�: Bergen te•<tlle outfits.


opokti upon, the Ollb�""t of Govern· The entertainment .committee consist me�!·" He spoke generally npou the In& of ,J, B, Wilson , Chairman und A, subJeo.:t .rewukluJI, thut altbough he A. Swltb, with the asslstllnctJ of the knew we wore dlocuMiug ,ll cllauJie of "lnveetlgatiog" committee, J. J. Joaal .a:overuwent, lie could not advise and F. s. su1tth, conduct•d the affair In U8, beaug u ltJ·auger IIIUOIIII us. At &be In an exceptionally satlafactory manner concilllllon of hill rew�ttll8, however, Mr. and everythiutf"ll8 ruu olf smoothly. Btll'geu 1poke. of I be l�r"er future lor Profeli8Ur W 88lerveh and his orch•str• Westlleld, if with energetic and capal>ie furnished 'excellent music and tbe danc· public officials, Westfield would lldd lug of th<M!t! iu �ostuwe comQtenced oome IUOI'Il lmprovowenta to our com· shortly before 10 o'clock and lasted until muulty. 11 o'cloc k wb eu Mr. Wilson gave the '!'hol!e prel<lnt were: W. J. Alpet·s, order to unmt&Sk sfter a grand wnrclt A. L. Aipeu, Jnd11e W. B. Toucey; W · l�d by li. W. Gladwin aua l\lra. F. A. R. Dtl.lby, Lawrence Bogert, A, E. B. Kinch Bol{ert, F. W ·, Perkiu�, Jobu Carbet·ry, Probably among the gruteHtnes no one P. G. DuBois, J, S, Cowperthwait e, J. actetl his part better tbah tlid Hurry �· Clayton, S. 8., Ulark, N; L. Newcomb, Gl•<lwiu who was 81·rsyed iu 11 gre•t

(loKI CMr 'l'urued Lnnoo, u. G. Bh•�. Cllrolu• Ulark, UtlO, A. Dntch makeup rivKiing Lew Weller, or

•''fhcre iii no cloulJt uhou1 it., in tny opinioJl,1' I'C!HHll'i.;ed n faiJ'�ooUlJUrhuuite, n�cJrcling to t1a• .1\l'w YorkTrll;une. 11P�opl'c dt:tcrlorat(' lJ,\' JhiiJg in the CO"llll11'J'· The men g-in: up flJ.'t!·(�dng for dillllel' and b�<.'I!UH' slovenly in thei1· aj1pa1·elnnd t•al't•lel-'f-: n1Hnl11heir Jn-annt•l·:-;, atul ! he \Y(HJl!'ll liefJUirc a cer .. 1nin ru�ticits, w il ieli 'is Hr,r J't't�ogniz­ub1e. 'l'J�e fullll,\' pa 1·1 of i1,1(Jo," l'lhe C()lltinued, HjK that theJ iJII m•rJuire a. Cl!rlain rcK('Illhluuee t11 cll<.'h ot1u�r in. tl)l]H'UI'Ulll'e liiHI mallllel'i-., 'J'hit- tillfi\\'S ll�t!l{ espt·eiallJ' un1ong the young '\'OH en who lla \'e 1Jren hoi'Jl nnd Lred in g'l!tlleel �ubm·b�. 1 do· not mean com1nrm peop1e at. all," 1'\h� explnint>d. llln lulldtlg of uw�e of u gooiJ social claM�, who nrc weB conm�ded und rea .. HQJlllbly wl'll nff', b11t who, llfi'H'l'theJes.,, fire hopclessls provineiul. As I belong to the B}>Ccits m,r!-idf," sJJe lnterpoJat­ed, "I t<uppose I can �u.v·whnt I please, !nrl mal<e "" donHthntl amllsundBS the re!it. Jln\'e 3-'on e\'er noticed, b7 the by, lww mnny countl'y 'vomen )Ja\·c 1he �nme curlow;, JJCr\'Otlfi little. latJglttl Now, 1 um sm•e I hat m11st be due to s'llbuJ•bnn living, fot' I l1nve l1':nrd pr�f!h;ely the snmc giggle nt 1\'Jrlel,v dll'el'g'ell( places. Jt;. u Jler­feclly 'mlrtlllP�h �pnsmodic eat•hhma .. tion, dellrerNl either ln•fm·c ol' after a sentence, us: 'How arc yo11 hee�)Jee­)Je<!'l' or 'I ueut'l;)• llli!ist�<·l n;y t.rnin.. Jlee�l1ce!' 1\n<l so on. One womun I kl10\V has gnt !'() inf.o t)lC hnhit of )lfe .. miEin� eret'yflling slte �n�·� witlJ wl�:1t 1 cull the !-ildHlrlmn gigg-le thnt. no11ung ngo, when r met he1· \n'Ul'iu� mourn .. 1'ng nJl(] spoke to l1er HJ111J>afht'fically, she nnsw<:rt�d 111e: '1Tt•e-11cr! Ye�. my ))Pnr nm1t. i� rlenrl, nnd 1 nm going .in. !or the funeral!'"

Snturd�<y morniug a colored mau In ClaJ·k, J•wes Q, Ulut·k, Wm. 11, Clark, Weber and Fields. Oth ers iu co•tume tile employ of the J. S. Irving Co., was W · 11, DeLHwaiA!r, C, D. Ortb, S. White, wore R. H. Smnn�r, Chinam11n; Rober! sb iftlng 11 heavy coal car lu the shed J, K. Daufot·tb, C. I!'. '!'aggart, J. 0. Bat·tleu, clown; bliss Stowe, Pnritan over tb� coal trestle in the lrvlug y11rd Oohnnuu. W. B Ouwes, E. G. Hanford, l\laitlen; Miss Grace S towe, Q11een of wheu tho car gut UlllieJ' hoadw�y run· Robert Johnston, George Larson, John Hearts, MissBardeu, Wells College gil'l: nlug OVel' II block placed on the track McCormick, J. 0, Morrow, R. '1'. 1\Iills, B•rold W•lwortb, SIUliUler dude; wu; ami •crasbed tbl'Ougb the be11vy doors !'; lllfi •

. 1K.




RaJ·rpah, R. B. l iaru li•inecke, negro; Huroltl Tice, IN THE AL.LIGATOR PONDS.

aud . down the ittcliue ovor Ceub·ul >ullllS • d, r., 0 0 att, · orry, A negro; John Bwnner, Kid; l\ll•s H•ge. t\venue and onto !be siding where it r,, Russell, Wm. H!ielock, F. 8. Smith: UlHn, little girl; �liSM Bmuoet·, nurse 'I'Jt� ll,;.p{IJe• Collect ln Greaol N••· •ma•bed into a string of freight cars Lloyd 'l'boml180U, F. A. 'fa*ggart, F. S. jjirl; Dr. and lll•·s. F. A. Kiucb, "Iu tbe �er• In 1 he �, ... ,.,,. nl th .. J. Caullold, section buso, b eard tile cor 'l'aggtu•t, W. E. 'l'ult�•· Jr., W. good old suwme1· thne" style; lllr•, m·a,b tlirougb the shed door just in time J. Bogert, Jl'., J. B. Wtll!On, Marttu Robinson aud Mrs. Woodward, wilclws; to tUl'U the switch wbich prevented the Welles, C. P. Worth and the guest of M1·. Pratt, sailor; M!ss Conuoly and l\lis• runaway cur from jnmpiug the tt·ack tbe ev<uiug, Hou. Frank Berg"n of Bogert, iS)lani�h dancers ; Lynn Brenucs-aud toppling over on the mlllu llue. Elizabetb. holtz. little boy; Ft·ank Warncke,

'!'hecolored man wasontbe carwben �·-- JapRuese; A. H. �[eyers, 611tnn; Mise it s petl dowu the incline aud wlleu be' AN APPEAL FROM THE NEW JERSEY Warncke, flower and motto g irl; W F.

jU11111ed off h• was so fright en ed as to be AUDUBON SOCIETY. Brainerd, FreucbiUan; Mro. IIw<lock. speecbles� for several.tnlnntes. . . colored lady; H. C. Piker, coon; U1·s. The hordes ol

. Pl!l�011 shooters who l'iker, nurse; Mr. Bachmann aud l\h'. have ?een vrolulntetlm New York frow Pat&J••ou, dowluo; F•·ed Tagga1•e, Cow­carry� ng ou the barbarou1 .aud

. cruel bor; c. 0. Poor, lndiau; John Pldtt,

pmout.., of trHp •hooting llt live ptgoons officer of the EugUsb army ; and Hany will uow ptJr manently tranHfet· their Bale, Jew. Altogether th•re w•r<J about cruel 11od be11rll1!8s work to Ne1v Jer��t�y, oite hundred In Ctltllnme ami two buu unless a �aw prohibiting it Is. pa� by dt·ed and twenty.Hve aat do wn to an the Leg1siatnre now iu Btl8810n to our elaborate supper.


State. A bill bas already been lutro· The gallery aod stage were lllled with duced by the Hou .


Edgar Williams, of sightt!llt!rs who eujoyed tbe dancing of Oran)le, N. J ' wbwb I� known 88 A•· tbolll! .to cuetuwe . BUd frequently ap se�bly B�l, No.7. Th�&wtll �aka. It B plauded. · ,, ·, . ,: . · · Wlldewet�uor to shoot. &t or kill a tame After iJnwauiiJII the ftoor · wa� open to pilltlOn u a test of mark8wauahlp or of all gut!8ts for tlancing und It WHS four skill, under a. heavy penalty, , , o'clock the next m:orniog befora tbe clnu Au appeBi ts made te rou B4 � llitl11en b'ini8e wi.s 'dirkeued and the lights wool. of tbe St�&te of New Jerlltly fo do tdllbat out atter oue of 'the mo1t successful you cau te 11id iu tbe PIINllge of toil lllll81JUaJ'nd98 of the clube hlotory. neceel!Bry ieg i�latlilo, iu order to stop ---·· ,..' ,_ __ _ such ·an lnbnmiln aud u nueceillary FIREMEN WANT APPARATUS.

.�lligutor hunting usc<l :to he wnnton F.lnugllter; 11ow Utere is n we1l-llefincd co<le of eth ics for the sportsma11. 'l'en yem·s ngo it wnulcl lun·c been hard to ovrrestimnte the number of alligators In b'Jm·i<ln. · Shwe then the sl<in hunt. ers btH'e made such inrnnds upon lltem thnt the,r are 110\1' almost difficult. to fh1d in some lornlitit's. 'l'ltc home o! the nlligntor is the Grell! Cyp1·r•• ""'nmp west of the E\'ergluilt's. In the rlry season the wuter recedes from great portions of this ll·nct, lelll'ing many tmmll flfillds, in whic1t ulligntors collect in great nurnbers. I om�e set up my eumrt·n on the bor· drr of o11e of t hese pnmll'i, whil'h wa1 nearly cl••cultn· in form, about 200 ice� �� din meter, am1 SlllTotwded by dense·_ · \'egetution, su,,·s a writet' in Country Life in .�mericn. AI flrst the reJlliles 'disnpJleiii'Nl, hut. nft('J' the en mer� wa1' ad;iusterl a pecnlinr JH1811l soun£1, lik& tlte cflwiug of a ci·mv, lmitntetl With close<l nostrils, imm•<liately<lotte<1 the · Stlrface with eager eye·s, nn'ff sooll hr9nght �cort•s 'of 'gntors into fnll vitw. One of t.lte pictm·es then ob-·· t .. ine� sl1o"s 73 lilllgators.

VARIETY STARS WIN T�TLES. MAIIAQI TRIATMIIT11 J. WlloLtA)J LLOYD, lloa oll, Weslftold, S. J, alaugbter of l nnoceut bird life •.

You can help lu this IUtltter by writ� H. Ktul L.(Jo. Al•t•nluiCommlttee To Aok MOlnG•rman Xobl•n•n FaliVIell ...

MOFI'Zft, CU.. L LAW OFFICE, ftl Park A••·• Plalnftold, N.J.


Park Avo. and 1M Bl., Plalnfteld, N •• 1, VAJllllMBURGH, H. Cl.


1•0 No.th avonue, Smally Building, Plainfteld, N J.

lug vary urgent and JMlllltive letter& to your &uatet· aud Reprtlt!eutati ve, asking them to h elp p1181l Bill, No. 7. If 'yon have decided convictions on tbe oubject, convey t hrlJU te your letdsiators in em' plt11lic lHuguage.

Fnrther, do not depend upon your own elforts, but get &8 many of your ft·ieuds aud neighbors as yuri can to take tbe sawe action.

1l11aud'or Trade ll'ui- t•ruper -"t•l•IIHitt:t�t,

•ru Fl1ht )'Ire.

Hook and Ladder Co. mel Mtindny night and H)lpolnted a �owwlttee of six to meet witb t.be Board of Trad e and disonsslire •lepllrtment WJttt.ers;

Tbe v�&rious companles are at the pres· ent time well muuued bot their "l'IJKI'K· tns Is antiqnated und tbe best r·esults fighting fires cauuot be ohtalued. They will try and convince the Board f l'r, <le

•euotous 'Rottces. Wbat Is done must be done at ones, in

order te esoape the f11te wh1ch atteuded the bill last year, and if the bill falls of 1"'"""11" Bl!aln, the shootlnglntereeto wlll become so strongly intreocbllil tb11t it will oo doubly diftlcnlt to oust them.

1'he number of vuriet.y doneers nntl <•' �·ingt•rs in Ge rmuny who g·et l.lo1.able .: bnsbuncls-11otnbJe 1hut i:; to· ·tillJ't aa 1), rt•ganls titles und l'iehrs-is l'lljlidly in· crenf-:Jng, �ays u llerllu J'tqml't .. An in ... :Jniring stnth;tk•iun IHIS nseerhlined t.hnt 60 per ct.•nt. nf 0f'rman \'a l'iety acl!"efise� who IIHil'l'J win hn�lmnds in.

fnr lwtter HH'ial fllll" .if.ion 11HIIl their birt·h nml training wnuJd hn\'e led t1te111: th11t their demands for .a more JDll<l.eru to exped, nnd 20 I"''' eent. we<l men of

apparatns shonltl t'ece1ve hnwedtate title. M the pt·••enl time :18 emmte

COJIJ'J\�������Dl08 Ol,UJtOH tb, OJ. D., PMior. Bunday PreaubiDfl '""" at 10.110 "· 11. and 4.1kl a•, Jt. Snnd")" 1 at J:3 ���!gf!'g a?;����. p�l:arlf:"����ome to al . )' 1\fETHODI8T EPISCOPAL OHUBOB, t::C. Rev.o. ll. Ande111011 Jl,D.,Putor, ReoJ. .r:,ce M:M:'n •• .,\'��· s�':.'d�� .. J:l:i"��� p�· YoUDI People'• Mootltfl ,u, I'• m. EvllliDK i!orvlce ?:16 o'clock. Ola11 DllllliiDKo Tuo.laJ avenlg at 8 o'olook. Oeneral Pffo•' Mtet:· !::i.'::�=�T ... nillp, at 8 o'c Ook. All

We o11end you 1 hoarly Wlllcomol<l th• '""!ceo, If Dot idontlfted with aDy othor Con· ilntllllon .... ohould be pi- lo- ro• IIDDDll our l'1liiUI!Ir attellliAnta 1111d r<�rdliiiJ lJivlt& )'OU to m.aka tbla oborob reur bome. P

RJC88YTIRIAN OHUROH •• Sorvi,..Bun· dar lll'.aJ �. •· 8:00 f· •. Uoclal Moellntii"­Wednllllar Prarg Moelln/: "'oo p, m,1 8UMay, ��f &-J.1oi. N�lll!�110��· lu.:rtnt!:�::l �traQ��en JDidol<l f .. l M hom*o,

ALEXANI>JlR OJLDEIIT, Pretdrlent Ne1v ,Jersey AntluLou Suclety. At,FitEll C. NICKERSON,

Ubah·mun Ex.cuUVIl Co mmittee. JULIA S. ScmBN£tt,

Sooretllry and Tre11surer, Plaintleld N. J, -·-

Fewer G111lous; Wenrs Lcn11Br. -·-

Fewer Gallons: Wear• Longer,

R•tlalo RIAHd lito War. Jt. t. nll hJiere>tlng fnct that the great l'Rilwny& of t.bh counh'�· follow vtt•y o.lo•cly "'''"If the nit] l ndiun t l'UII•, and U1at, tile nd men, In their llll'll, to!· lowed t·he trni/ of the hul!'nlo, any• l�(l\ll'•'J'I'nck NewM, Jt�ngih£!ersRUr\'eyed ronl•s nc J•oss the continent., lnylngout lines for tho rnllwny• to follow, bu�, aftu ull, Jt,wn• the buJTn!o, guided onlr by natural Instinct, which "blued !Jit .. , ...


tdteu"tiou. ha\·t' whe� who were t•um�rlJ nrtren•e• ---�•,.__ .:.r danccl'F;, A Prn�:-;inn p1•ince (Atlu] ... ! 'rena,·•ou'a Me•nor,.. bert ) js mnrgnnu1ic·ully monied to

Tennyson when 11 )'O!IIJg Willi bntl a TherPi'e l!:h:�-;tnir nrHl Prince Philip of: 1troug liking fm• Grit)' nntl clnssetl him Hnnnn tu .�lb<'l't lne StHher. AnH>Dif

&lUI Burns us tllo two greatest lyrle :>1 he!' bent·er' nf Jll'nwl nnmes who Ito VII poet� of Rll;i' ttge ot' country. He much r£'(!ent1,r mnJ·rled fOtngt.• wnmen nr& lo\'ed some of Bnl'lls' pocll'Y· But be· IJt1kr "''""I of \\'tnlemherg, l'rhwf>

tore ull 'J'enn.rson plnced Ills lllble. IJe Rnll<nw•k.r, l'l'i'"''' l'n ul of 'l'l11mt un'd· hatl nlso n great llklug for Dilute's "In· 'l'nxi' untl Culllll· Acilnfl'nllch. E1·e ry fct•no" and lwew It line fo1· line. He ycnr the 1111mher of sucllmnrriages ;.,. wonld bonst ill hi• plensnut 1vny tilllt "''""""· lr any one re11d one line he coul£1 glve t11e next from memory, nml he lm·arla· bly did lt. ------

An .,.ull"'t'e Colrlltl•atlnft. WnggAhy-Gmclousl If young Got·

rox uml Miss Blubhtd ut•o so fortunnte as to hn \'O tbelr marrin go blessed with cll!ldreu, tho rising gcnerntlou will �t! tm•rlhlo tnlkeu. Nngg�by-Why so?

Wuggsh,v-Why, It "money t11lks" nnd "�lood will tell," thnlr progeny will In· berlt two mighty sh•on11 ludncemouta to be comUlunlclltlve.-BaltlmoJ•e Amet•·

.<\ !llit'\Y Kin•. MIHs 'l'ownlt·nm-Oh, l'm n!rnltl t. ent. tlwsu hru•d.lmilell •�ggH, My dnn-. t.or ""Y' tl1ey nre HD ••ery hJiligest.­ibl",

'l'11u Snnltnt'itlln llo•tess-Hnt th.,., eggs lll'U uxL�cptlons. 3.'hcy we•• llllil hy hen• thnl lll'e fed with pre. dhre•l�d �ut•n an<l w.heat.--Judge.

Don't.neglect it Ulltll there Is dan(!�r of It bfcomiullncnrRille. Take Trencbard'a Cou.11h Syrup an<l AVoid Rll rl•lr, Uae Trenoblml'• Rnd

. yo1r can oure Jour cou"h •• qu ick ••lioo 1101 It, A 8Do lottie will oare any ordinary couylt. It wl I •tren"ll•en the enllre 1yatsm •ntlenllble it to wttb1ta11d the •trtlln. M1111y people talle It throt���ll

' ' '·., �· � '' '

tb' llltll'l Whaler to IIYoid COUih IDd coldl, • .

Jnt.ere•ti••K Prt»>ltul1le· 2015-01-19· SALE .OF WASHABLE&. . A mighty exhibition of choice,thin · Fabrics, pur ased expr ssly lor the -Spring selling, but offered during - [PDF Document] (4)


· Met, Wooed and Were Married fa Thirty Minutes.

... t 'roucltJJJ8' Romaut�IP of lDOs­�' ( 1'1te 'l'llliNt Bride - '\\'el"l ... � , CII.&UIPiuo Swolu�r aad.

t•rla� !!ipauker,

In dh·ersl:' and curious fields the rec· ord UreakHi:i wet•c busy during the J.:'UI' Hl02.

Th� Ion•-al -flr!it-!Eigh t record walt ruLh lt>M·,:�o· l'hattt'red in the early t;pl'iug·ti J;,l', " heu �\l u d il"on Ol'msby, aged 5�1, wt-tJ t Uuwu to Kansas Ci�7 from Omaha aml met Uiss Jesste Tnriit!l', \\ ho t' ddt.•utly still retUit;ed incsistil.Jie �llarm,.,, notwiths-tundtng that lH�t· fortJ-lirth birthday waa ·wound up on thut''s relentless reel. rJ.'hey m�t Uy eh anee and \\'ere .iutro ... ducc<l IJy a common friend, whereupon they hiked u wuy to the courtlwuse und were married just as soon ns they could get the l lc.o.ense and line up in trout of u judge.

"It's just 30 minutes since first we Det," said Ormsby, as pleased as runch, Hand here we are with the knot tied."

Wilether the knot remained tied does not c()ocern this history.

It. was in the early weeks of t he year that the romance of l!iss Mildred Deuel, of Hichmo.nd. Ya., set a new aark for those impot·tant stages of life which mo:st women reckon by reurs. In the brief S[JliCe of ten min­utE-s she was a maid, a wife, and a '\Yidow. In a San ]•,rnncisco hospital &he became Mrs. llichurd Miles Stan· too while her husband was dying, a •ictim of fevet• contractel1 in the ser .. 'Yice of his country in the Philippines. Clasping each other's bands, when it '\\'as too late to summon a minister, the young people took the- vows of 111atrimony under a civU agreement. which was duly witnessed by relatil'es vf both, and a few minutes later Lieut. Stanton was dead.

The tiniest bride of the year ap· penred in S�. f,ouis is April, when lliss Berlha Clark, scarce 15 years old, '.

by investinit your sav­i ngs in Life Insurance.

policies issued by Prudential provide

a safe method of secur­profitable returns, furnish protection


The Prudential

Insurance co. of Ameriga, Home OffiQI;

Newark, N. J, JOHN F. DRYDEN, Preoldont. LESLI& D. W .\.RD, Vlco-Pr .. ldeot. EllllAR B. WARD, .a VIce Preo'l,

& conruel. FORREST F. DRYDEN, 3d Vice·

President. EDWARD GRAY,'Secretary. o E Br.ll S•p'l, Roo!IIO 2·� Bank Bldr., E. Front St.& Park Av•., Plalmfteld, N. ,J ' ' '

Bol Till. Tele�bone numbor, !Mil Plalafteld. 11:111


All Kinds of BLUE STONE. Residence so Elm Place, Plainfield, N. J,

Fla[[in[, Cnrbin[, Sills and Copin[. Small private walks layed fm· the next 30 days at-2 ft, walk

2bc, lineal foot, 18 in. 20c.-Gnarantee 111l work.


NEIV \'OI<K TIIEATRE. Next Wednesday th011e noted colored

eotertaluers, Williams aod Walker and tboir own company of 100 people wlll present a new farce. ' ' In Dahomey " at the New York.

D.\LY'S THEATRE. " ThR Billionaire " continues to crowd

the popular o .. ly'o playho�•• and lo breaking all records in receipts and laughter. (t you have not witaessed a 8 performance of the " Billionaire " do so at once,

KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE. " llr. Blue Beard " at �he Kn!cker·

bo!ker h one or the most stupendous

,bo.vs ever presented iu tblo country. The gorgeous scauery, electrical etfects

and bnndreds or l!retty girl• make a duzllnl! scene. A .mall order bureau

b118 been ... tabllobed to Wet!l the great

demand from subnrban dlstrlcta. KEITH'S TIIRATHII.

Another one or the all star bills which are 10 much the rale at ltelth'o lo prom· lsed fur the week of Febrolll'y 18th.

On tbe prog•am are Watson, Hutchings aud Company ; Tom Lewis and Sam Ryan ; Wright Houtington ; The Me­Carte Sisters ; Art bur aud Jeno!e Duoo; Other noteworthy features upon this record bre�klug programme ure the Three Mlllettes ; Herbert and Wllllug ; Thor ; Imhoff aod Conn ; Luwrence Crane, ""d tbe American Biograph.

----��--------SHE SAVED HIS LIFE.

lf&alek-\VLtted Girl lmprnvl•ed Toa,.

nlqut>�t When Youu• Haa Cat Arte-r,- ht A.rm.

William Schuster, son of Emil Schuster, n wealthy wine mer�hnut of Mount Vernon, N. Y., is trying to lind the beillltiful young. womnn who by her quick uction saved his life H he lay a lmost unconscious ll!'Oil the sidewalk slowly bleeding to dentlt from u terrible cut in his arm.

Schuster's father has a country place nt meetwood, near lllount Ver­uon.

Young Sehuster cut his right arm as he left neatly's llotel. In the dark he thrust his a1·m through the glasa






Norfolk Railway,

weighing only 75 pounds, and attired lo short skirts, eloped with Frank }o(c· {)OJ, .nearli twiee ber_age, and became hia wife. The year still waa younJ, and ao were Miss Rooe Masso11 and her laoCee, Michael T. McGovern, ·whea ;\her. appeared before the clerk In Chi· 1ear•>· and established ·a new record u JOillhflll appllcanta for a marriage U· �0ae, which tbe7 obtained, . . The bride :W.. 15 and the bridegroom �wo yeara •er aenior, their combined age& heiDI


speed record• In di•orce cueo are &98 BRQADWlY, HEW YORK� aot 'unusual o r startling In these days, ���������������������������� bill. when groundo and opeed both are = 'considered, the cr11.0kerjack of 1902 un· OCIEMT JiiGB PRIEST FOUBD. LITTLB BIT OF , BOJJ.AlO), qlleatlonably was the cD5e of Joh11 W. Langley, of Columbus , Ind., who ob-tained a decree in less than 15 minutea aeparating him from bls wife Mary. He alleged that she had a habit of

•-•" •• liar .. I•• •••••• .,_ ft• •-r ' l'la• .. ••• ••• ft"• YeaN .... Q IJae.rtlaell �l' "Vnw•" of Velea ... W•o C::atala

Ger-.an EsploreN, OatltleN et Te•�tet•• takinll' a darning needle to bed with The German Oriental society hao The inhabitant. dally dreu In her and jabbing h-im with It when he been most successful In ih explorn- their Sunday beot, to catch tbe fell asleep. Wheo he protested she tlous at Abu·Sir in Egypt; and most i n• "guilders" of un•uspec�lng tourist•; would get out of bed, plant herself teresting "llnds" were di•tributed but along the dyke, ID the slnglu in a rocking cbalr In t11e middle of the among the Bel'lin museums during the \ street of Volendam, one sees· the fish· tloOr, rocking \'iolently nnd bringing munth of October. One oi th e wost iw· ermen and tbeir good "vrowst" not her heels down with a bung at each porlalll discoyeries was a perfectly In holiday uttlre, but dressed for rock, and lor two hours would slog at pi·eserved mummy of Jen Em Jechvet, their vocation, precisely ao Volendam the top of her voice : "Oh, won't it be the high priest of tbc temple who died fishermen hn••e been clt>thed for cen­juyful when we 1mrt to n1eet no ubout 2,000 yeurs before Ch�lst, The t.urics pust, says . Four�'l1rack New�t. wore!" body wus found lo a family vault, 'l'he men w"ar tigbt·fittlng jackets, Dnri11g the year a story went the which also contained the rem allis of buttoned to short, full breeches, wot>d· rn.unds of the press ubout n man who h is priel:it and rcullt!r u nd their wiYes, en shoes, nnd a shoe], of sh•ntgh t, thick 11reteuded to be the chnrnpion !illloker Only tbl·ee tuml.Js of such nn age hair, cliprx-d by U1c·ir good dames ol the world. For 20 years he bud have been follnd In good preservation around tlte edge of u howl, In t.he good smoked, he said, one and OJle-(JUarter d uring the lust c�utury, null this is the old·fushioned way. 'rhe women ore pounds of tohncco n week, so that Jn first time thu.t the content& hu\'e been busy ns a n t s in n heap of sand, wasting the pel'iod named he bud aet uu l!y J'e· bruught safely to Europe. Jen lay In not a moment or l-Ime, knitting their duced to smoke n.n amount of the weed llis cofllu, em·cloped in tt brown linen l·ong woolen stockings ns tl1ey �latter erjual to ten times his own wel�ht. A shroud, just as h e had been placed along the bustllng street ln thelr sltoes rt�marlmble record, truly, but It must. there 4,000 yea rs u gu, Jn accortlunce of wooil, and short striped �"Jkirts witl1 give wuy to \hu·t of the champion with the fashion of tlte time, he has paddetl hips, the ir beads surmottnted Rmol<er of the British unuy, u privnte small slcle whiskers, u nd u lon�rer tuft by clean white caps of cllarao!et·lstlo !u the 'l'hlrd battalion, Hoynl Wai'· on his chin, and ltl• eyes are matle to cut. wlclu�hire. n•gimen t , who from l 1iR appt!ur unnat.urully lung hy mean f:l of 'l'he tiny Jwuses, the narrow 1treet1 ·youf.h up regulu l'ly consumer] one nn<l the cn reful o.ppi!cn tiou o[ rmlge. 'l'he everything is so com poet. tlmt. one eas· 1one·hn!C pmtucis of tuhucco every wig, which Is !urge uml ported d own lly imagines I• •· i• Jn a doll's •·lllnge, wee!: , until hiH reg-!mcut was d mftcd the middle, !JUs n bluish lin t verging whil e th e prodlll'lous men nnd stnlwart out t..n Snuth A f l·ien . H i s supply wn.s on green, unO m.ust Ol'lglnully htL\'6 women rl'cull tb� �hUUhood's wonder· f,hen··u·lnilcd, which utmost bro](e Ills been th e color of hlJlis l!umli J n hn ltn .. ment, wJ1en our gaze first rested upon ht'ltl't, tion of t11e hnlr worn by 'l,gyptlun the illn•! t•a tions ns we turned the ' 'l'he prluclpnl of n school n! Mn••· gods. pages or "Gull iver's •rrovelo." chesler, Con n., hnlrls the recmrcl us u 'J'he mummy Wtts lylnl( sllg1Jtly on ·----liJmnl<er. Armed with nn ordhulrJ the left side, sn,Ys t la• l.orulo11 A ntJ .. l' l l le.r he o d m l nl,;tt�red 47 F;Jl!lllldng-tl iu qUUI'Y, us J�gJpt luu s J:dt•ep Lu·tllly, nnd In . HI• Falher'l Jl"oot•tepth 1 :1 mlnuteH ntH' d ny, t hus turni1 111 t l'III'· tho !JeU<i J'''' ' "" 011 11 support 611011 us Is

Dlnks-Dicl Smith's futlier leuve him f111 hoyK llntl I(! rio u wn,y from him ut •till In usc In tltc tiuclul!, 'J'he eyes nre anytlting? the ru tc of tltrre aml elght·tcn l hsboy• turned ' townrd lite J•IKIIIIf sun. Two Jlnko-Only his debts, · ,.na1 wirls. a• minute. stttlf 1 1 nlnks-Uow is Smith getting along? " · s Wl!ro 011111 berlldc the lmfly, and J l 1 W 11 h h 61 1

door, rlppiDJ open an artery Ia twa plac01, but did not real11e ht>W badlJ he bad been· hun. Ha attempted tel reach his home, but fell to the ald .. walk ln Fleet atreet In a falat from exhaustion,

He · wa1 revived by • toucb on hl1 forehead, and sow a beautiful youn1 woman lmeellng beside him.

"Don't move, I'll help you," abe IBid. "I'm a trained nurse and uoed to handling such caoes."

In a moment she bad whipped out a handkerchief and hound It tightly abt>ut the wounded arm, A pebble was deftly placed directly over the artery, just below the shoulder. A pencil from Mr. Schuster's pocket was used to twist and tighten' tho improvised tourniquet, and in n mo· ment tbe blood ceased spurting from the wounded artery,

"You are all right now, I think,'' she sold to the young man, who waa almost too weak to thank her,

141'11 Wait until HOUle One comes t,o take you borne," sbe said , and stood neur him until Dr, Banning, of Mount Vernon, appeared,

T11en the young nurse slipped awa;r without giving any hint 111 to ber Identity,

"'fhls clever Work oaved foUr life," 1ald Dr. Banning.

t1aele Reaben lar•• Dar' have been numerous oceasbuna

In my life wben I felt- dat I was about as wise 11 mun as could be found ou all'lb, an' dar hnve bin jest as mnn;r odder occashuns when I renll?.ed that I was about os big o fool as de world ' could skeer up. Come to think of It, I reckon I was a tool when I thougbL myselt wise, and wise when I knew I was a fooi,-Detrolt Free l'ress,

1 · Among t.hc noi'Cl t•r.cot•tl• of the r•· a little wooden statue, n cs- e , e as grea, y • n-.rlod mu•t he lnclud�d t hnt l••ld by creased his lnlteJ•Itance. - Daltlmore vorr llnonu, J�>m•• Stew11rt, of J,eydcn, N, Y., who American, Re1trut lltiWllllB-nat new hobo hex ·announces th•at. he has l il'ed on this loar••••wa fer III..,.r•• .-u•"· LII-.-•• '--H-•---.-111-11, l••s completed bla ftrat "century" ride 't••,rd.th ��� Y��r• wJti�t� "''"{y,����h•M' ,



uny •;•••r of tlroubl!esotne short A piece of okln · cut from a human onN��::���=g� �=�f::����:�t plealt o a �

tt e �oes ··� rg


t r' ' llM'· c rcu

d· llg o


beotr c

lw res hnve OC• hodywllhhow •lgns of llte ror tenda,)'a blm . mucb 7 , . ton one e er :r suy ng a 1e can eur!'e recen y y ow s, orowo, llawh, after separation, Thll dlacover,)' II lie, , but wo11't.. 'l'hls remarkable oen- tag leo, etc., lighting on. wlrea, that the Important ,In connection wltb tbl "Not a bltl He •aid de du1t an' Jolt• , iionarian UIE•d alcoholic bev.ra�a am! Electrlctl Review IU(!'geMta the eapedl• Cl'lftinr of RtW lkln o\'er

a 4amare4 ' ·"''""""'·� him UY.df dl,)'l When �· WUI , , , : : , . toba\l�o ,.rreyl;y , until . . he wu .�. wbea .. eat of pu�lo£ur _,euriiWIOIItop ol lilt Mr' af tilt bodr .-Medloal 1 ounal. u '•!11.81"'-.1'•1' '«. · �·�h � · loolu uw oliule ,ad iW'Oh l& : .. pltlo . : " . . · · : . . , , , . , , ... , . , , �li��\'���;�llli!!���):i�i����{�f)»J.::if�7ik��)·l�:�:j;.:��::;:z{���:t�.�ik,t.Jt:,.v , .. f:;.,e:.�/Jt; .. :,�i;�:ill�;��,it;�;�1§1�·�-:�:.�::�,·�:�:�.��.·.�i : , . ,,:::i!,,/·;,,�,,��n:,:!:u::M .. i:�:ciii:l\:.ri�h1·kl:':z,,,;;:.'''i!J:,�l.-:.;,; ,



THE GREAT SILK SALE Thousands of Dollars of New -···,-­

at a Saving of Froin �o to 40. Per Cent.

The Silk Sale goes on.

day. Months have been spent in preparing for a

son of great Silk selling, and we have .thousands · yards of the newest aud most fashionable goods,

were bought before the advance in raw silks, enabli .

us to undersell the present market 20 to 40 per Soine items hom the sale :

39c Jap1mese Hahn tal Silk 2So liOo Satin Liberty Foulards 29o li9c Pongee Silks . , • • . , . , 48o 7 5o 'l'uffeta Silks . . . . . . .'. S9o 59o Black 'l'uffeta Silks . . 4S3 1.00 Black Silk Grena·

diues • • • • • • • . . . • • • • • • 69c 1.49 Liberty Satin Foul·

urds . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 9Sc

69o Wash Tuffetas . • • , , . •

59o Satin ·Liberty Foul· ards • • • , , . . . , . . • . . . • .

75c Bl��ek Tuffeta . • • . . , . 70c Japanese Habutai

Silks • • • . . • • • • , • • • . • •

1.90 Black 1'11ffeta Silk . . l.OOSatiu Liberty Foulard

85o Black P�au de Soie. :

Unquestionably the Cheapest House in Newark for ·

Reliable Dry Goods.

THE 'DAVID . STRAUS + NEllllJIRI<, N . J . +

. DEMAN D. FOR YOU NC MEN At Cood Salaries,


A�IVE VOLCARO Ill •-n c ..... •"••nr m ........ '' � Pr••••••• Ja ... ..... .

• •••••• •

Wbat appears to be a partly actin volcano crater ha• just been discovered by George McNeme and several other prospectors, at a point about 26 miles north of Moab and two miles east of where Salt Wash cl'v .. es Salt "alley, and a boat six miles sontb of Ulcbard· son post office, reports the Salt Lake Tribune. .

On a high meso the prospcctors dls· l ·------------�1 covered stenm or Wloke rising some d istance f�om where they were and oa investigation found that it rose from a hole in the solid sandstone formation. The orifice Is oblong, ubout tl1ree feet In width and six feet lmtg.

A strong current of worm air carry· lng some vapor arises, bnt seems to have little or no gaseous smell. Th sl<les of the ht>le arc very black and sooty. A rock thrown In apparentlY falls n long distance. The prospector'• working i n that section Wlli make fur· ther Investigation.

'l'hls section has been prospected over for a number of yenrs, and cattle and sbeepmen have ridden over It for the past 26 yeara without dlacoverlng the crater, 'fhe proapectors who vis­Ited It lilly they would not have found it but for aee!ng tho steam arise, us it is a place that would be unlikely to be passed , It appears to be an old volcnn­lc vent. thnt hns been lylng<lormnnt for year• and is just beginning to ahow wlgns of activity,

Dasilerreotrpes Can · 81 Cleaned and Restore•

To all lbolr erl•l .. l beaa&r WOOD, ttlll UI'Otldwar (Iolii ll.�-�l'!i!� Y ,, for one 4o1JM', leiMI ltJ prou. o ...... _,,..., • • , •• lae&tJrJ GOPII!:8 thu aar ethe'

Jnt.ere•ti••K Prt»>ltul1le· 2015-01-19· SALE .OF WASHABLE&. . A mighty exhibition of choice,thin · Fabrics, pur ased expr ssly lor the -Spring selling, but offered during - [PDF Document] (5)

SPECIAL · s.��LE ..,,,

CA.81i OR


, .OP . . .

· BOOS::

rile stran&e Cue of Geor&e IIpper, Itow of Denver.

·a;.ra : n .. Ho1•• Ia bdlaa Terrllort Tea l't!-ar.i ..lKo ••• Wa• De• , e1Are4 Ora• bJ" \\'ife .. �. to•l"'ll• A J�kyll out! l(yde story bus de1·el

oped il1 l.len\·er, tol. Ten ycnrs,ugc )eorge Ni}111er was a prnspe1·ou� bu:;t• JCSS muu. lie disuppeuretl wltb .$10,· DOO. .

Nothing was hcurd from !tim un· til a few tln�H ugo, when IJe Wllt:;. l'ec­uir.ed IJy u i'rhmd. lie was then tr·u\'4 eling under the 11n111C of Ueurgl..} Wil-liutns. ·

A· few ·ycan!5 after Nipper luu.l d is · uweureli his wif� eoll<!c1 ed $15,00�· inau•·uuee 'Jil his life. hu:;pectol' W. A.t, Chujlmun� of the immranl'e �om­puny which pnid the amount, found Nipper in u ludgiug·liOuse. 'l'he rum1 reculled hiH }tllst liftl und told the

B Is ·Rug ·· ' ;: · ; <;; , Size.·JI ft JXS ft. 3 followi11g story of his weird experi·

ne russe . '· . '· . . . ·'. · � .•.: � ·, ....... � •': .. , . � .

. •, . . . · . < ; .

. enee: One Brussels Rug , , , ·' . . . : . ; :·:, ;(; ;<;;''Yfr:,Siie' . 1 2 · ft; 3:x8 ft. 3 "Tiley tell me it wus ten yeurs ngn.

ne Brussels Rug: . . � . : . . ·. : ;i;:::';;:{ii•;ht¥<hsif /Ioft. 6x8 ft. 3 ��a�!,!"i ��:!� !�"



ne Brussels R. ug· . .':·:::.· :.{(''; ' ize.: lo ft.';• 2:X7 ft. 6 Yes, tbat'• the pluce. 1 sturled for

• f there, anyhow, \Vhether 1 reached it 0. A m·lnster . R. u·g t' ;\;\ tze. ·.n. ft zx8 t. 3 . t o tl 1 t • k ne X • • • • . • .. � -··:<·,�r.w�"'.-<Mii\JfP'-'iP.'ft."-; '� ..... ,.�� .· ' . , . .; or no • n re way \VIlS H rlc en

One Axmin'iter R . . ·.u .. · .g·.· . .. ·.·.·.· .. ; ; ,:z!•>cj�«tilifli'ilk.l;�i\l:�s,,J�� • .. '··I·2· ft. X9 ft. o wlth para ly•is, and they sent me to

· , a h<>spitnl. When J started for . ne Axminster Rug;;;. . ,izeli?lt,6x?.ft. 6 Hou•ton I hat! $10,000 in cu•h with ne Axminster �ug: :': :·�:;,;.�:.\iiwi;!,•'l•�i:;-', .:.i'f"�.,��; . 9. ft . . x6 ft. ol k,.e;

w�nt what became .or it 1 .never

o .. ·

. ne Velvet Rug . ·.·. '


· •. · . ·.·., •. :··





···.'''.;'""." .


r.'"'.;.if: ... ;.Stze 10 ft. 2X9 ft. 3 "I can see myKelf In the IIOSJllt&l

.·· ·

-.· � .. -;<"'::>;:I;�;i��i�t�;:JJ\�,����}'Siie. 1 2 ft. x9· ft. ·o now. '!'here are the' white wuliM anrl One Velvet Rug : . . . ... , . . , •_·.�·(·: .. ,�·:,: . . ,• .•,: :. ' �· the beri1,0and Ute silent nnr•e• ftlt·

One Velvet Rug; . . : .'; .. ;::·: .�I��,n<'.: ·:·;. ·, � ;.Size 9 ft. x6 ft. 0 ting nhout. I am In a chair, anrl the : ·

. . • nu rses wJ1eel me around, I don't ·

These Rugs are made from .remnants of our choicest s1teak to them, thmllfh, nor do I un· d •It b I

. d . t t 150 per cent derstnnd w)lllt tlleJ' s a y to me. It Is

Fall patterns an WI e .c ose ou a . . 0 all lilte a dream. �·rom what my

d tl n frieuds tell me nnw, I wns in tho L re u c 0 • ' h for small hospital tdne yearo. �ly wile thougltt We have other remnants large enoug 1 was dead, and so did Ute insurance

'rooms. Now is the time to secure bargains. eompllllY, nnd I m igh t as well bai'C been for nil the good I was.


MISfiT CARPET BARGAINS. One B�ussels Carpet-size r 1 feet 3 x 14 feet 3· One Brussels Carpet-size 1 3 feet 6 x 1 5 ' feet 5·

One Brussels Ca�pet-size I 2 feet 2 x 16 feet 3·

One Brussels Carpet-size I 4 feet 3 x. 1 7 feet 2,

.MULLINS & SONS, Branch Stores: Paterson, Jersey City and Br?oklyn.

Tba, Best ShOp TbeJOaly ShDP

I '

""'eiJ, one flay, when I sccJnt!d much hotter, they ]lilt me on n trnill, RJid gu1•e me fh·c dollars. The con·

"NIPPER! DON'T YOU KNOW 1\IE?" ductor looked otter · me, at1d· when Denver wutt rea'CJ1ed. he 11aid that wu•

Where l'nterior decorating· is a spccial.ty, whei·e I · got off. What happened tr. we here 1 .can't just remembet•, but

Where Carpets, Wall Papers and Drapenes 1 wanrlereit around sontewbere, ftnul·

are made to harmonize.�-�here success ' ly getting" to the county pnot• farm

d ff ·• How long I · •tnyed there I don't a.t�.�n �. fOUf e . pt:ts; .. ,;;"Jf< ,_;..,..,. · know, but o11e day in SeJltembet· I

... Decont was on the Rtreet •elllng lead pen·

· EL�tt ·f:l.RQS.', · ��� iTREI!T, ·::ILt��LO: ���··t :.":�\:r��.�����;g �����h.� me to ask ltlm for altos. Ao .! • SEE 0\JR,W.�LL .P���R .. .S .. �ECI�I.:-'tl.�'•·* wtretohed forth may band be •tOJlpetl

lt::::;:::::;�;�::,;::�:::::::::=:laD<l Mtal'cd .at me. · " 'Nip[let•l Don't yon know me?'

J · , ..

··s· · , . ···.· I . I!)V' · I· '· :


·· ·G: ·::: c,·o· I

"• .. ;•,\f.in•t ·know hlm and ! told bim

n . 1·� any name .was "rill_iams. · Ru� lte in· • • . . · , � . : I 1ided 1 wUs Nipper, tt.nd pointing to · ' DIALIRI IN ' · this senr on my bond sail! he could C I L • ' :

· b · identify me by that.

Oa U. m er "The 11180 who recognize(] me WUll

. ' '. W. W. Woodward, a dgu r denier. llc knew nle in Claremore, 1. �'., ycurs

ldlll Matenals, MauldiRIS and llndllll Wood. Fertlllzen =��. ·:.:1,. •::.�u;.���n°g���·��·:!·��!;� ·

Por Lawn, Qardon and ,.old. up what little life there is in me,

R R C • W t1' 1o1 paying my bills from dny to rloy.

ll lnd tard···Cintral lve .• near . . rosslnl, IS II I 'l'O·!lay l mel llllOther goml SamHriton Orden bJ .Mail . Will BeoeiTe Prompt Attentl"oD, In Mr. Chapman, of the iusurnnc•

B , cum'pnny. .Jie �tve me money, n11d OIJI 19 A. bls generosity brought teurs to my

A Clean Light ·

A Pure Light .An Ornamen�afLight

And an U p·to-Date Light is furnished by the

Unit�d Electric ,Cog1pany . r very . reas�nable

. rates thel give: electricity for heat

. and power. Come and see the station. It will

cost you nothif!M· Talk matters over and

you may SAVE MONEY.

Station and. Oeneral Qfflces, . . ' ELIZABETH •77 Murray Street. . Telephone cenD.ctlon.

e.res.11 The locnl body of masons, in wbkh

orrlet• Nipper •tood high ltefore hi• a·euHou wus det hrm1ed, will clrculul e n subscl'iptlon Jist in his hei!Ulf, and rnise mnney to send him back t.u his home in the territory,

'l�h11 i11SII1'1Utce compan,v 1 hllt pa id tlte $10,000 when It cou ld not locnte NIJlllet' after a Heven-yeurs' senrch, will ulso wntclt the old mun closely. If Nipper shout<! relen>e them from any further lla\Jlllty the company muy decide Iwt. to begin an action �tgniust tile wife. On the other band, the policy was JlRid up, making the. wife the beneflclary In cn11e ol death, Nipper, tl1ongh legally <lend, Ia pl1y· 1.lcally nllve, and being ulh·e I• en• tiUe<l to t.he money pa l<l to his wife, 'l'be wife. It I• lltid, ' llaH marrl•d •rain, u nd I• 110t· parllcnhu·J.v anxloua to got t.he Rrst hnolJilnrl hack. When 11te received t.lw htKura nce moae,v •ho was obliged to furniMh a hnnd Rlld ntrety, nml t.hl•, Inspect"'' Ch11pman Ja,-e, will tully protect hiM compn11y hom haYing to puy Ute pollc,v twice,

Re•a.rkahl• Pla•t Grnwt•. Some troplcul plnnto eun reo lly be

1een t.o grow. An emlneJJt, aclentiHt, who h•• been mnklng meuure111enh In the botnni�KI �srdens at Bult.en•


8 Jo,


'·4; ��� t?l 21 I

·�============�.=======.==============================��� Our New Store is not alone " New Jersey's Greatest Mercantile Establish ment," but it enjoys the dist inction of covering as great area as that of any New York Store. In . i ts detai l of equipment and completeness, as well as the . superior line . of strictly reliable mercharidi�e carried it rivals any house in the country. These arc potent factors;· and standing alone, form a mighty bid for that patron age which Stili clings to t h e mistaken idea that " it 's not right " unless purchased in N e w York. The argument, however, gains strength when the comparison of prices proves beyond a shadow of doubt t hat a posit ive saving i s evident on identical merchandise, which is sold in Ne\v York srores at from 10 to '25 per cent. peyond prices quoted by us.


that present the very best products at prices that need no comparison. 'l'oas-Formosa, Oolong, Young Hyson,

Euglieb Breakfll8t, Ceylon or Mixed 'l'e11 33o 'l'bia 'l'ea sold elaewhere at 60c lb.


Cocoa-Walter Baker'& or Habue & Co,'a Breakfast CocDa, per can . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . • t8e

Ohocolate-Qaick Lunch Chocolate, can . . . • • t So B11king Powder-Oomet, pure Uream Tar·

tar Bakiug Powder, t lb. can . . . . . . . . . . . . t5c Shredded W heat Biscuits- Per package. • . • • tOo Malt Bre�Akfast Food-Per package . . • • . • . . • t Oo Malta Vita or Force-Per package . • . . • • • . • . f2c 'l'omatoes-Hahne & Co. , 3 lb. extmtwl cans,

full weight, f�ncy red ripe Tomatoes, can . . t 2c Pelll!-Qneen qu�lity, early J m'10 Peas, 1 .10 dozen, ca.r1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t Oe Corn- Finest M1Line Sweet Sugur Com, Bel·

fry Brand . • . . . . . . , • , . . : . • • • . • . . . . . . . . . t 2c Com-Shoe Peg, pucked the old fushio<1ed

way, with wutm· ouly, taste like com oli the cob . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t2c

1'omatofs-Gol. cans, faucy Jersey Jlltcked . • . 30c Apples-Gul. cans, fancy winter packed,

apples cored and peele.d, in quarters . • • , . • . 25c Ootfee-Hoasted, gr�tnu latod or pulverized.

'l'his coiiee is go01l vnlne at 2/ic lb . . . . . , . . t5c You will find tho flavor perfcet aud the dri11k

stirnul"tiug anti nonridhiug.

Sonps--Oa111pbell's ot• Andet•sou's Conceu trawd Soups, 118Wfte�, 3 cuus for . . . . . . . . . 25c

Evaporated Fruits, lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 5c Morparko, Apricot., P�11cheo, Pehl'S, Blue PiUed Plnws, Silver Prune•, Prm11ell ... , Applll8 in tbe whole tor dumpling•,' dl ied Gerwnn Cherries �ud Pears-this is a very f11ncy linE>, u .. w Rud cl .. •u.

Rice--Very fancy LouisiRna Head Uice, fin-. est. rice growu, 2 lb. cartuus • • • . . • . . · • • . . • t8c

Rice-Fancy J11pau Rice, 2 lbs. for . , . • . . . . . ttc lndiiln Meal-Yellow or white, 5 lbt . for • . . . t2c . Oatsup-Comet Brand, mnde from fancy red

l'i1m tomntoes ; qts. , 28e; pi nts, 18e ; t pta, 10c Cntsup-Suuuyside, pint bottles . , . . . . . . . . . . 9c Olives..:.. Plain or stuffed with Spanish peppijrd,

buttle • • • • • , , • • . . • • , • . • , . • . . . • . . . . • . . . • 1 Oc M ttstnrd-Gorm:IU M usturd, " uuchoi'Y fluvo1··

etl," bottle . . . • . • . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . f Oe Fl'll i�s iu qua1·t gln�s jars, penches or pears, .

henvy sym p, hnttle . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . 29c !llttc:u·ou i or Spnghetti, Ill l-Ib. carton pack· · . .

ages, good as imported . . . , . . . • , . , , . , : , . . 7c · l\lilk -E11gle Brand " Bordeu's" 'Cou·

densetl M i l k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 cans for 25c Surrliues-lmported, iu oiL or tomato SllllCf,

pe1· tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . .. . . . . . . . . . · , t Oo

Free deliveries by our own wagons and to all railway stations in New Jersey and Oreater New York.

HAH N E 8c CO. N e wa rk. HAH N E 8c CO;


.l C•le•ao De-aler ReeeoiYN ·I•••• No't"el Alarm A .... rH•• '.IVIat H&l Qaaatltl•• fi'OM a.a Old Ger- Reea la .. ·eatP.II ltJ" a 8ont.ll.· ·

••• Ia Ne.w Jer1e,-, .... .....

MADE A HASTY EXIT. Le•laYllle ltory 'l'r·ller Talk• A.h••t

the Sr·••••Uona.J Srqael WI • :-. � Stole• KIM. ' I

. Chicago Is obliged to Import its meal . There Is In Mobile a get1 tlemnn who ·wormo (J•om New Jeroey. 1 m the past. has been iu the hnblt of

The worm most valued from a com• 1 oversleeping In the ·morning hours, •ll•rcial standpoint is the •mall, inch and aa his business requires tltnt he anll a halt long specimen known as th e come down street early, it Is es•entlal meal worm, nsually fonnd in ftour mllla that be should awn ken at a cer1 ain anll kindred places, It Is sold at all h011r. Time after t ime ·he came late bird stores Alii a dessert or piece de re• to his husiltes!IJ, in spite ot alnrm clock� sistan"e for the family cunnry or par· a.nd other appliance• t.o get his eye• rot. 'l'he retuH pl"ice for meal �\·o�·ms ?l1t>n�d n.t the proper ti me. One morn· Is 25cent&jler huntlre�, and I urge fJUitn'· 1�1g recently he entered the office on tities are Bold, 1ays the Chien go 'l'l'ib· tnue t o t h e minute. 'fhe otherR in the nne. A man \l'ho 11ells a. Jorge number r>fllce expressed great. surpri�c ut this of meal worms at his bird store in State unusual event, and asked the wh.r[ol'e street each year says tbnt tlo e •npply of it, reports t he Mohile Ji'eg·isler. used to come fi'Olll \'Uriousmills around "I dt"ter1nined that thiR bu�·inc�� of the country, the mill boys being tempt· sleeping when I should be nwnk e had ed bJ· 1iherHl rewards to [Jllt in their to stop, so I called in an electrician noon hotn·� pl'ying uronnd behind the ntld l!e fixed m e up n few thlugs, 1 loose boards ot tl1e mill exhuming the hn1·e '� so arrange� thnt nt tl1e ltm�•· worms and sending them to Chicu go. Ret n light flashes Ill m,,. e�·es. If tlu::;

After '" rious oft'erings of candy and flowers buggy d rives n1111 .front. sra t1 at the th�uter, the yom1tf gentleman decided it was linte to declare hirnleif and· win hi�-J· reward . Accordingly he called on a· Saturday enning,m•hen_tb,. young wnman· was �ture to he ot,ltom .. and when no other ca11ers would i,ntef.-' . fere.· In h•i�; most irr�·i!S.ti_ble �11onner 11e nsl<ec1 for a kiP-s. 'l'he

.girl nfused,

But now the dealer receh·es all his is not successful, am] 1 do no t get up :mppl\' from nn 0'id German down in aull throw the switch, 11 mosrplito hm· New Jersey, w110 runs a sort of meal and the frnme falls on me, If T still worm rnn�h. · 'l,hia mnn breerit� the slumber nnd sleep a gong like the onP worm& and ships tbem when tlley are nsed on th? pntrol wngon goes

. oft'. fnlly grown and of proper wr igltt nnrl

Sho1drl. I futl tu no lice lhe•e 1h mgs.

color. He hns a builrling fixed up to t�,ere IS ol·er m�· bet) a bucket fi l led resemble an old mill, full of loose \\ lth \Hder, huv1ng a small nm�r.le nt­bonrds nnd with flour and men) )llent].. 1ucherl, and a l'•Rchet. r£'1enses n stop. full,�· !iprlnkle,l around, The umms· so thut n streum of 1\'n ter Is squirted pect.lng worms nre led to believe that Into my face. When 1 sleep through tliey nrc boarding In 0 reul mill until nil these it will i.Je time to order my such time us UH:!J' are fat enotlgh to coffin." oause II eunu ry hh•rl's henrt to dilate with joy. 'l'hen they are ruthlessly sel.erJ, packed Into !in&, and sent to market. ·

.-a Heal'd HI•• · Old Judy, whom the Rev. Dr. Dry•

telgh has helped up tbe . ehul'cb ate)J8 -Can you tell we who Is to preach to·dny?

In a Han•nnt. Jrow many women know where to all In n hnnsom 'I Not the la!•ge ma· jul'lty, tts tsecn in the tih'('Cts tooling about In what Lord Jleuconsfleld culls tl!e "London gOJ:Jdolttt'' aJHI wh icl•t l!i as pO}llllttl' het·e to·rluy us wlllt our }jnglls'h cousins ucrm;s the wn.ter • . To aJL properly i n a hnusom It woJuun driv� lug alone ne\•er should occupy the mid·

"Dr. Dry leigh, maunm." Old J,a<ly-Piease help me

ltalra ugaln.-N. Y, Sun, dle of the sent, 'l'o do so itoi, neenrding

down· tcJ Mme. Gru mly's decre es, very had faJ'm, fnr It mu ke�; her consJJ}euous, ruu•tloulal'ly when she shows a ten-Moa•F ,.., .•• , ll•t- c1ency to luu u frli'W Jrt1 on Lhc door•, ltlgy 'counti ng tile cost)-Do you- mnn fasltlon, Such n trlcl< Is not to be

er-alwayo tnke a ehn peron ui"DI indulged ln by the woman who desh·os when ,\'Oil go to the theutcr?" a reputa tion for the onrrect tltlnr. Miss De l'lnk-1\ly, no I never, IlnicKI I•'or hH the pt•oper pine" to oil Is 111·

I 110 with a man. 'l'wo senh will he 1 the ••.!orner, anti this not only for t·ea· pleuty,-N, Y. Weekly, 10n1 of pt'OJII'lety, but sofe1y na well.

PaMt�•••• Her A.r.or. ltda-Juck ncluolly Jll'OllOHed to mo

d·urlnll the ICJ'Illon at church, yeller· day. . Cla1·lee-Oh J don't let j,hftt vrorrt rou, dear-lte o.ftn hike In hh •leep.

• ..,fht'n I �hnll kiss 'yuu an,yh uw," •�iu tlte y oung man, not thin�ing for.


PAPA WAS ASTO�IBHED. ! a moment tltn t sh e renliS· did. not \I'&DI · · l1im t o Uo so.

"Then• 1 •hall t•ll papa," said t.ht git•l. In her sw et�·t.ut.. toneR. i Suthh•g <!Runt ell, th• )'mmg 1nae sel>.ed and k·ls�ed her not. once, bu$ . oevernl tl111e•. l'lte glri'ha•tlly le1tt'he1 parlol' n!lrl fled up•t•lir• • . "P11pn," •II• Mid, "lilt'. - is •I own In tlte parlor,' He Is much Interested In lnmtlng ull4 I was telling h,lm �f a new shotgn11· yo .. tnn•chnsed to·<llly. I tl'll'cl to nplaiit nl10ut It to hlm, hut cmtlrln't, and ho1 wntlh you to bring It down and Rhowt•: to h im," !

�orr, Jna, recorda • grnwt.h · In a ••••nl•• C:loll•• . bamboo of 17 ln11he� In a Klnrle day. Teaoher-Einm;r, how do you apell

ID cue tile horse otumhlu, or other •�cldent occurs, !he woman wl1o alta In tbe curncr stunde a fair cltnnce of prenntlng heroel l from being thrown out of !be cab, for ohe •ttaa the pillar 011 whlc� the door is hung, aa well a• the .We of I bo <!ltb, to llfOUcl 'her, Time ' wu wlll'n glrla were not per· miited to ride alone In a hanaom, but tba.t baa paMied, llme, Grundy'• only re.KtrluUon now bdllff that tluiy eltall CNicUP)' the yeltlcle. ln what alre deoreu �tlle.'rllhi wii7,:;,-N; y, Blrilcl> · , , . ·

The old gentle.mnn was <leHghted, He tnok I he weapnn from ltM cnse, Jill' It together nn<l cnrdull)· rl!bblng ol the few >JIP<!k• of rlmt.gatbel'e<l on t'ho bat•t•eiR, •tmt.e<l rln,.·ti the •topo. 'AI l1e entered t he parlor rlnor, on�·· t.ho· LnttiO\•I lle Cnl!rifl'·Jnurnal, h• Wll aotonl•heol .to ••• a ymtng mn rtl� wildly ar•ro•s tlte room, jnm11 throu1 .. iho wlnd�w an1l dloeppear Into t'f

. +, . . ,,

·Bo�rd b.v. Week. or �onth. :l;h�h��.t������," ,f:·h:�;:�v:��:; ��� �·:::�;�BOJlleil!lltl ;you �pell II wit� . ,,. ..... . ; ·.·· ;�. . . . : ne da;r�t, while two OUten rrew tour tline··X'i ·IDd 'aometlwei wlllr foul;-/ . · �t±'.trt ,:c • •;,.;: IJieh .. :-lteadlty. ·f•r • d•J•· · ,'·n • . , .. '"'. ' o . . •. lo


· •. ,T ' ' ' ,.·,, ::.::.

,• ��i!:�.l,•f,f\'r··��,����'t��t.·�:,·�,••t•.:! �1;'''·' ;:7' t)'L :.r:�. ,..; .. ti:.< .. �::(�11 ·> ..,.. .��r1J1�tiil1{�¥t-r:.��!ri�t.�it�t.�tt�r�:t-���it�;::e! J.f.-�·J:;hti2.t:jt�{.r�;;�\�it:f��(::n!l-.�:,;�{..f.

rlrht. . . • . ' . . . .... .

, ., ' 1. ,, ' ,!•. •' ' ' "f ,,- ��·. �· � ;:,,� :·· ·>, :; �tli!M��M��;�jij�i��a

Jnt.ere•ti••K Prt»>ltul1le· 2015-01-19· SALE .OF WASHABLE&. . A mighty exhibition of choice,thin · Fabrics, pur ased expr ssly lor the -Spring selling, but offered during - [PDF Document] (6)



l'llblt.ohed .... ., l'rlilaJ bJ The Standard Publishing Concern.

,� . . r. WalTEH&.A.D, Presidtmt. .6.. E. PKA.RB&Lt.. Vice President,

L C. P&AR8t.LL. Secretar)·-TreulliW'.



Au E•hlbltJon Gl..-eu ()r Train• ra••ln • SJKt'atl•-EuMlueer Dlerepl'th liiCIItll•

u Old Poor D•Yl•.

Tba comuaittee appointtd by the Former •••tflelder WrJte• t,rCUD' Ull

�:!��:.;::���.:·;�/:�u:�= ��� 7o r:o;��·;:,� :,o;,;t·;�:.:�:;;. Saturday

companies and the Exempt Firemen• So many " Florida b!izz•rd " arti�l•• ,

Aooochttlou wet Tuesday nlgbt. The ore written in New "\' ork by nonce•

1 tbot a re•l letter frow the St-11te rn•Y be . tnattel' wM caror" IJ' discussed oud tbe

interesting. Before !eRring the North I

Spec lhlered at tbe Post Otll"" ot W111Uiol�. Mew lei'IIII!Jt', u 18001ld·clau ma.tt.M'. On Frida)' night a reb�RI'881 of the

flltsl wreck of two weel<• •go w�et of Broa'd otrset was given for the benefit of tbe coroner'• jur)'.

weetlog odjourned nutU to· morrow reod in three different New York popero . .

night when samples of engrossed reoo· that the therwowet"r bad touched 22 CASH SALES ONLY WOIC&I�ION 11 .11 111:11 YIAII lntiono will be oubmilted to the cow. degr8ei! lo Jackoonville oud thlit small · · 1 mittee It io thought abont t!OO will orange tree• were kill•d when the

Olllce-5TANDARD 1•1141••· The dnmwy trains ooed !or tlo� r•·

�lnor Rate• funlobed oo appll .. tt<>o. heareal were tbe baudsowo privata car

..,.wroau E. PEARSALL, Edll•r ••• of Superlnten<leot Huntington which Oeu.,.,l lllono1er, took tbe part of the wrecke<l loc•l while

the fiiBt expreBS W88 repr ... ented by the P. and R. " Stsr '' or dir�ctors car.

The trains commenced the rehears11l at C ranford the " looal " preceediug tbe

" express ,, ten wiuntet! and coming to 11 etot> within a few feet or tbe identical spot at which occurred tile wreck.

Tile " express " then followed with tbo corouer·s jurv on beard. The eugineet· disregarded all signals sot j nst ao it· is claimed Davis, the engiueer of the ex·

pre88 that caused the wreck of two weeks ago, did, allowing tbe jnry to see

that the block system worked to perfec·

lion and if Rttention was paid to the � • * various signals it would have been lm·

Politics is the science of eli possible for the wrl!llk to uccur. l.'be

gencies·-Theorlore Parker. dummy " express " came to a stop just

._ • * in the rear of the '' local. "

--------------- A New York paper bad cameras on the field and several llasb light photos of the rehear••! were taken.

weatb•r reached 24 degr""s Rbove zero, be needed for the pnrpose aJJd oa'>8crip · ao<l tb.t the old tr- were allied at 22. lions can be mude to any of tbe followiog Now the fact. ; weather at 22 will committee : George B. Dickersou, Chat. freeze oranges. to ""Y nothing of treeo,

D G '' H ... . A s note : oranKeo for oale �II d11y ou buckst<!r C. Uta, · A. · 80"'10800• • ' etan<b with therolooeter at 20, In New Clark or C. E. Pearsall. York City. The coldest weather here

The general committee who are to see thio winter was 27 •hove zero. Not a

that propor r!M!Jgnitiou is given others leaf b as been frozen, Another fact.

who rendered r11tuable servicee at the Oranges are D<lt fit to m•rkl!t until we

bave 1\�o or th> e; froots to color them. recoot r•ilroolll dioaotet• have met and Most of the prople of the Nortb have

ba\"e their pl•ns well underway. little realization of wbat the �real freeze of 1895 was: nona like it 1ft 68

- Miss Oro�ce Rbiuehort, of Brooklyn, year•. On December 29tb, 30tb and 31st of !894 the thermometer etood at Ji de·

is a guest of �lis• IVittke. greee above zero; This froze the oranges

-The town com mitt•• will meet ne:rt and the foii11ge but did not kill the treeo.

Friday evening at eillht o'clock. Iuoi<l• of oue month th� tree• put on an loch 1111d ll balf new growth. Tbe Hret

-George Miller. of Newark, hilS been visiting bio parents ou Central "venue.

-The railroad comp:.uy lately in· quired of the fittglueu bet-a as to age and years of sef\·ice.

-Miss II:• Brod, of New York cir.y, Is visiting ber aunt, Mrs. Staw�ts, on Pic· tun street .

-T. W. Powell, who h11s betm sick

week in Febru•ry 1895 the tb�rwo1neter tOUChet) 12 degredR OOOV8 zero for tWO morning•, Kud the orlingeo lind foliage beh•II I!OUe the cold got in ou the loftrk of tho trees, and over f62,000.000 of orange property waa de8troyed . Now when we consider that it took two freezes in o11e winter with tbe lhermom eter at 14 degrees or under to kill trees yon can see in what light the Florida blizzar<l article• that appenr lu the North. u•u•liy written by have

Rlllllt Beef,

I Oc. to 1 6c. lb. Lamb Chops,

1 2c. to l ie. lb . . Romtd Ste11k, Ohnok Ste1k,

l&c. lb. I Oc. "· Sirloin Steak, Stew Lamb,

1 6c. to l ie. lb. 5c. to Be: lb. Stew Beef,

Sc. to 1 2c. lb. Also 11 full .liue of Fruit and Vegetables at loweat

for 8aturd&J oniJ.

J. W. Singer. WESTFI ELD, N. J. The ball associ11tion cou pon book

admittin g the ho lder personally to

tweuty g11rnes or the option of tllk · ing a. bunch of friends occusionally until the coupons are used is a mathematical proposition - seven dollars worth of tickets fot' five dol· l11ro-which others than barg11in h u n ters will grab. 'l'hen thet·e ie

'l'he ccroner'e jury re-aBBemblee to·day and will probably cmnplete its work and submit its fiudiug to the grand


for •everai w�eks at his home, U2 Cen. tra\ aveune, is now on the maud.

-Cbarlee G. Embleton, the Prospect

street bicycle dealer, bas j <lst received

from the fuctory a new 1903 Indlall

Motor Cycle. It is a beauty.

larl(est opportunities knowing ing �tboot orange culture. Trading ltampe.

•r11e groves have recovered from lbe !��������������������������!!!!���


the pu blic spirit wh ich cornea iu- W"sttleld, N . • T. the game merits su pporL, is as clean Fehl'mtry I I . 1003.

111 advertisem*nt as tho toww. could 'f'9.the Editor Union County St.alldcll'(J have, is cheap from the · cost 'eiiil t'))!!,At: Sm : . �uviug _hu� !·eueuriy re­

aud up to <late iu its urraugel{eitts;\> .tt��'!e,d ; to 11. resulenco m tins town.ship ,:<· , .. r.···,<:-. :'.z a1!�;,��lug-wtthout u.uy persoull.l ot' d1r�ct

======= �.·:).f:;:�:�,��.:�l� l�.�et:e��t:: wbutaver in Lhe mntttr 1 aru

Ortlce of the Union County Siaii�R.rdt.;-�·�:t: �\����J1_�1'8UlHlt-f.l both hy �enera) COIIVtH'• \VtAtfield, N. J., �eb._,�; 190.3� ",�allOll·: nud personal eentuueot tlut.t I do

lin W. G. BESLI�R. · . .'1,,, .;: �bt\t• vi•uch � u·ue op!uion wheu I say Ceut'ral: ·Ji.' , thnt everybody who, during hi• tauuro Vice Pres. and Uenl Algr. , R uf N. J. M 1• r ea · Sir : .

We have heard with mncb satisfac· tion that thi:!rH is some pro.,pectof J. U. Mnjut·, Jr., beiug retnrh�d to hid old ]111st as ticket agent of your station at W e,tfidd, N. J. We can �tssure you that ouch would meet witu popular ap· pruvotl un the !litrt of sour \Vesttield pKltOliS.

oft·, office Ua Vtl bali u�ah l>gd with tlH.i ticket otnce of the Oautral Rllil Road of N�w Jersey reg-ret �xce�diugly that Mr. J. U. 1\Iajor, Jr., htu; beeu rdi-,vell of his dutie;. F�ow aver)' qunrtet• I lenru tbat Mr. llloJor has tJeen iudefatlgable in hi� t:ff()rts to se1·ve this pnhlic.

-Eiectl'ic ligbte ha\·e beeu 'placed in the Westfield Hotel, Elill fnrther 1Ulc1ing

tu the at.tmctiveness and couvellience of

one of Uuion Counties best hostelrya. -H. H. Downes will stal't 1\[ouday oil

a lmsine •s trip thrnngb New Yorlt st•te. Mr. Do1vnes will he gone for three

weeks. -A bare 811(\ hound chase through

We•tfiehl took plnce yesterday morning. 'rbe ch tV!e Wai'i ou horse hack and started from Cmnford. Two I! ares were given teo minutes start followed by ten bouuds.

-'l.'he local branch of the Carpenters and Joiners Uniou lwltl ib; IUJIIUJll meet.

ing '1'<1esday uigUt iu their room• in t.he Staudarol buihling. After the ei"ction

of offiet:'rB rt:!fl'�t�hweuts were servt�d Tile meeting socially was a big success.'

" big freeze " and oranges are now being shipped frcm ail part• of the State bot uot in such quanti tie• "" befd're 180�.

We •u·e having old f••hiou winters ng•ln. At this writing Fobrnary 7th orauge trees are bloomin" and ptach tree!-l Hre commencing to bloom, straw­berries are pi eked for home consumption. flowers in the fields aud woods me put· .tiug on bloom. Every t,ree ha• the sum · mer appear•uce except tbe '' Billck JHok ollk " tile leuveK of wbicll <lie iu October HUd llo uot p<lt out uutil Uarcb We h�tve cabbage turnip"· lt�tt.ucl", rudisbes, onionM, etc., growing out of tloors, why Rhouldu't they, tbe thermmneter I'l\n�es from oO to 75 degree�. ProlJallly two thirds of the people in widolle Flul'ioln who caltivatfld oranges prtwiOitti to 11'$95 got diwourugetl llnd C.ile<l to bring their groveo b•ck; eo that it will b e m•uy year• before Florida gets back to the 5, 000.000 box crop of 1894. Your• truly,

E. J. WHITEHEAD. Feb 7th, 1003.

Muitlcal Ser\'lce In Cuaa:reaatlun•l Churcl1 · or chrJ!jt.


of Plainfield,

New Jerser.

Pays 3 per cent. on depo�its.

Acts as Executor, Trustee,



Undertakes the' entire


Correspondence . invited,

0 .. T.·. WAR.INO, Pres't.

H. A. M&:Oee, � V. P •

w� &16 \Vfitlug YOU in tbi8 jJUUiiC laHiol•JD lut' oue tbiug l;ecause. bydoiug so w� wtll shu.v tha chizeue who have Ueeu \o u� on tLtl sulJjRct that we b11ve kept our pr01uise by rt:oprestuting iu this etli . 'Ol'ihl Wtt.y th�;;ir Wiijbf:S, Our p�upl., feel a dtlt-P iut�re:it in Mr. li!Hjor. liis fawily ll\'e ill our towll. l:hH uhildreu attl:!ud our public schoolt:. Hi• offici"l work, uften mce•s•rily vexatious and tr.dng, hli!j beeu discbarg ed With uuiform polittmes!j �:�nd witb. overy effort to fauilitote public con· -.ahi8Uet'l. This hu been true to such au oaceptiuual "xtent as to bare become the •ubject of conversation, especi!lllY SllJC8 hts rewovul.

1 kno.w Rlso thut lly �euernl llpproval, a petlnou hns .U3eu started, Higu��d by om· representHtlve mo:t·clmuts uutl com wutt>rtl, alldrt!s::Jed to the n!·Sct!l'S of tht1 R•ilroad uskiug tlmt Hr. �lajor be rein. stilted iu bi!3 former positiou. 'fa the rrriters.wiud it is uu iqne that any one occupywg a cuUJpnrati\'ely riUburdiuH.tt' po_si:iou iu_ the �1uploy of a grt�at corpor· attoo tS!JeCl'dly 111 so shmt a tune cunld 80 iugrutiate hiw�elf iu the lligh upi,liou of t�a public •• it io very uppareut .Mr. MIIJOr bas doue.

-It h rumored that there is 11 great treat in stm·e for all who attelld the Dutch <linner at the Westfiel<l club bouse S"tnrol•y night the 21st. A great progt'IIIUtDe will be olfered aud tbtre will bo other 1\ttractlons also.

-Monduy night a two man bowling tournament will be innugurateJ at tho Westfield club.· Theraotre twelve team• entered Rlld the affair promloes to be a graml succe88. Four valuable prizes will be awouded the winners,

There will lle a mu•ical service Son· day afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Con gregatioual Chnrch to which all ar£ lnvtted, In which the selEctions are from J. S, Bacb aud Gunnod. ������������������������������� The pro! ram Ia as follows:

i:'�:.· ·�·i:h!;�l�� !;:!n "htii f�r �j.;y�;, Bach n •• po;��:·r:;;,i;�·p,;;•��::::::::::;.:;;i.•�o3:��� Have the Title to Your Real Estate Guaranteed. Ou every haud o.u expre:udon is Wilde

th•t the petition above referred ro may receive the favorable consideration of tile officer to whom it i• ad<lresoed and that we sh•ll soon learn that Mr. Mnjor h•• been redo•igu•hi to the office he Ius so worthily all<l snti;fact"Jl'ilv tilled

3�:�����,;.���)·x'�� �:���� .. ��::·:::::j:g����� It Is the Safest Way. Q��:r����=��.oJ,h�Alt:P�t;�i; '(it".;d��Gouood Postt��.�' .. ·;,:�.:,a��;;n�u�;;i�·ii;.;i;;��unod . TH I .FI DI LITY TRUST COM PANY of " ' " ' 0 0 0 0 " " " " ' " " " 0 0 " 0 0 " 0 0J. I!. Bach bll8 now " copy of t.be records olflllltiog real property in 1 Union

can do tin• work of enmlulng lith�• itt tbat County cheaper and If tllis meets With your appi'OVKl Mr. . -The initiation team of,Central Conn·

Pearsall, ple88o insert the.. word• in ;your poper at lelll!t a• public testimonial ell, No. 131, Jr. 0. U. A. M. will go te CHORAL SERVICE AT ST, PAULS• oogbly lhlin any other .oono&n or ROY pereoo. Its guaranty lo booked by the Company'& total c"pital aod

Westfield wants tbe best ; and we would llkij yon to know tilat sboold you be considering hio re instatement llis return would meet with entire approvHI Ull tbe p11rt of vour Weatlield p�trons. C. E. PEARSALL, Editor.

of the regard In wblch Mr . .Major Ia held Scotch Plaine ne:rt 'l'bureda;y night and •nd .wore esiM!Cially as a wieb that he do the inltiatory:work forTwillghtCoon· way be permitted to continue in tho ell No. 7 of that plaCI! potting I!I!Veral avocation of biB choice and N!Daln in ' ' '

The replar montbl;y choral �ervlce Union County bnalttf!lla le cllnductsd at the Union t;ouaty Apncy will be hsid In Salol Paola Chorcli oil Company, :us Bread Street, Elizabeth, N ,J,

onr midat tbe valued citizen that he Is. new member• in"' the mysteries or tbs So11d117 ereninll at 8 o'clock. AI Ia Rateo l!l••n on appUcatlon. cuotomar)' tbe organlllt will nndor 111,. ;;�:�::::::::::::;;::::::::;1 'rbe St�ndard ia glad to see the

C.ommittee &(>pointed at the� · recent pu blic mootmg, working so ener-

Yoore troiJ, order. The metnben will meet 1t the . CHARLES ODELL BENSEN. lodge rooms at 7 :41i p, m. It Is earnest. eral �elllllione before the �ervlce.

aetically for Town govarnment. ITS NOW " CHIEF LAMBERT·"

�ll -.w.ho at.tended the public · meet· l!'tre••• Eleet omoen wttta In c. Lam· lng 10 '!V eetfleld Club Hall hiBt llert At Tbo Top Of Tbo Llol.

lllontb, wtll recall the great d 11ati>• T 11 f��Ctwn with our present 'l'owuship

be re department elecled a chief, Jlirm of government ex reasod b llrst llolotant obie! lind eecood usalstant

all. No one defend�d if, all cor!. chief on Tuesday night. Ira 1.1. Lam ·

demned it as unsuited to our needs bert I• now at tbe head of the depart·

'l'he poor condition of man ,,f th� meut eucceeding Thomas O'Neill

'1'ownebip alfaira were nace� directly Charles E. Burtis Is first as•lstant abler

-., this forttt of government 'l'lte aud Frederl.ck C. Decker second aeslst.

llleeting considered tho proJect to ant cbiof,

iucorporattJ aa a city, as prom&ture Mr. Lambert ohonld make a gocd

aud ,. little lltnbitious. 'l'be form officer for the responsible position he

of governrueut wh ich met with now holds. He hils for years been one

general approv�l a� being an ad· of the faithful _workers iu fighting fire•

�anco, not too great, yet offering ad· awl know• tile nts and outs of the en tiro

�.nt<�goa was tllo 'l'otvn. 'l'he lllore deportment. The other gentlemen elect·

tile meeting discussed the queatiou ed are •lso onpllble men an� Clio be

tile pl�iuer became the sentiment c�unled upon to <lo their duty ns occa

for " 'l'owu. A t"Csolu tion favoring swn requires ,

All that is DO IV uecesRur)' iucorpomtiou as n 'fowu was passed.

t? get reso�lts " fo1· the people of Weal·

'l'llis resolu Lion WIIS passed uea•·ly Hehl to grve the firemen mod!ll'll ap· n �<dniwously, •.howiug the stre•Jgtlt paratus to work with. of popular fei!hng. 'l'hon to e!foct · uo�e their purpose, the peoplo llJl· }lOIII LOU u . COIIltllittoe to puoh the Ill :Or}>orutton of tho " 'l'own' of Wesltield." . �l' l

.l is Committee, so the Staudnrd JB l ltlormed, will, within n few weeks l'!·u�out to the L.Jgi�luttl l'o tl bill pre•: vrdmg for the · tucorpomtiou of Westliold.

-Winfield Suott Co<IDcil. No, 53, of Eliz�betb, will illlY 11 visit to the mem. hers of Central Council, No. 131, Jr. 0 U. A. M., iu the near future.

-In the big <log allow thnt has tnken place at �ludlsou Sqnure G11r<len. Now York. this week, R. A. F•h·�nlt·u's dogs took throe r•rlze•, one firat 1111d two aeuomls in the Pointe!' claos.

-A lnrgely attemlecl Ep1vorth T"""!f<le social wns hel-.1 l11et eveulng in tlte .IIIetho<list chul'Ch 1111rlors, Music, re11d· ings by All'il. SJ�mnHI Bnl'lumn, nml 1UJ a•l<lre•s by Dr·. C. .M. Amlerson llJIJirO· pl'lnto to LlucoJiu's Birth1lny rnruiobe•l n pn<·t of thn RXI!flient progmm. RRfi'Rsh· meuls were serl'ecl ntnl n pl611Hllltt eocltol ho<ll' enjoyool.

IF reqneottod that 11 many membere of Contra! Council as cao poaelbl.r go with the taam wlll do 10.

JEWELED PRIIIC.IS or lBUJ.A, ••• .. ••• •••,.•••• •' til• O•lltwa• · ef 8Moda Wile• DeeuN1e• wMII Hla G•-·

" The princes "beggar de•crlpUoo."

Animated nuggets, ambulatory ruine1 of jewels," oue has said.

'fhe crown jewels of t.he gulkwa.r ot Ba roda are \'Bitted at. $20,000,000. No bluevault. of Dresden nor d ragon· guarded tower could mine the troas· ures of t.hnt most cl1nrming nml culU· vn�ed of l ndia's princes, Sirnjo·Uao rmkw�r of Baroda, say.11 E\'el'ybuUJ'i Alngnzme.

Seven rows of mngniflcent pe.nrls are his fn\'orite wear, but h P hue 50 nccklnces of NJUnl Ynluc-pururcs in e.vers gem. l"iJ•st. in wonde r t>omes the fumous diu mund cupe made for the fe­rocious l{han<larno, n·ho might be cnllell t h e last of Hollluu emperors from his }lussionnte fondness for bloody n rc11h: sports. It fnllo fl'Otn neck to shouldc!'s In u great. nuu;s of table· cut stones, fdngeu wltb pcar·shaped, emeralds. LIVE OAKS AND ORANGE TREQ A. Fet,. Ve••eraltle- Trell!• H&l't!- l•r*

'\'l\'e41 the- Crn•e for 0NtD&'e CJruwJna,

'Vhet'eVI!r llllge live onks ore found the !WI\ is �oug-enlul to the urulJge. t ree, Hnd Wl' mn�· bt! t h n nkful Umt ut the height. of t.he c J•n;w for pln nt.ltJg nJ•nnge. orchnJ·d� nll U\'l'1' 1lw :; t n t e of l•1)(}rido,. 11ome \'L•n e.l'nhle l·l'N�s Wf't'e spnt•eU , P.nyfl CoUlltl'y .Li fe! ill Aml'r··ll'fl , '.(lrJo nflen u "1 .\\'0·t.honsn JHl·ll ol hll' l i Ve! unl<" wnM t•ut.hlt•Hsl,r hL'\\'11 down t o gh·c pJ.nce to a "tlft,,··cl' n t nrn n ge t.J•t•('"-n !wt•cl ld

\1' estlield has grown too lurgo i 11 JlOpulntiou, weult!t, i nterest tllttl l'

,ublio _spiri t to tolorato Jougor p, I owushtp form of govoru mout.

Ono which ia llol•.tplotl only to srn11ll rurul commuui tioa. Wootil�ltl l l l liHt coutinue tu grow and to ft1cil i tt1 e lte.l' �rolvth shu must htlVO ltLIV; per· m ttt111g _oXptlns iou , 'l'ho pooplo roKitzo ti l ls , tts wu� shoiVn in .tho puulio mcoti11g, tint I the it· Commi ttee �t·o bout oJ.fuotuatiug their iutoutioo

flt•w'.o� ThiM, rlcw nf thL• 1 rn nf!ne1 1on, fll't'hu ptq but rn prescnt111g Bll<lh bill. Wo otrer Ono lluudrud !Jollar. Ueword for no urt!st will quuncl w l l h the •·•l i u a· �m·utf:�a?,�r�J������� thtt.t canuot bu f:Ured by Hou, fo1' be l�ll ll gu tu l.ht· neu l't·st.hrl llk

we, t.b�· ;:,�������:d� �"��n.k;};���/11nN.O·,, uml d rnw usu J·IuuH ln 1Pl'l'!<ti ul l •lny ton(f

The other 111rrlceo ol tbe daJ 1n aa usual, Bol)' · ·CommuolOII at 7.80 .i, Iii. IIOl'Ding P�)'�r, '.Litao)' and a 111r10oo at 1 1 A. K. · ·

The ordsr or Iliff lee II u follow•: MORifi!IQ,

P._tooat Hrmo, '\0 81oo, ltute, lbJ' V mloiiOD bl1b fuiiiUDI·" of.::!: } o o · · . . · oo o o oo . . . oo , . . oo oo o o o o . . . . o o Norrla llenedlolteo o o o . . . . . . l!taloor, Wino •wl Walker tt"l:.":;�"'"" . . . oo . . . . . . . oo • • . • . . . oo . . . . . .. Barn by Bfm::.���:� Sweet tba uame of J•ua Strwon U)·wu, ,. Arm ot tha Lord, Anktl Awakfl" Duett, .. Luv\P.!:'���� �": ���W:fd�n t!wart Re��nt't!o�L.�g:.:·1'tnl thousamd ttmei Proc8881oua.l Hym:,":�r!:I• us, Heavenly li'ather, lead us." Secr�nd Stjlt�o1ton psalms, �Mgntl)cat • • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . , , , • • • • • • • • • Sesburr A��.i.Pu!��!�l��"' ;�,· i�� t' UiO�ii 'h�'tb ·p;w� Wild H awllJ " • • · · · · · " · · • ·· · · · · ·

.. · · · · · 'Vood.ward A������ tJsutt, thu vory tllougtu. or 1'bee." Otf�rt:hJ!��.�n, " Oh, ''was " joyful sound Ruce���t�J, Hymn, '' Rtse, crowned with

ISCUIId Of He"lth Meet1. The regular monthly weetlug of tbe Board of Health was held Frldoty night

In the town roows. Iuspector Dr. J. 8, Harrison reported

tbe sanitary condition of the public sobools ae being satlofaotory,

Seoreta1·y Ml\roh was anthoriz•d to got a book lu which to keep the records of all births, deaths and m"rriagea,

Several contageous diseases were re­ported by the secre�ury and propel' pre • cuutlon is being giVetl in 011ch oa•a.

Have··voiJ Tried FITc�;s NEW PRINT BUTTER 'I

Kept on band either Sweet or Salted-Sole Westfield for the famoaa Watchung Spring Water. promptly &lied.

A. c. FITCH, OROCI!Rit!"�r:r·

............ ..,... Red Star Tradins Stam,s. · · · Easy ·.�J;IOUgb

to find three dollar .,. men : 1most every suce-oto•re·'"!'l ;: them .. , Tbere'e only one store

tbonsh that has

-nod tb11.t's here. 83.00 " Fast Color " Eyelets. 'J�r•ey Ventr11l To Hulhl In NftW�trk, are made by " Qneeu 'l'be Central Rotllroud of Now Jersey PIKER SHOE COM •erva<l nutice on tha teuHnts of its build.

, , . . . PINY, iu11 nt Nul. 8U2-880 Bro•d atreet th11t their leasss will expire .Mny 1. It h be· H, C, PI Kill,


� lieved tb11t the oumpiltlY's Intention lo to erect on this site ito ue\V terwht��I IJDild· in� whlob, It Ia s�i<l, will cost 11loout •t,ooo.ooo. We repair neck·ba11d a�d wrist-ba11ds.

- Oberu�y tor the la.st. u yetlr u 1 bull hi ' nn<l muonl lgh l u lglttshesldt•fll, when the l.on•·•·•";;;�F;n•llr. perre�tly bnuorable ln "U im:in"BR� tr.n:::!u0111� ghofit.l,Y Ktenml�l'S of gJ•ny h n uglng muw•

No death hull oucuncd fur half I �ll,�,. ,'�����r,������·n��?'"fY ouL MUY olollwM• hlue the prowl ing u lght c o·ru lnt'efl-Fewer G�llous; Wears Longer,

eentiiP.Y in the f1unlly ol a J.lalton �!T�)�ff�KUf<�N�!l�leaalt!lliUir81Ati,Tolutlo,O, and une muy h t:lH' the cry of iWJ,ne ------ ·�-- WIITI'I&LD ITIAM and HAND LAUrf" (Yorlublrc, Englund,) couple, who oruilfi•L•: 1'oltlllo o, lit MAHVJN, Wbcte .. to bird •nut�l•ed from It• nest by cUrub·

Fewer Gt�llonsl WallrB Lnntrer. • ' ' � • • • ' ' l

l!ave juat celebrated their goldell 1 11�1 o llatarrll Oure lo laken lnllraallp, 1111. inl!' opossum or the eelwlng hoot1 of -----"-•·----weddlntr · annlYer•ar.r.-AibaA.r .\r• r� .. �'F'Ul'. .�':.:J.::�.'f":': ;.::: the great horned uwl at·e an8wered bT Few�r' Gallon� I Weare Longer, .. . . . .

. •Q,t. · . . . . - . _, ... --..-"'o...,.-.�«a...l P�':ui�;l::'� :!lf�:l�run�er.. 1 mate or rlv11 1 Ul l tile whole wooda rt• . -:---._..,.-· -. -. _ . · · , . .

• ;.: ;;>"'' ' "' ' · ; ·. · · . . : , ,:'. ' , ·, . . ·· . . , . . , , ' . .... ,. ..,,u, t.belr uvDteatWa. . . �-.:.. ....... . rlw,ea: G•IIollil \VIIIh l.ooqiC, , · . . ' Tel 11•1' ' •

�����Bit�wi��k��l��i.l.t.�i�!�t��J�·¥:�1;di�),�f.J.tt�:�;;;l(\;!�iJii,;;t:&:�·�··:. ,;?,, . :; .. ,j ii,ki!�i;�;������Jii��*i��-�����Zri��}Li�·u&K\�i;ii:;:�;:;J;,;4::}:r::;,:;

& .. . •· .. 'Woodnlft, PrOp.· : . , , ' ' ' · , .

.. �· Pro11peo� lt••lel:t W'lt'TP.:I

Jnt.ere•ti••K Prt»>ltul1le· 2015-01-19· SALE .OF WASHABLE&. . A mighty exhibition of choice,thin · Fabrics, pur ased expr ssly lor the -Spring selling, but offered during - [PDF Document] (7)

. TICKET HOLDBU . ...... ,,. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. 10 . Mcll. ' .; . . . . . 0 0 0 0 . . . . . Mloll. :110 • • • • • • • • , . 0 0 ; ,

.... .. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . I Mda, 6o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

Feit. 217o o . . . . . . o o : . . . . '"'· •. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

'' · . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 . . .

6 . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . .




m- ·K� your eye on tho Thermometer. If yon euJoy ao4 RN public a(llrited onougb to BUJlllOrt clean and �rood bdl, porchaee a Coupon Book for t-he III!Uon 1908 at t��.00-•2 00 April tst and 110 centa each month, April aud l!topt�mber inclnoive. The book 11dmlts bearer lllld friend• bot will bo llllc•pted only wben coupon• are removed by ticket takers. To corry out the plana tor, not only m•int&iulng 1 llnloeiRBB te .. m, · but play· lug 110od, reputable cluhe only, 2o0 coupon book holder& are necee1111ry. The tberroorneter dates are of the Issue• of tile "!ltondard" np to the time when the 250 mark most IMt reached. The number of ticket holden will be publiebed each week. Keep your �Fe on the thermometer. "That'a all."

-Miss Mond :Trenchord Is 'visiting friends and relatives In South Orange.

-The 11103 MountKinoide Borough report is jnst oft tbe Stondard'1 press and ready for distribution.

-GE!Drge fi. Brown of Westfield Ave. �....:.-::--'---:----:---� is grently improvE!<\ frow ble recent

severe illnei!S.

-On Tburaday olaht uext Weatllold will bowl the P�trlrs, at Plalnlleld.

-Lut night Fireside Connell,. B. A., initiated oue memller and eujoyed a ooclaleYenlng.

.-Rev, A. B. Robinson will occupy the pulpit In tbe Pre&byterlan church oa Sunday nelll,

.-:.'I'he otork bRS made another call at the homa of Mr. and Mrs. Charlee Gilmore Brown at Monntaiuslde.

-Miss Jennie Bailey delighted the aot•lience nf the Methodist church on Sunday evening by rendering a solo,

-Arrangements are being made to bold a union towuahip Sunday School InstitutE toward the close or the inouth.


,..,,_ o ........ A ... Addltloaal 8oatla1 Ca-'11' llo•e af lho 1M3 Feai11-­

Dia•- ... Oul&old To .. ....

IJqual 'lo TIIe BMI.

Ladles •

No 230 Satine Cloth, me<lin m form or lenjfth, Botton r�golar price 1.2/i, our pric" 75C· No. 220, ����� inm length, jolt the aver"lJe forru, regular vricH 1.00, our price 75C· No. 3�2; ume atyle 220, cl.wp fro•1t, regular price 1 00, our price 75C· No. 319, Ill"'

11r1•nndar10t,Bqatal· l Mhirred buat, clasp rrorrt. mediUm waist, regular pr!(Jit 1 .00, our price, 75c. N o. 206, moulded bust, elastic at ai(le, JWrmits free!lnm of moti011, shouldl'r alrav� support skirt., r�gultar price 1.00, onr priciJ 75c. .

ed In the w .. tfleld will lead In t.oe bllll matter• thiB aon. The for the

Childrma'a W niat .• . rcgul .. r· 7/ic. kind uow SOc. Ohildren'a Wailtl, rl'gultu liOc. kind now 39c. ·

F. H. i CHAEFER lc CO., 11round B<ocre•tiou :!�: ':�� been BROAD STREET. WESTFIELD. drown llhll are in tbB hand• of the con I;:::::::::::::::::::::::::� tractor who will only· await good 1 ! ::���·,A�d;:::::.�::tl:�

�����r:,�, La' at Week· of Th"ls· o·flar Last Cha' nc' l'tD Get be another added feature for the cow• I I fort of jiMtrona of tbe game this ye•r.



:t':!n�:!fte!�dw�� �=

I ol� Mo' un' 18·

� openlng of tho aeai.oo, tile ftrst Soturday · - ·

111 May, e•�•l tblor will be In readlueN for fa1t play. .. .



y!::�=w�·::: EYEG·

S SES $1 seYer-1 pooitlons will be atrengthened. · .

. . · . ·

. . . · . ·

. _!!!!!! or conroe George Mallen will be on

deck to captain the team and every hH1!8 ball entbusiast know• CRptalu MRIIen is 11o good man In tho right place. . Harry Jonee and McMam1s wll\ cover their old positions 11od 1'om Carey, lut years favorite, will play with Weatfteld set�son, Barry . wlll· look after third, 11 position be covers with ability �nd Jack Bnrke will bold down one of the beat pitchers iu the bueln� ...

Over flOO. persons a week are now being supplied with proper tlasses here.

-Proft'!!I!Or J. J. Savitz will address the meethog to.morrow of the Union County 1'eachers Association to be held in Elizabeth.

Lat.lr Hnnonucemeut will be mode of the filling of Olher positions but West· field bHII cmnks CHil rest ussnrad tlult the management will secure man well able to hold down their positions us well ,

-Rev. Dr. Danforth" hHs recently as the best of tbew and with It all they ·

-H. A. Ward. formerly proprietor ol the Westfield hotel, bus leased thg hotel ut Milhnrn, formerly conducted by Charles Smith.

been giving &orne deligbtful tHikR ou will be good stickers. tile subject of hymus und their writers. Books containing twenty coupons will

-Rev. Dr. Anderson's subject on be issued this season at $5.00, nllowiug Snnd•y morning will he " Hi•toric bearer ndmh•<iou to grand stau<i. Tile Iustltntioos of Methodism." bolder of " coupon book may �ecure the

-Miss Lyud,. Clark, daughter of Co\, udmission of friends by alto win� the tick· -Abrams & Welch, reRi eetute agents Clark, of Hudson Heights, N. J., hHs et taker to remove Kddltional coupons

have sold. for J11wes I. TAylor, his be•n visiting Mrs. J. a. Pute•·•on, of at the gate. 'l'his ie 1\ good feature and pruperty on Mountain avenue, to George Park stl'eet. one wlllcb should secure many coupon

· Tho 11108, Ltw•·oug11 ovtJcul UllllfllUtHiou w1il g1vuu every one,

·I without a 'ent ohost, by L. D. Hilborn, 0, Ph, D., assisted by comp�tent opticiuns. ' . EXAMINA'r!ON HOU US-9 to 12 A.M.; 1 :30 to li P. M.Saturuay ev'gs, 7.30 to 9


-F. W. Perkins who recently pur- book bnyete. Last year tile coupon -----�--'----- -The R<uateur theatricals' to be Riven ' -·····'"""m' tile Si�p>�lll loome on Ross book was goml for tbe holder �nly. all� traternal !Jr�ers. in the ne•r future by the 111gb School Place will take posse•sion about tbe .Secone � hook and P•to·omze every I (H:ullats' Pre�crlptlons Flll�d With Best Quality Lenses and

Mountln11s From t\t oo, · --- Athletic As•oci•tion, will be under the ·a 1j r 111 b g•me durmg the seaeou. Get yo•u·

direction of Mrs. Hazeltine nee Luckey. WI 1 e 0 .arc · friouds intere8te1l •nd t•ke them witil ;

-J. L. Johnson, who W!S injured in you. This promises to he a great h11se ·-------------------------•

-Mr. and l\Irs W illiam Miller of ·b t 'I d k t f El' Mountainside will give a birthday party t e recen rat roa wrec eas o tza· btill year in \V!'Btfield aml witn a five J W I .:,S � SON.:, JEWELI�V, .SILVERWARE. ___ ..;., __ ..;.._____ beth, Is said to be in a ve�y critical con· year lease on .the gronnils tilet·e are good • .;;J Uli. . .;;J : Friday evening of next week, In bonor dition at his howe 00 North avenue. years to come. .;ur OLASS AND CUTLER.Y.

their daughter Miss Violet Miller. J S p f •1 be f 755 Broad Street, Newark, N. J. - · · •ge, one o ' te wem rs 0 The aotnual meetlng of the Westfield -The hsurauce Press roporta f84,GOO the Cllrtaret Gun Club, testified before a118e Ball Assooiation WM held in the •••••••••••••••••• •••••••lllr aa having been paid by dilferent · tuaur. a legislotlvo committee last week on the Standard oilio:e yesterday morning, At

10 rooms 11on•l batb. chicken houses.

of gronud. . One trolley. .

L Puce comp•uies 118 loe!M!8 on tbe Grace• 1 h ti b'll arge di . P geon·S 00 og I • this meetio11 a certified copy of articles

About land 8&8tor. -Rev. Mr. Gordon, late of I'!Yr811UB8, of ilacorporatlon was received and filed

-The executive commitlee of the hu been engaged by tbe Baptist church with Secretary Piker. A oet of by·la wa oonoty W. C. T. U. held an Important to supply the pulpit for . the uelll two were Rlso accepted and Bled. 'l'be

$5000. . . meeting TueedRy . afternoon at .Mrs, months. original et ot 8rtlolee of Incorporation Dadd Irvlu11'•, Craotonl, b�v• been recorded In tbe county cle•·ks -Mr. aud Mra. L. B. Robert• of -Tbe Epworth Le&lfDI! held a Lin· oftlce and llled wl&h tbe I!I!Cretary of tbe 'ADIIAIIII. A WILOH, . Brooklyn epeut a abort time Jut week cola's Blrtbday 100lable, and the

occa• etate. tbe goealll of !ln. Roberta' parenta, aion wu a llf&lt credit to the BOOial TbJI foiiDwlne trusteeo were elected :

llr. ano.l Mra. J. B. A. Wittke. COIIImlttee of tbe chapter. For 11 yearo, Charlee H. Deuwau, C. E. 'l'elephon 111 o;•" ,-Rev. IV. 8. Hubbard, recentlJ a -Tbe 1111111 arraagemetata tor ex; P�arull; 4 Yl!lln, 8. L. AbrRms, a; · .

------------· l elllldio.llllll tor tbe Beptllt putonte, hu tn4lq tbe . New. 01'111118 raiii'OIId to Piker ; a Je&fl, Pr�tnk A. Bettelw&) "' ·

Dr • ..Joe . .. Wrllht, OCULIST AND AURIST.

'-111• tile putor of tbe Bedford Summit han been made, u.l the work Randolph Perldoe; 2 years, c. LJ. Belibtuborvb In Brooklrn. IUo be carrlethat u 100n u poulble. Bwl&h, Albert Tnech; 1 rear, H. 8, _;.Qiw�n.ar llurp�r bM: re:appolntea . :...:iilcb!lll What� .tiu iillide . Dowuee arul A. W. Dow.

Jiidjre Vail aod CouittJ Pr088CUior tloli ''t!j'· 'tlre IIOUrt ' for ' ' . : A iln .. :yev.,._ of tbe.;-�.reoeat Baclllb, and their ter1111 do aot aplre pepen. ud Towlllblp Cletk Beelll IJI'OIIDda (Recmllou Park) llu been

7 ·B P. H. aud by appointment. aatll lll08. •• pc11ted " blm, taltea bJ the 111100iatloa. .:..a.. J. G. Drer'a place u Baptlet -Bey, Albert Gallup, who ..-111 • 1 •

putor at Boat.b ollmbor hu bHa tneu tor tbe Baptltta, will preech A aew and beautiful I&J'Ie. of tabiP

Watch repairjng is oar bnsine88, ··and . we give careful, painstaking attention . . to it. We give speci"l attention to. the · repairing of 6ne watchee-the kind of watches that need extra carelnl adjna� ment. We try to bave oar work gite snob lllll·iBfiiCtiou 118 will win the con&­deilce of all who leaYe their watch re­pairing in our hands,

Fine llottk of gold and silver watcbee. (boys •atcbes) silver and silyer plated ware and jewelry. . . . . . . • Want to •ve money tbeu buy from a1.

. : ' ·· ' Watchmaker and· Jeweler, by BeY, J. Y. Irwin. Mr. Dyer to now BnndaJ 11 Plalntleld Ita Dr. Yerkes lfllllllware. 18 tbat called " Co\oulal."

putor at Tottendlle, N. Y. fl)rmer poipU. ehown at tbe Dorlllllger oto-. 3 and II �� Broad Street WesUield New �eriey. -MIBI K"thryn Taylor of Oakland W.eat 19th 8tl1!411·, near· Fifth Ave011e, ..;.BeY. Mr. Gorden, of New York, alld 38 lllurray Street New Yorlr wu given a Yery happy 1urprl�e perty who pr811Chod 110 ·acceptably ta8t Souday ' ·

l1111t Friday evening, by ·a merry com in the Baptiat ohnrclt, will occupy tbe pany of her young friends. pulpit again next Sunday. WAS AB AliBITIOUS JIAK, Bev . . N, W. Codwell came trom At.

lantic City •l118t Friday afternoon to -The young people'e BOCiety of Wltll lllo Hond He Trl•<l to P•ll 111o conduct the funeru\ of .'the late Thorn•• Christian Er1deavor · of tbe Baptist

· church· will bold a eocla\ thla evening Ll!l! of Willow Grove. ln the cburcb parlora. -Rev. F. St. Joh11 Fisch, who recent· ly preached ilt the Baptist church . bas -Mrs. R. B. Momofield, of Dudloy been called to a church of that de· avenue, will give a Valentine party to· nowlnatlon at Brallford. Ct. morrow evening to her tliece, Miss Alwa

-Mrs. Cburles Crickeuberger was "llt howe " at Cranford Tbursduy evenu.,., 11nd the !nnction \VKB one of the pro&· tiest !llld most eelect,

-Rev. Dr, Amler3on and Rev. GeorKe Frnnels Greene of the Cranford Pres· byterian chnrcb excbangl!(l pulpits on Sunday murniug.

Angevine. -'fhe Rev. Bontelle Plumer, of .Buff·

alo, N. Y., wilo ie to ba the guest of F. F. Bulkley, of 22 Flt'Pt street, will preach •t tile Fhot Preobyterinu chur<1h Feb, 22ud, arul iu the evening will de· liver his lecture ol ' "i'ile Iutellectuul Greatness of Jesus."

-Mrs. 'l'hom�s Kenney, who turned -Ti;e MIBses Jessie ·and Ida Dnl<lson bar home Into .a bas vital at tbe recent

Youth• $Jo:IS bRve beau secured by Moslcal · w1·eok au the railroad wost of Brand

· Boy• •••SO Townley to sing lu the lllethoollst oburuh atreet, Ia very tow. She bas narvon!! choir. prostmlion ;Ks a result ot the urue11i she

John O'BitRII, -As predicted at the start of passed tl rougb in c11relng for the In·

, bowling league, W e.stfleld Is In tbe lead j ut·ed .Broad St�eet, Westflel� •. and lt looks ns if the cup woul<l rem<lin -Jobn Singer, \Vesttieltl'a enterpris·

ut the W•stllehl olull where It Is at lug butcher, is oiiel"iug •peci•l iuuuoe present oowfortnbly lwused. mauls for cash trade for Saturday only.

-MondRY night H. & L, Co. e\eoted Hi• prloos me equal to the lowest Theo. A, J,>ope. Ferdluund H. Koeo·net·, fm·ewnu ; A. B. charged by city lmtohers and his went

Flllgll, 1st nssist!lnt foreru01n, . Frank Ia fur supel'io•• in quality. Rellli his 11d. Set.tlemayer, 2nd assistant foreman, nnd in this INne of th" Stundurd. Singer

Edwin Hodges, secretRl'Y· 'l'hey also gives Bed 1'rRdiug l:!tnmps. received three upplicutlons for wember• -The Hillb School boll!e ball 188m bus

in tbe colllpuny. their subeduto 'tor llltJB alwoot eornpl•l· -1'he eutertKiuweul given BHiurday ed, Tbe Hlglt Scbool will ltave one or

ni(lbt In the Weettleld club ball for the the beat teawa oo the lield lhl• ;ye!lr that ' benefit ot the Cblldren'e Co11ntry ,Bnwe bae evet• repre��euted tbe lllhool. Games

netted ;1 :nnt little 111m for the IIIIOOIR• bMve been arrau11ed with DeWitt Clio· tlcn. The ball wu well llled aad Ber.· lou fiiJb School, of New York ; Madi10n

Obaplu'• "Abnbaw Liaaolra" Field Olall, OriiDfle Field Olab, ' autl

��:tY:!I��=����!�L...;;:..;,;.�ii{,,.�· J..J:. s.:�-::r��=·����:·:���:·7�·=·�1'0111�;�:·.-�ll.:: ... . ,.

HIM Gun FIM:llla A:wa:F from Him.

When the big 16·ineb gun wns towed to Sundy Hook the great flouting der· rick Monn rclo and the ligh ter Captain Tom cnrrietl the weight, while the powerful wrecking steamer, I. J. Mer• rltt; di<l the pulling.

rrhe the g'O\'Cl'ntnent clock the Mer· rift tlmpped behind the other vessels nnd }Hlldled th£1111 in ngnlnst tl1e pier, at the cml of which nn insl�niflcant lit• tle pile driver was tied up, The huge lfonm•ch fH\'llDA' close to the pUC! tll'lver, nml n man banrrle<l the lnttet•, fearing the pile •lrivet• wns in <lnnger of be­Ing crushed, nntl with no !den of the eternal Illness of lhlngs, reached out nne\ t.t•ied to push the derrick, llont, gun nml stenmer ull nwuy 11t t.he same time. It wns like n lly trying to ldck clown n mountain,

Oul of llae rllot house of the Mer• ritt th •• <'ll flln ln stuck Ills l1end, snys 1he Nrw Yrn·lt Mnll nnd Express, ntHl, in n l'ioee so I o•emen<lous that it shnt· t et•e<l tl�e ntmoRphm•e, roared nt the mnn un l h e pile driver:

"Don't. lmtheo•, We'll mnl<e n l ine f����- t�_!<.!:t:�. ,t.he dcrrlclc there, You

Lan•n&II'N and Re-llg:lc•n•• 'l'herc UI'C 3,004 lnngung·cs In the

wo..td, nnd its lnhnbitnuts tn•ofesa more thnn 1,000 rcllglona, 'l'bc num• bcr of mt•n is ubout C<JUUI to the uum· ber of women. 'l'he a\•erage lenglh of life is nbout sa ycaro, of 1,000 P••·•ona only one naches 100 years of life, of ever·y 100 •l" reach the uge of OL; a11d .uot more !hun rme In ODD II rea BDyeUio -netrolt Free Preaa, '

SPI:Cif.IL I 4oc . Eiderd�wn 25 c Scotch: Fjannels reduc:d to 1 9Co· Everyt�insP; in OI�V · GOODS and NOTIONS�

L. A. PIKER'S-c-Broad Street, WESTFIELD.

Don't ft1il to · visit Maple Hill farm : And See Personally How

�rti"l'J:'ABV ltJ:r� . . ·


* � IS PRODUCED. � Box 446• Jamee L. Carabrant, B, Be. M.r_. -,

Chas. Zeitelhack,, Houte1 llan and Deooratlve Palrt.,· ·

ing and Paper Hangln•· FlRS'l' OLASS WOIIK GUARANTBIID;

Weatfieljl, N .• J,

�- W. S I N QER,

Jnt.ere•ti••K Prt»>ltul1le· 2015-01-19· SALE .OF WASHABLE&. . A mighty exhibition of choice,thin · Fabrics, pur ased expr ssly lor the -Spring selling, but offered during - [PDF Document] (8)


ftla Kan Can Foretell the. Weather by Its Antics.

••• Rat-e'• Tbatcb Ia Pro)tbeHe anll Ba• �e,·er Recorded .. fi"allure

-only Oa•e of It• Klud ou Ueeurd..

••Feels a good deul lil\e snow," re­lllnrkeU n t l'a \'el ing gentleman at the Albany hotel to Uubric� J:ule, of JJangor, Me., u t all, �lender man, who,

�ays the Den ver Post, come!-i west once a .}'ear to look a fter bOUle mining prop­erti es in lJtal1.

ult is g·o1Jlg' to SllOW," returned Mr. ltult!, wi t h contidencc,

"Yes, that's whut the weather man aay�," Enitl the L g. . · ·

••r hm·en't seen any ·of. tl1e· weather 11,1nn's preUictions," remn�·keill\11-. Jlule, "nor l1a\'e l once 1oo){e.�l' Ut:tbe t:iliy or tonsulted a btlrometer, yet .1 'm 'certain We v..-ill have snow to-night.' ln fact. l

know it." "Know it?" "Yes, lwow it-look nt:my hnir." The tranling gentleniun did as be

Was bidden, He saw n rather hen\')' brown growth tl1nt cumedowu m·er l.lt•, Rule's enrs in a queer little wa,·e. Yet there didn't. seen� to be anything re· ll!nrkable in this •ight.

"I don't see anythh1g about your hair that's different from any other hnir, except, maybe, it's a little Jonge1· than lome."

}lr. llule la ughed gently.; ...,!'hat's because you ha1•en't hud ; a chalice to

observe it," snid he: ,,: ���,�u . notice,

bowenr, thnt the endS il_1'e ·.�egiiliii�g to turn Ull just 0\'0l' rny.,' efii'S,' don't )'OU ?" . : ;);���:�.;;;-;��t�;-�>···�·

Yes, the other manl1.,id _noticed th "\Ve11, on hour Ogii\:.zJ�'e):$(�)\·ere :<

straight as strings. ·'lri''ii'ci,I!Hl�'1\;hile \he� will be still mor' ':'' ... , . . . iey lirc curling now very . genfl en!imper• ceptibly to yoi1, thouirh:r; 1iliJ;tell it In tl1e dark. r can; f,ei>l'}heni curl· in g.'·'

01Feel i11em ?,' . . , ;�

· . . ·"'

,· "Yes, my hail· is yerj• seusithre : tltere Dever was a barometer thnt could equul

my balr for noting coming changes In the wen tl1el'."

611 can tell from the way my hair moves. \Vhen there's I'Uin coming ms bair curls more . rapidly und with creater tension. 'Vhen there ia; a heln-y rain coming it k inks up tight ly. Thio liDO" that's corning to-nigl1t is going to be a l ight dry one; 1 know thaHrom the way it pops." "\\'hut, tbe snow?"

"No, my ht�ir; lean this way and listen closely,"

CePNeted to :No•. 18, 1MS.

p.m. For Pl•lnfteld 1 671 5 08, ft 68, I 08, t fe, 10 dl, 1148, a. m. \I 110, •1 ftf, 1 51, 8 67, *311, 321, 4 19, 4 !fi 4 U, i t'd 6 52, & h8, 16 <e «22, 8 311 IHU, 7 03, 7 00, 1 67, 8 12,

���l.�e���E7.11��·/a2�i· ci7 �·o:,�&h�: �.71Z·m· 1.1 63, l liil, 3 36.3 :l8. 4 j/j, o 15, B :13, 7 3!, 8 IU, 10 01 11 17, o. m., l 00 night. N. J. CENTRAL. PH! LA. & READING. J!'or Phlla.delphi•, 8 00, II 2«1,10 t!J a..ru. 1 51,2 01, 3.21 H7, 6 23, 7.:la. 8 12, {l26, JU J:!, p, m. 1 2 48, nl��� Re��odlng ancl Harri�lmrg, BUS, S\ID, 9 2& a.. m •• 1 6l. 4 52. (157 tn Readlng onll·l

8���:��0tt�··�n��· ����1i���· ·�1': ��r,?l\Kmspnrt, fl (!8, 8 0!1, lo 2tl a.. m .. 1 01 . 4 &'!, 'i D7 p. m" 1 00 niJ��· ������s·Je�f,;:�m! 00 ft�����wn, r6o� �07E!!t�;)1���t��·� g �, �.�: t�: �=: p, fa� Wilkes bare aml Scranton, 6 08, g ::.8 a. m.

'�J:: f!·k:;�J•.r;:J,a;. ��i·�.� �81:.' m. Sun-da.ye. 10 11' a. m. J�� t��':?U�a��tfi.·lZl:r:OI:�a�� Po�i PieR&

!lDd and Mea 8bore Points, 8 ::a, 11 36 a. m, l :!� 3 &.5, 6 00 p. m. • SaLunlaye only. t Eaoept 8r,\urda)la. Throulll_tickeia to all JIOIDta at lowett rat.

�.ru�t':��=·�::�:�'· �ft.DC. io tb•

w. a. l!::.r�···· c. �:.r:!. Ut.

W.:I'I'·I·U POI'I'OIFWIC .. L. 11!. WIUT.&alllo "'--ter.

�-�·.f."T':;.::t.r��.:-n.�.:; = ..... Wtnu. Ciork. o ... . ,.. , ... , .. .. to r p. •· -JJt ..

!lo.tol'IIIJI. 0111 .. "'"" SllHIJI ,., ui.Une: !Mllr. llesa !rea I to 4 e'el .. lr.. �IUII'"'L �!Ill DIP .. �TURIC or Jl.t\IL6

J'Na !lew· YorlJ:, l'out, Boat• ud Sea� :,;;:r.�l;': :? .. .,, a& 7:• ud tM a. a. Jf&IL!I CLOBII.

ror Now York, PhiiMtlplala, Troatoa, lllo Nertklut, 8oat.ll. 8a11thweet aad W&fl 1tatfoa. 1?!:\.�a:'�!U�!,id"X:i!�1�:.s,�;.'(&:ro., •t 7:SIIa. m. and 4:ll0 p. m.

MOUNTAINI!IDE. Arrhe at 7:30 a.. m. and 4:30 p, m. 01 ... at S:BO a. m. and 5:00 �· m.


297-Summlt a. venue and Park street . 499 -Elm stteet and Kimball avenue o79-Broad and Middl .. ex street.. 639-Cumberla.nd St. and South AVt. 893-Fire Department bon••·

99-Cellter Street, Garwood .

After sending in an alarm stand ne• :he call box until arrival of apparatus


PATiet•T•n Auo. 11, 1e01. A Ce•plete Water�roef Ce .. •t Orne Ll•l•l• :: :·�:= ��•r: .�;-��!t .. '!\•l,r.- r•··· H .. uata .. l• l'oP•lorllf In• tile Dar el Ito

........... ••••• lectlu• ; C!la M Piau• Ia Phltl" ., •·· •··· Jlan•lulared bJ

DA �ID HARPER;11•.••••• c •• , ... , •• ; !100 BrOod l!t : :l!oworlr, N. 1. Horlltoa .ln · •Dd Pall&lc Rhor, Harrlooo. I'.LIIPHO:IIU,

MeWark.,, uafrieo_a, 'rf• Loa1 D_ll!&p.ot, Ill.

· 'rhe gentlemnn of tl'RYcl. diU sO, and beard a faint so.1md Jikeithe s'nitppiiig· 11f tiny twigs.

> · ' FREE ! "You cnu hardly hear it,," continued

Mr. Rule, "but to me,:it, is quite loud­"'hack! whnckl .:wlia.,J<i ·like llin't. J t'• the electricity in It., � suppos�. Anya way, 1 h uve. found t1111t_imlicntes d 1·y eold weat.het�,' ·.:nut ;.p��··.·��.tt•,lillg 1 en� Clency of _t�y ·.:.h��l"-:81_�-�·;;���"'��!_ls.-- some

1 .moisture; se ���-�a,·e._, f�-�:}�s:·-��uution

· · eoM nir and · di'Y.. ilir, gr�dUalll;· � eco�-lng dam11er, '"•hl.ch ·e(1�1�fS)i.g_l;t s.!lu��:." :•And in rainy\vea t�e>�,<l:9�.w: stay ull C!J'tmped up?" :··.-·· �·>-:��·;,�\J;,�·; .. �.;�·.,:.<-: ,:> , _

"You bet it does ; Lhat'.ls;· nritU if be: gins to bJ•eak u lvny;,:Ti!,iii -�h•'ri'ys' ie I I · five or s i x hotirs be�o��llrltidt�\:heil:ill� c�enr weather is 'cOmhi'g:;•,:-!;:<· ��;,f._;·;·�''.:?<', : "! slwuld think you,�u : fiiia :th!s: re· eulmr fentm•e rery scrYic�·�ble to J:Ou."

110h, I don't know," snid "Mr, · Rule &Dlil ing. us he ran his til,gei·s tl\t'Ougl; h is intel ligent locks, thereby' lucreus· lug the snupplngs of the ha irs till they sonnded lll<c dimlnnl lve flre cruck· era. •�other pcnpl e pay nwre uttcntJon to It than I do, llaul< h oiiJe my fl'lenrls keep t&b on·.the weather by it., nntl the wuy I'm geJterull;\· liinluted Js: 11Gube, how's your hni r?" ' .




(56 pieces)

or Toilet Set, or Parlor Lamp, or Clock, or Watch and manv otber artiolu too numerona to men­tion, FREE, with a club ortler of

·: 20 lbs. of our New Crop 6oc, ' Tea, or :10 lba, Baklnr Powder, 4SC. I lb, Thia advertisem*nt nusT accompany order. You will have no trouble in getting orders among your neighbors and friends for 20 lbs. of our celeb!'ated goods.

The Great American Tea Co., a• a•d aa Vesey .street,

P. 0, Box :tll9. NEW VORK.

CLOTHES FOR BIG HEll. .... ,,..tja··· fro• ..... .. l!lillee• a-

•• Be Jtade 8p•clally fo• til•

E&tfa IAi rae 011e••

A giant wanting to refurni&h ]Jis

o\'a rdrobe In Chicugo would probably ba,·e to bare most o! 111s outfit muu•

to ot·der, nltllotJgh by a juUicious hunt� tng al'ound be m igh t fiml muny things ready made ou sale--Uwt is! if lie were mot too mncl1 of a giallt, says the Chi� cugo Tribune.

1\[ost of the depnrtm•nt and rencly· 111ndc goods stores do not carry me11 �thoes in n Jnrger size than 12. 'l'hc big· gest hut is seven und thrre�quarten in derby nnc1 soft ::style�, while in silli and

opera hnts seven nnd one·hal"f is tht· largest, In socks- 12 is t h e l n rgest size, and in shirts 17 um1 l8. Fut llltll have made it necessnrr for the st ores 'to carry a size of coila r fur in exee!:is of the sJze orrlinurily wor11, nHm�· of tl1e stores cnrry sjze Xo. lQ in <'ollurs. Il1 gloves nine and a hnlf is t h e biggest carried in most stocks. People whn gaze nt t h e feet of Chicago policeme11 kno'" well that a No. l2 foot in the po· lice deportment would be considered capable of wearing Cinderella's glnos •lipper, and they wonder wbere tl1e bundreds or blue-eoated ruardinns of the peace get shod. One store makes a specialty of shoeing the police de· partment, nnd it carries shoes that rm1 in size up to 14. Almosot all of the Chi· cago coppers can get titled in tb!' atoret but some few require el·en a big­ger shoe than H, and these most have theh shoe1 ordered for them from tile. factory. · 'rhe policemen who h:\ve hand• to match their feet have a favorite glove dealer who carries glO\'eli Jn 15izrs rang· lug up to 12, and the giant might get a glo>·e that he could wear,


A• It "t ... ll4'ftela•d In a D�tmr•u'e Matter llet''l•en.t•n&Kh-Fat'aUn"

1owh\g ' p!'t1scnts \YIJnfu-dt memls Miss M. floient. nurse mn llif!s • Agnes Bmdy !Jus In tile pnst cmeful.1· on te1·ed to t\1e wonts of lfnJ.lter JJ. Hnr 1·ett .Jont:os-Smith1 und Master .To .louea· Smith, .Tr. Fmt hel'lnore, Miss A. Ag· nes JJrmly Is k iml nnd gent Jet und does not fihy at tru ln� or trol1ry CH I'S,"


A, L•xur7 In Hotho••• V�••tabl" 'l•hal I• fu• tile \'err

Rl�l• OuJ,-, uy t:uppo!!e the ciu;;t Jiest of all ''ege­

tnblc!$ sold hel'e 11t this t ime of the year, ot' ut un,Y time! for thnt matter,-" �nld n dealer h1 fl�1e �rnlts und ''cgc­tl:thl�s, rcp1_1rh th·� New Ynrk Sun, "would. �e. tlH! �uttimlse aspm•ngu� 1 hnt haH just colue ·l n. ' ' ]_t h! proUuce1l by u grower i n · lllh10is, 'l'his l'etails now �t ten.dol�nrs �� ·dozen bm_whes, ol' one· llullnr .. u .bun�lJ •. J�ncl1 buncl1 is like· by u gi'Ower · iu Ill inois; This retuils of tl�ese ·· s.Qnle- nfe · �nlre {o be pretty �Jmulel', t: o ._t��.lt.ti you (l on't 'get vel'.\' much uspu rug·l1s for a dollar.

'1'1'1\lu� the ·.st!tl ks big nnd little, os t'hey t·un,, nml tl1 ey cm;t. you about 15 cents apiece, The price�; for tl1is aM· pnrngns hnl<l 1111 pretty well till suy along ih .'MHn·h, when they get down to u lJou 1 $i.50 n <lozeu.

"�J'het•e h; more of RlWh II"}Utrug·us f<.>l <l l l�nu fllnnerly, but altogethl' t la�r£' 1s n11t n \'ery grent. quuntlt,• tlumgh t.he1•e Ul'c tnort' pruplc in .Ne\,� Yod' nuw t hllll l1\'el' hefOT't! well uble to 1n1y whatt�\'t:'J' luxul'!e� they wnnt, nml tlwy hny t!Ufltl,,· fr·u l 1 s u ud n�ge t u UJet; tnurt! frl'ely 1 l lun tht-J el'tiJ' di[l ."

Fortt;;a•toe F-;;-;:;r);;a•u.

"Or it b;: 'Gnbe, talce oft' your hot and give us a went her bu l letin.' And they joke oi10UI- it. a goncl deul, but, nll tl1e same, they d•pend on it, and I'll say th is much, tl1 at il never ga 1•e a fal•e alarm yet."

A mnn w h i l e r-utfcrlng fJ•um lllf!Uefl� �m Jn Routh London, wus Sli i'J>I'ist>d Uy .. -------------�� � the smlt]en nr)Pt1a ronce in tdK l'OIHJJ of

hi� wife, whu, 20 .�·ent'K 11go eloJJ�•(l to

And Mr. Rule adjusted hlo hut care· fully on h is prnphetic tlJatch,

H•abetntl Prl•e of ftaftlp EIIWRI'<l ,T, Bisebren nm•, of Jiogcn City, Mich., wants a wlte so hu<lly that

·Le baa decided to act as pri•e for a rafllt. He hao hsued 1,000 ticket. which will be •old a t 26 cenl s eueh In ll<lgen City, Posen, )f<' tz and TAt :Rocq11e. The on ly condll-ion wl1ich the witeseeker lmpo•es 11pon the fe· ma le purchn••r ot his mntl'lmonlnl tloketM iR thnt she m n•l. he a respeet· eble, healt-hy, nnenmnnbere1J Cat-hol ic tJetween •o untl G� yeo ,.. of ngt. Else· brenner I• a wld<>we�·, M yenr. of nge, live feet four Inch•• ts ll, weigh• 170

UNION WATER COMPANY .... ,.,. .. � •• ,.. OrrMII .. , ... ;

The Union Water Comp��ny auppllet the lnbabitaotli of tbe 'llllagee of Fat wood, W eetfleld, Ctufol'll and Rolell\ wltb water for dome�tlc 111M!. "'-' hNit l .. lllllnt �t IIIli II AI fltl •.

Ct�llfurulu. Ji'al l lng un lJer• knt!et� &lw Implored hls !OJ'gh·enes•, t h e m n u with wh()m i-he toni\ tJigl1 t , after rnukhlg u.

fortu nt>, hul·iug r�c�nl lJ died. 'L1Ju� llliMbnnd furglt\"e hf'I'. Sl1e IIIH'lH�rl him so \,.ell tlwl he rrcC�n·1·ed, hut. &he can�ht the lntl nen�a hen•lf a no dl•tl leanng him $:llm,ooo. '

.1! .... �� ..... Slngu l,;:u• 1\l'e 1·11e rer1uc8tw HonwtJmea

mnde to gtoniu•. PJ•uf. Wildcz, col Cor· nell nnlve t••lt y, r•.,ently n•ked 011 • briel le d'A nnu n•I<J . l r lw wou ld be will· lng to becpwnth Ill• •�ul l uflH rJentiJ to a. oollectlon of 1-he CJ'Illlln of eel.,. Ul'U �d men it l• prupn•ed to form Jn ennncct lun with the phrennlu!ficnl lUll· oeum of the unl,·eJ·slty. 'l'he jonl'llal 1\ates tlJu t, H'.Annnnzlo hao now fm·· mally mall• thJ• otrnnge b•rJuest, a1 have •

,I•o lb1en Knd Ver•stollagin. �j1oundo, h•nlt hs, w•ll pruemrl, l <lncl< pl�=�:��l..'\\.�.,':&all will �

llalr, bluo eyes, •pe11ko J:uglhh, Polish oawrollr f1CIIII IIi aasu, ait'd"�apla.r= tal• Daoll••• itntl Germn, hu one bnr tft yearo nf � -lbllll of•ntM, ote, ·.

. DuellnR' b lllltde u 111fe pastime bJ

••• nd a farm of 80 noru, 28 ol "hich . Union Water eam-ri, �'· Devm .. r., of Pull, Wlto hu .. uncltr culthatloa. · , , , · · . · · · , . . ,. , , . . � . ' . . .. dul l kind nf cllalk lmll•t Hut,

· · . · · , I ; . . · . . . . AU I IrMII, "'"'' lllqHtJI,· . ••ll l lllaraltluaark wllwe U

.ldiii�J:;J���w�u��)i������i\�(l�;J;;l.li�;�;tWJ.[������J:��if�\ii[;;,;;,,·,�:/,:L·" · ,· .·.-, · .. · ··



MARKET · & H·ALS .. EY STS. Tenth Anniversary Sale.

Just ten years ago this great. business wa� founded---a business

to take precedence and beco.m e a potent fac�or in the mercantile life of

A celebration sale, plan ned to m every way echpse the greatest of all that

gone before, is now in progress. Colossal in proportions and involving th•:>u!;andst

of bargains so absolutely without parallel in the entire 'history of retailing ""��'""'""�

ment, that it will be cited for years to come as an occasion of the most

sacrificmg ever known in this country; Scores of manufacturers and imnonrt·,.rc

sharing in the enthusiasm attending this celebration, have contributed l iberally

its success, and many lines are selling for a mere fraction of regular markings

actual cost of production. Not an assem.bling of inferior merchandise or ·

styles, but a carefully garnered stock of h1gh grade and seasonable goods,

women's missrs' and children's outergarments, muslin underwear, hosiery,

shoes, and all kinds of home or penonal requisites

Purchased Below Value and at Cost and a Loss.

The money saving opportunities afforded are such that no one, with

present or possible need can afford to let them slip by .unheeded. Just six days, remember, and bear in m ind that in addition to a guarantee that no article adver­tist d can be duplicated for less than a quarter to a third more, double and 'three, t:mes the prices asked, money w11l be refunded if for any reason dissatisfaction

. follows purchase. ·

BegiDni.ng Monday february Ninth···Ending Saturday · feb�uary fourteenth.


. Eeallr Rea.ft'd, , .. rkiNa u .... 0'Th' Frlnch lunguuge," declared j 'l'o teach u <log not. to bark · _would

f,lr. O'Tunder, "is so like th' Irish thot 1eem to beas.imp01;sible a task as teach• [ bev no trouble at all, at �II, t'nnd,v· Ina a child not to cr;r or a boy not tu •bland It:" talk loud, But there lo 11 caoe on rec•

":Nonsen .. ," commented 1\!r. Phlell'· · ord ,where a dog was so taught, thourh gum. it took tbe trainer tbree years to ac-

"No nonolnse about It," asserted Mr. co.mP.li•h lt. 1'be_n he tbo,ught he had O'Tunder. "1 vintnre t' oa-ay there '• a dog that d_iftered from all other dora no oxprlssion In Jo'rinch tho! may not In tile world, b1'1t In thlo he wao nrl• plsily b• lxpris'"'d In Irl8b, by any wan take a, ·for thpre are at. least tbreeu­ll'ho is fumll'yer wid lh''two tongues." rlet.iea of dogs that never bark-the

"More nonsense ! " . wns the nply of lion-headed dog qf 'l'hibel, the ohep• Ml'. l'hleggum, "For lnsumce, bow llerd dog of Egypt, aad t-he Australian would you pnt 'pardonne• mol' in dog. 'l'hese would bt> the right kind of h'ls!J?" .

· • pet<;, s o tht'nervou• people would not •:wud ye shpell It fer me?" be disturbed at night. The law in oome llr. l1hleggum 'lid so. �ountriesia very severe on ·night-bark· " ''l'is nisy," declared Ur. O'Tumler, lng clogs. In Jupnn, for iustnnce, the

"Ia ll·ish· til' sinth1cc wud be shpoken owner of one is liable to arr .. t nnd to thus: 4Pnrdonnez :&loike.' "-,Judge. a pena1ty r<Jf one year's work on th£·

'l'N 'l'llro•sll a lttraw. \Vhcn the nut iv�s. of Put·uguuy drink

ten Uu!y Uo nut l)OlU', it fl·om u tcupot into u CUll, hut fil l u goblet mutle uut of 8 )nnnpkin ·m· gourtl, und t)u:n suck up the hot liquid thl'ougb a long- reed , Mor�o,·er, the tea which they use is al· togethet· ditft�r·ent front that \'t'}licb comeM f1·om Chinn, helng mudt! out. ol t11e dried mul rou�tecl leuYes of II }Jn}m. Jike plunt which grows iu l)nruguuy oud i!OUthet•n Jll'mdl. The goblets Hnd roeds whielJ u1·e used for this jiiJI'Jlose are oft en rleltly l!ftl'\'ed, um1 many of tbe latter are mndt of solid silver. 'l'he mith·es .say t hut tbis tea. h an e.x· cel lent renwdy for fe\'et' und rheumn· Hsnt, o.JUl chcn1icnl t�sts which lmve beefl mude by Gertnnu phl•sit!iuns.seent to show t but 1 here is gooU gr·ountl for lhis stntemeu!,-Doston Globe,

A. CJa•a·IN.l lll�tle•atl•1• "I thought sour wlfe'li uume waa Ell>.llbetlJ?" "So 1t ls,11

"'rllen why do you cull her Peggy ?" "Short fm• Pegu.a,1' "What l1as t!Jat to do whh It 1" "Wl1y, Pegaea il feminine for Ptaa·

-'1lL11 "Well?" "Well, Pegasu1 ta an lmm<irtal

lttell.'' "WI1a1, of tho\.?" "Sh l Not ao lund, She'o ln the next

room, You oee, an Immortal 1teed ia an everlust.lna IJU1f1 and there you are." -Brooklyn ��ogle,

-----lhw Gel• n••••· It bna been dis<Jovel'ed t.ha� gold ell·

lit• in n1any river valley1 on the wcstern shiJre of the Ramohalka pe• nlnMUJo, a ad at other polata nea.r the ahoro of t•he <:Jkhf!l•k ua. A rld1e of mountain• at oomr dlotance hick from the coartt Ia reported to be rl�h In_ gold, A• a reonl·t of rec•nt eaploratloae the Jlu..,ians are preparing 1<1 mhie th�de· , Ai In Ala.h, the mlnero

oold climate In winter., but .. ld0 1wtll .to.Ue · ·

COm(JJninl Of llfl)'One Wbo his bfeD diS• turbed by the barking.-Xatnre.

1111 o•uoe. The kindheurted firemen dropped

two r•ieces of nwneJ' int.o t_he Sah·ution ol'my Ja sole's contribution •·eeeptucle and furt.ively "'iped away • lear of sympathy for \be poor he wa• doinr h is little all lo help.

'l'he lynx-eyed inspector spoke t4l h im , saying: "How much money did you leave in that box?"

"Two 25·ccnt pieces," meekly replied tile fireman, wonderingly.

"Had· yon ••ked anyone if you might give t!Jat amount'/" con\lnued the in­spectot•, &ternly.

"I had not," replied the fireman, lltll "'?.?UeritJg, . fhen ,vou muat go before the chid for rep1·hnand on the cha rge of Jeav· ing quarters without permlsslon,"­

llul t imore American,

"lnaiCt·O•t of ltte." UnUJ a day or two ugo pl'ide in the

anllclpallmJ of clt lzenshlll aml h-i• buslneu prospet•lty have been about equal In Antonio, on uppe1· we1t lllde boothlnck , with a street otnnd and a basem*nt nnnu, A new 11ride has been grow ing In him, however, through ob­••nation of the etrech on his patroaa of a •1gn card de,•hed by IJlmself 88 the rc•ult of hia .turly of Engllah liD• der the tutorshi11 of the boyo who p_luy nbnnl. his oorner. 'l'hc •ign WOI posted with the advent of colcl weather and readu '

"Shine lnslle-Outof alte.''-N y �m� ' '

W IN lE :, : , . ' ' . : · -

R,E$.0�JS, OF , THE · . . . -.-.......

8outh1r� Filii; ••� Hot ,Spiilll, .. . .. . .. .

.IIDkllllllll, IL ': ••••••••• ,d ' .. . '

Ta•pa,r Ra. lew lrlel••• 1.1.,

........ ,. �· Tbe lboYe EKcar.lori MMII au4 Oowluloa Steamer,

rOOIDo at_Pler 20, N. R ,


Jnt.ere•ti••K Prt»>ltul1le· 2015-01-19· SALE .OF WASHABLE&. . A mighty exhibition of choice,thin · Fabrics, pur ased expr ssly lor the -Spring selling, but offered during - [PDF Document] (9)


, Make your

fet • Harl ftl•ir •• De fe� ou w•• . ., ........... ... ......... . , ' Hll .. elll••• , ,;���',,,Ji

u l e c tlon a -...:....-._;_;..,...... ____ _

I have run two Incubators, one bot· air and one hot water. 1 start the .ncubatu•· by lighting the lamp and running the beat up slowly to 103-f Iegree•, Jhim put in egg• and set the regulator tt 103 for hot air nnd 10• for hot watf!t. Let It run 24 houro, then begin to t urn eggs once each day and twice ev.,y other day. 1 turn tloem by bo nd, ••• I think It Ia best. I put a

· . ':.:_.,' nOW' .and we will deliver later when• e�er you .ay

ERT SALE OF BEDS . - - - ' A H•-•• a•• Ba••ll'lleu ...... •• ••••••U•• ft .. •••• w..c­

••• Tlleb '1'1•••

There I• a whole lot of ritlstnken no- (lencil mark on one aide of the egg, lion afloat about the beot way to so I am sure it Js turned. I continue

up a broody ben,' It Is true that thu• until the 1Hth day. her in the water trough .will As for cooling them, If the Incubator

1111ke think of other things than lo In a cold room, they will be cooled hatching chickens, and throwing her enough in turning; if in a warm room · over the fence by the tall will jar her or in bot wentber, they ahould be

Samples from · 'Boll Brothers Manufacturing aome, and may "break her up" (or to oooled longer, say dowu to 1/l or so de, piece•) if peroloted In; but Is �hat the grees. I do not .turn the lamp up to

of Harristurg, Pa., the largest · and best bed manulllct;- lreal thing we are n1ter? Most of ua mal<e . them come up to 104 quicl<, but keep hens for the eggs they lay. let them come up with the light no it.

in the world. The beds are made of the highest 'l'herefore, the only correct method t�·�· before I took them out. ,

d I d of handling broody bena ls not only to 1 use no mnl•ture in the hot water liOn an Stee an are guaranteed against atop their desire to sit, but to Induce machine, but I do In hot alr machines them to begin laying again in the fmm start to hatch, with ventilator 1 5 years. obortest pos•ible time. .Many people halt open at start, lncreaolng ns batch betlen the thing to do Is to shut the proceed•. Following thi• plan l have

24.&0 ....

1 1.&0 .... •4·98

10.10 , •••

.. , ••• , 18.&0 .... " " • • ' ' ' L '

o.so •• , ••• , 8.0.0 •••

' ' 236, 238. 246 West Front Street, PLAINFIELD. N. J, . . . , · ' · , ; . ,

. . . : ��·Ot� CICJII.,.,.f: CliD lhow illllh : · dl,idende·.. lindir · ti ' elmlllr :' · pi)liilj . ' · · ·

D11larln1 1� 1902�:· · i: · ',j. :, ,,:; i?i" i'< •i'. ''·:· •• '

folloy .. No. U8,tll7' lulled .. 1882. bJ 'tbe New York Lifllneuranoe Oo.

20 . Year Endowment, · h.ooO, Age 28�Annnal Premium tl9J 60. . . . . Total premium• paid t88112�

Seltlemeal la 180a. 1 Cab ralne of policy. . . . • e.to.: 11

or 1. Paid np Jnanraoee . . • • , • • li,MO � or 8 Annuity for Lite • • • . . • • ; . . ..· 4U1.8ll. · The caeh '"loe ahowe a proilt of

. • 2.21'12 which is 4t IK'f cent� com; pound interest on all premiums paid to company,

· �ad for �.tel at your age to

<: ; :w •. Edgar Reeve,

, Telephone. 10 •; ' WILLIA'M . . N� . GRAY .& SON. DIRECTORS . AID . BRADUlTE EM:IALMERS; .

\ !� r. �,':·,. : .

broody "heno in coops without food or fa irly good hatches, and strong, water and "starve them to it." Othera healthy chicka. don't .do an)'tblng. 'l'hey just let them I hue run only one kind of . manu­all it out, and incidentally feed ..the lactured brooder • . u 1 am to put the lice. They seem .to go on the theory · chicks In at night, I ilght the lamp In tl!at a hen sitting Ia a hen resting, and the. morning, let the heat come up ought to grow fut doing nothing. Per- slowly ail dny; then I put the chick&·

she ought to, but she will not. and wa.tch them. II they spread

does a hen get broody? There! · out and settle down to sleep I know It Is a question of heredit;r • . the heat Is ail right. lfthey crowd to·

It would seem that there i1 a. condition gether it Is too cold, and I turn the


cf nerve exhaustion after a. long period of laying, though it does not follow necessarily that there would be a con­dition of !at exhaustion. Some of the fattest hens become broody. But ·whatever the theory, the· fact ia that the quickest nntl best wny to bl-eak up broody hens and to get them· to lay­Ing again is to remm·e them from the nests when they fl•·st show signs o1 getting broody. lf they are permitt<>d to stay on the 11ests for several days the desire to rewain increases, and they are more persistent than if they bad been removed promptly. They should be l!laced in coops or in a pen by thomselves; where they can have plenty of pure air and an abundance of good rich food and clean wnte.r. If one llao only a few fowltoa sepnra.te pe11 l1 heot, and In thi.sease a male should be placed with the hens. Where mony heno are k"pt it become• necessary to provide coops for the sitters and to place 'them where they will be the most eorinotent tor the attendant to coop the · heae ... cb :Digbt . when gathering the •lfl!l· Two forme of coops are here abown; the one' upon the wall may he 111e!;l b;r t!'o"" :who f�el that the;r ca� &troi'd to Jlll7 for appearanc... It Ia more dlftlcnlt to light the mlteo hJ t.111•

We 111e .S or eo ·eaa be pur� . DiGit towna

pittance; At lin� .tb�J wer.e,·


used. without alteration, being placed on the floor of each bouse. · But the conllnecl fowls would persist in flying out whenever others were added. 'fbe crates were then suspended lil<e a cage by wl,res from the raftet•s, wltb a slid­Ing slat fixed for a door. 'fhls worked better, but t.he motion spille<l t h e wnter from tloe dishes, and t h e other ben• woul<l persist In ftylng on th• top of the crates to lny, eren though the product would roll oil' a minut e Inter and be broken, 'l'hey were also hnrd to cleon. We now simply knock oft the top or the bottom of the crate, turn It upside do�n on the ftoor, fix a sliding slnt on one end for a door, and all I• ready. It Is en•y to white­wash Inside and out, ami quick to clean by lifting to a new plnce, there being no ftoor space to the coop. It Is not high enouiJb for the hens to want to Jay on lt, By placing It next to th• general wntet• pnn we do not hn,·e nn extra wnter hnsln to flll, It Is our practice to i<Cep broody Joens confltoed three or fout• days, A few of tloese go b�ck to the nests and we bn vc t.o resen­tence· them to three days more liu(orls­•nment on full rations. With some llreeda (ours are leghorn•) n longer aonfln•inent Will be necESsary.

The things to bem• In mind to break itp the dcolre to ilt at•e to act promptly

and to so feed and care for the hena 'will be filled ·with new lite will their

light ,higher. 1 give the cloicks nothing to ent or drink for 2t hours, then make them a. ,iohnnycnke hoked in o\'en, mnde of two�Uiirtls corn meal, oDe·third sifted ground oats, with !l little meat meal In lt. I give them thi:s e\'ery twu hours on a board or tin pan, with milk or water In a shallow pun with flowerpot ln1·erted lu it to keep the chicks from getting wet, I feed them this with a. little. oat flakes for say two weeks, then scatter a l i ttle cracked corn and wheat. untH they ure old enouglo to do wUh­out johnnycake. On this plun, my chicJ<s hn\'e done weli.-Frank Drans· fiel<l, In }'arm and Home.

SOD POULTRY HOUSE. Jhbra•kn. li'arJne-r'fl Wile- Tell .. lfo:_

Sbe Jlatle tbe He•n Alld EK&" DqaJne.• a Sacce.-. We have 477 acres of lnnd, nn In­

closed cllttle shed 30x60 feet, two tanks of 28 nod ten-burrel cnpncity, sod stable 12x24 feet w ith chicken coop bui1t on east end. The coop iE:i mn(lc of lumber aud sodded nil around ns the cut shows, 'fhe roof is of lumber. I

BOD POULTRY HOUSE. have live nests In coop, a dirt floor amd • alant roost made from t"'o 2&4'1, •lx feet long, with oal11 drlveo Ia to � ·.; In place five round polea liTe fee'! · lily hen• lay In the coop, on the • wall, and In end of. manger, hay "'"'· etc. They . are shut up enry night and kt out •bout •••ea. •- m. and. fed •. At ooon they get ocrapo from the t.able;

· abort a, and ir.re . fed aiJaln lti ·, thei eoelitlir. They •aTe ·free run to lime, hrlt and coal ••bes, ha¥e plenty of fre&h, cool water In oummor and warmer water .when needed in winter.

lly chicken• are mlxod Brown Leg­horn IDd Black Spa11ish. They ore too wild to suit me, and I believe the Ply­month Rocks, dark and light Brahmaa are as good layer• and better olttera tbBn the above breeds. I have hnd a ready sale for all the eggs and chicken• I could spare, nnd could have sold many t.Jmes the amount I did. I gather the eggs erery dny.-Mt•s, J. S. Allen, In Ora11ge Judrl Farmer.

Grl!ea and DrF Boaea. There is a wide difference between

gJ•een bones ft•om the 'butchcr nnd the dry bones thnt huvc become hleuclled. The former nrc flexible, cnnnot be grounu. easily, contain the nnt­nml juices and nre digestible; the · Iutter o.re brittle, cun be ground Into meal, and bn,·e lust the larger vortion of their 11itrngen. 'rl1 e . green bones must be recluce(J wft.h n boue cntter. rrhe fnct th�t. g·t•een and (h•y botles di1fer demonstrates thnt dmlng the Jl'I'OCC" of dJ•ying there lms been u reurrange­ment of partJclc!i, nncl. porttjons thj1t were vei'Y soluble n1•e no longer so. Do·y bones nrc excellent for poultry, but the better results rnR)' be obtn lne<1 b)• the m;e of green bones1 which con­t�in not only lime but u lnrge (ll'opor· lion of nitroiJen, mnking tloem vnhouble us foml for lnylng hens.

JD,ra J.t� A (lompl�e Food, Like mill<, nn eg·g Is complete food,

lf ted on eggs nlm1e, young unimnh are furnished with ull tloe neecssnt•y elements for. the go•owing of bone, nmsele, and nil th at goes to mnl<e a perfect animal of Its kind. A hen may possibly hoy �00 eggs n ye11r, bitt ought certainly to produ ce 120. Bight eggs will weigh 11 pound ond 120 will weigh ubout 1� pound •, nt th'e cost of 11bout one bn•hel of corn, warth on 11n average about '60 centa, At thlo rn.te the •l!g• eost, oo lar a• food la n bout three and four and· The;r

WHERE Pianos In all atylea, desig�ts· and woods. The largest IIBIIOrtment of Pianos to select from. The; finest appointed parlors to judge of Tone Qual·

1ty as if at your own home. . . . r •.·

YOU Pianos that have achieved a reputation second to none

for Tone, Power and Sweetness, Interior and Jb::· terior Workmanship and Endurance.

The ,,.., •. and other Pianos, and a varied dis-. play .of slightly used and second-hand Pianos

. . our own and other makes. ·

. . WILL I'IMIN 'IDa.lr AIIY7Mf£ AIIIIA7 AllY Mill£. ' In fact we are prepared to offer tlte greatest induce- ·

ments to anyone who desires to purchiJSCl a Piano.

. FIND -�J eMil N IUFMM£•1& . IN FIITH. AVDIIJE, ��all.:! IIEW YORK.

• , ' ' ' C.WO,.. !- Eic., MIIII'FIW M Aftllcllloo. j

WHY THEY. TATTOO. CATCHING CRABS FOR BARDT. llraaae Btllel ef ·W••*il Ia tla• l••e.alo• lletlloi �,. 'Whlelt a.•••

L•••ltiAa lll.ltta.. 5ear . lle•Jterl AJ'Ie Proe•R• Ire• a ,.ew Galaea. MarJ'I&a'• Blvel'.

Iti IIOJe.rnl isla nds of the Jndo·Paclfle regjon, says Prof. ThHeniu&, wh() has been close ly studying the subJect for some months, tbt belief prel'ails tl1at persons who nre tattooed �a,·e a much better chance of getting •afely Into the next world Uan those who an not tat tooed, snys the New York Her­ald.

Aa a typical t.xample, he cites the case of tl1e women in the J..,ntlghlnn is­lands. a !i:Illnll group east of the south­ern end of Xew Gninen. The5:e women tau.oo the greater part of their bodi<>• w1th angled designs, but ne\'er fnil to ta t.t.oo concentric circles on their legs.

'l�oey believe that between t.be Lnughlnn islands anll the i•land of Vntmn, in the Trobrinnd group, to which l.heir souls should go, there Is a great. snake, o\·eT wldclt tl1cy must. pass. 1,he snnke nslcs ench soul for her tat� tooing1 und the soul t.akes it off and gives it to the snnke, who co\'ers it.self · with it. The snake then becomes broad and flat, nnd the soul passes oyer it as m·er a briLlge.

If, however, the soul i s not. tnt.t()oerl, t.he snake shrinks, and the soul full• into the sen nod cnnnot.rench the bles­sed sanctuary in Yatnm. Moreover, worse still, these wretcl1ed souls art' st.raightway changed into fish.

Thh� st.rnnge l.t<•lief ltaw pre,·ailed i� · t.he Lnughlnn is1nnds for a long time, and t11ere Is no e•·idence that it lsdyin& out.

Oil• "lor hr•o••l 11•e-.'' Soon after Senator Tillman1a dla�

pensary low-went Into ettect in South Cai·oliua the United States court de­clared tbot liquon brought into the •tate for personol use could not be aeized · by the constable&, Naturally, •very shipment was marked ''for per· aonal use," sad, respecting the fed­eral authority, the oftleero would not oeize it. · .A few days after the alL­nounrP·� ... nt of the �ourt's rulinJ, a

t r. \,1 ishment In Cbarlea­r:utton gin 1or the ln­

r. ' . ent out on a bif. · •. wile• from the city the

u·oock ,brok� down, and the cottoa maeblne waa left on the road untU �-�--·c- .. --··- could ·be provided, B�-

a man drove by. ilao•telb011rd bos from hla buggy otf 1 wide atrlp and

wro'e thla loocriptlon, Ieavins it oa the machine: "This gin Is for per· lonal uoe." h was not seized.-.N. Y. Timea.

Haw Earl,. lie .. WeM •ale, From history we learn that the bo;ra In the time of George Uf. coasted nn

oleds made of a small boord with beef hones as runners, but these dropp•d out of sight when an inventh·e geuiu• built one out of a barrel stave, for hio Invention was extensively copied. The barrel staves were culled "jump. ers" and "skippers," and were made of a single barrel stave of modnate width to which was nniled n 12-i nch sent-post about midships. A piece of barrel head . constituted the sent. 1'o navigate this craft required no little 11kill, the nvolut ions uud conrulutlona perforn'.ed l>y the rirler while "g·cttin' the hang of the dcrned old thhog" be­lug akin to the antics of u tcndefoot nn a bucking hroncl10. A more stable and rlocile jumjler was mnde ily fas­tening two ot• three stu\·es t>ide by sit.le, but these were not considered 11s fast travelers ao the singl• stnveo.-Out­lng.

Qalek·Cballlf:e Artli!C, "Mnl'iu," b�guu Mr. Stubb, 11lo .st

nlgbt I played poker and-" "Played poker!" Interrupted Mrs.

st.ubb, "llow dolre you spend )"0111 money gamblh1g, sh·?"

"As I wus snylng, I played poker nnrl won en<Jugh to buy you a set ol furs.-"

"You rllcl? Oh, John, you nre so good( I lmcw t.hose sharps could n·ot get the best of you,"

"And just ae I wns about to quit I droppeil it nil and fifty more-"

"You brute I Tn'thitll< l shou]cl have mnrl'ied a gauoble•·I"-Cblcago Dolly New1.

· - -Hallllr n.,., "What are you wrltlnr?" aoked tha

Those who crab for market Oil th• Choptank river, Maryland, have on In• genious method of catching crabs Ia quantities, says Country Life In Amer• ica. A rope about the thickness of a clothesline, several hundred feet long, Is kept coiled in a keg. The ciooer the cover the more pleasant the sail , with the fts·herman to the erabbinlf grounds, for at intervals of two fee' along the entire length of the rope he has untwisted it . . and inserted betweea the stands short pieces of salted eel• The torsion of the stands holds them t ightly in place. Each end of the rope hns a keg bttoy attached, together witb a benvy stone. Arriving at the fa• \'Ored pJnce, usually on oyster bed .. he throws n keg overboard and paya out his highly see!\ ted rope as he soilll. When the other end is reached be an• chors it with another stone, and throW1 out another buoy. After lowering h!a sail he w.o.its a few minutes, thea· takes his stnnd on the bow of his boat, AJongside of him is hfs landing net, with n loandle six f..,t long. He ralsea the buoy nnd stone, nnd hnnd oveP homd pulls his boat along the line. When n crab, clinging t o its refresh• ment, comes in sight he sei?.es his net, dashes it und er the crab, nnd flings it into the bout. The warJ crnb ma.y loosen his hold und dive for the · bot• tom, but such is the fi�herman's dex• terity lht his net is swifter thnn tha ern b. One seldom gets awny. Several hunclreds of crabs are often taken' at ench o\·erhn nling of the rope. When he has caught ulj he wants, he pael<s them in barrels nnrl •ells them to local deal• ers, who sloips them to market.

Tile DNl••••• Prlna•. Hick

.s-We bad a great time at the

elub last night. Sorry not to see yoq there, Charley.


Mrs. Porter (after Hicks has ll'One) -Why, Charles, you told me yoti •pent the whole of laot evenlnc a$ the club. . . ,. . . Mr. Porter (with great presence of· mind)-So I did, dear. The reaaoa Hlcks , dldn't oee me waa hecauoe 'bil wasn't theN hlmtelt, Tr.Yinr to' deo oeive his wife, probably. · Mro. Porter-The WNtclhl :. And he would try .to rob me of .the cool­dence I have In JOn( I •lway1 dltl aee oometblng about that 111aa I. didn't llke.-Boeton Trao•erlp'- . 1

...,,...,.....,...11:•••· llal•••···-----·

M�thods of eagle �atchlng are muela. the same the world o .. r. In No ...

..-ay a man crouchea in a bole Ia the 1round, with his eye to an aperture eommao<ling the bait, a piece of med plHced within con,..ni�n t reach. Whea the eagle •ettles on th• bait the hunter clutches it, drt�gs I t underground, puts his knees on its beak and breaks It• Peck. The N orth American Indian usea a similar method, ftnd the Green Ianden cntch the sea engle by luring It to a hole in \.he snow, in which the bunter is coHred up.-Albany Argua.

len•e ef V•tue•• Mother (to her seven-year-old 1oa

Willia m, who has been growing free of speech):....Hilly, <lear, 1 will give yO<& ten cente 11 doy for every day you don'' 1ny "darn fool."

Harold (little brother of five, wltla1 superior nlr)-Humphl If "dnrn fool" Is worth ten cent•, I guess I know .· wor(ls 1 hnt are worth a qunrter.­Bmart Set, ;

Dl'e?thae. Grumpp-b there •ncb a thlnr al a pianists' union?

I Rcgistcr-I never heord of oa.._ Wily? "I thought if there was· one I'd llkt

to call It to the attention of thl young 1voman nc"t door and get bel' to juln. She works at her plaitG · more than eight hours 11 dny,"-Phllo • . : ·; adelphia Pres11. 1

Ia the Det�arlmeat Ita••· Customer-I wnu t somelhinl! In .oil ' \

for my dining-room, , : Floorwalker-Do you mean a paint. ·

log or a box of sardines ?-FIIegende Blaetter,

, Dl•lnfeat lallt11 Cel••• .As a tn•ecuutlon 11gulnst lnfecttoa

1mnll oliver currency I• dllo Infected by the mJtnlcipal auoLnon•tt.tte

. 'St\ . Peterab.ur1.-Detrolt

Jnt.ere•ti••K Prt»>ltul1le· 2015-01-19· SALE .OF WASHABLE&. . A mighty exhibition of choice,thin · Fabrics, pur ased expr ssly lor the -Spring selling, but offered during - [PDF Document] (10)


WIDOW,Kit HER SOlf, ••eer Re••it of a '1\·u••••• Espe­

•le-ace "·lth a Jlatrhuoa1al New•·

.. per Ach·.:rtl•enaeat. · Stran ge things that happen through

IJlUtrimoniul ucher1ising Ul't' continu­ally comi11g to light. In most l'nses '&he persons who take this wuy of se­lect ing n life partner are no ]ongt'r young, and whPn tlH�i r 8CIJP111f'F. "gung agley" 111ey receive only ridicule fl'om

friends nncJ acrtuninhwet•s. Jt woul d fet'Ill 1hat 11 larg<: city is u loru:son�t' place for a willow, us ntJmlwr� oftllt'l!ie tet•k n hu �bund t hrough matrimonial ng·ent·ie!' u ml t h roug·h }Jcrsonnl tHher-tist�men ts in papL�rs. .

A young und buxom widow of Her­lin recently decidetl that it is not good

RECOGNIZED EACH OTHER. for '\'oman to be :llone1 mul ns sJ1e had Jnourn ed the coll\'t:'Ut ion-al time for l1er deceased lord and , 110 forwurd with .un offC.r :to sbe resorted to . , "l�ii.l)·���[�\;;;r�(.�Jj�i.'5: which seemed lesS ii: }lOSing·. , . ' ·

She recei\•ed

time, in a her stand place with man who •hartly . . and handSonie­his lapel a.dahity recoguhed the widO\,· U.t. once, but did not approach her, She also recogni1.ed bim an d was ashamed that he nnd .she •hou\d meet In this man'ner.

Wby1 She hat) disco\'ered too late that tihe had made an nppoiuhneut \\·ith ber own son, a iatl ol 18 years.


••• JeN�,.- Cou11h 1•ra111ped. Tea

MJie• Jn • Cqld, De•tlnK R•lll • u De: Jl•rriell.

A MUI!ICAL. LECTURE. · ; ' ----·

JIJu ()arollae , H. Beebe Entertain• at woma•'• Club.

Tbe mem hers of · the woman's club, with their gneots, met in the W estlleld club hall, Munday afternoon to listen to a mnsi!!al lectore given by Mise Cnoline H. Beebe, The hall was filled with the J.rgest, moot brilliant tmdience of seatlon. Almost every member brought one or more !(Uests, so that W estfield and the neighboring towus of Plainfield, Cranford, Rahw11y awl Ro•elle were well represented.

Miss Beebe wns introduced by the presiUeut ns 1 10ilb who tH:P.Ils no intro­tlnctiou." 'I'Iu· lecture trented princi

: pnlly the wu•ic of the time of the : Reuuissn.uce, Unt i u ord�r thH.t the UlltfliC

of that period ehonld be better under­stood, l\Iisq Beebe sketched briefly th• begiuuing of mnBic in their crudest form u.nd shmvell how the simplest in· struments of aucieut times coutaiued the elemeutal priuclples from which the complicated aud magnificent instrn. ments of our own day were developed. Many early muoici�us and their princi­pal works were det!Cribed. Ao music became more complex and many coon·

tries produced their great composers and interpreters, of course detailed account could be given only of the moat re­markable.

Mise Beebe's Illustrations of her sub· ject on the piano were mauv, all of them beautttal and Illuminating. Mrs

Frank W. Srulth added grBtltly to the pleasure of the OCCIUlion by 88Sisting 1\liss Beebo In tbe vocal illushattoo Mro. Smith gave two of Purcell's mo�t delightful oongs, "From Love's Fever I

attempt In vain to Fly," and " NymJ!hB aml . Shepherds," ulso " Oh the Pretty Creutnre " by Stephen Stcrall These were greatly eujO\'etl. Awoug•t mrlllY other oelectirms, perhaps the AriK by Ba.Ch � " .My He1trt ever Fttitht'nl," WH.H purticnlarly good. lllrs. Smith w•• iu flue voif:le !lUcl her swl:'et spiritecl siuglu� 'was grelltlY nppreciuted. · Miss Beebe's reumrknhle ploying is EO well knmvu, her taleut so widely recog­

.nizetl th•t it is almost supelfltlous tn tlw•ll upon her skill here. Westfield people that were present were more th1111

ever Proud of her nml the Wmuun'H Clnb congt·atnlated itself on her fine, clear wt11-ba1ancetl lectnre, aUll her ex tremely fine renderiug of the musicrtl lllustmtiou, of the latter 1rerhHJ"' the most eujoye<\ \Vera the PnslorRI and tire Romotlce by Scarlntti, the Armi•le hy Lnlli, tbe " Hnrtuonions Blncksmith 11 of Haudei'o, aml the exquisite dnuce music of Bttch's, the cmupust:r spolt.,n of in tht teC_ttue as " the pdt:ost of wuderu tUUbic whose congregations •It dally 111 his feet. 11

!t tile conclusion of the lecture the Social Committee took charge. ftefresb· meuts were served antl H snciul bnnr fro!· lowed The ortists of the day received Hn ovation Rnd tbe company gradually di•peroed having enjoyed an unusually fiue Muoit!al treat.

The llllf�renee.

When love gets itself into condition to do things it 1ungh8 ut u good deal more than locl<smiths. 'J'hut is whut George Wn"Shiugton Allen uutl Gea•· trm1e Jar"is t hough t when they mnde up tlwir mind!< t.hnt. mutrimnn,\' Wtl!ol about their tit. 'rhe C"oup1e n i·� re�i· cltnts of Cro•s Key•, N. J., and they

He Wtts n llltll1 "''ho wus making '50 a Wt!C'k uml wus lm,·iuy luncheon wltlJ his fiuuree in nn uptowu I'I�Htnuruut �rhe Indy ortl(•J•etl ehlckcn .snhul, fol­lowed h�· blnck colf!'e rllld wurers. The mnn, wbo could hn,·e utfortlcd e\·m·y­tblug on the bill and nut felt a hole In his pocket!Jook, had coneomme and Little Necl< claws nnd drauk water. The wnltet• got 10 cents. .

' A clerk who WHS kO(lt bliHY enrnlng

hiM Rnlury or $t8 took his sweetlleurt to an CXPC11Bi\'C SensJdc resort. It took twent�· · minutes to· tlcdde 1\'hnt they wnntod to eat. Finn II)' the order came, henped lll�h up ou n lnrgc truy. ·


At the lady's phlcc the wi1lter de· (losited roust hoef, mirshed potntocs, chiclt<'ll croquettes, with p<>ns, a snlnd or lettuce llllll potu toes nnd n cup of cotTee.

'l'hc mnn, wontlcrl ng I.Jow be could get u winter oYercou t, ute n (lOI'ter· llonse stenli:, with mushrooms, frled potnloes, green corn lllld coll'ee.

I•'ot• dP.ssnrt they bnd leo croum nnd fuucy cakes, w ith more cotrce. 'rllc wnltel' got n !Jllnt'lei'.-New York Het·· nld.

John 1", to the Front, '11 bud u�en n IJl'oml fm· three :rears " snld the jut.lge, "amJ, us the pe�Jlh! 1111 my nutil'o town ln hm·cd under the llie11 tlJut 1 WflS U lUUII 'of SUlllC COII�t:<]UCI1CC1 they welcomed 111e hom*o wit h u ln·nss lmtnl nml n tllmJN'. I WliH nlwut to t·c­ply to the.luiUrcsH of wclL•o11w wl1cu tlll! vllluge COOfll!r lllllli'Uttchcd me w ith ••·

had ukept compnn y" t'ol' c"cl' so long, tcm1ml liuml und snltl:

BRANCH MILLS. The funeral of Cb•rleo Wlnano w"'

beld at the Chapel !1181 Friday after· noon. Dr. Anderson of Wlllltlleld con: dueled the services. Interment-at Fair View Cemetery.

H. Williams died at his booie, Thnn· day eveuiug. The funeral was held h Newark Sunday afternoon.

Eddie G. Fink is confined to bis bom· by illness.

A Vuleotiue Sociable will be held i r the Ch11pel Snturday evening, Februat'.' 14. All ur·e invited to attend.

A vary iutereatiug 1n•ayer weetiug wa· held in tile Chllpel Sollllny evening.


URE MEETS· The Union County Board of Agri

culture beld " regul�r meeting Febt·nru y 5th, "t the residence of E, P. Be�h .. Elizabeth. More members were In ar.­teudouce than at any other meeting fur two yeoro.

President James L Headley of Unluu presided,

The minutes of previous westing wet·e read and accepted.

There being sufficient money In the treasury, It WIUl voted to discontinue the payment of dots for the season.


Mr. Ogtlen Woodrulf gave 11 abort report of tire meeting of the State Horl i· cultural Socletr which be attended as • delegate.

Mr. E. P. Beebe bad been appointed a delegate from New Jel'8tly State Horti· cultural Society to the Western Ntw York Horticultural Societr which wus held last week at Rochester. He ma<le tjltite a fn\l report of his trip and of the Wt'Htillg,

Tbe subject of this meeting: " Pt'l111· lug and Spraying Fruit Treed " was !lis cussed. It was thought thrtt a mixture of liUJP, salt, ural sul phur was one of the best insbcticiO<s, especially fur San Jose settle which is rapitlly iuureasiug in our

county. The subject for n•xt meetiug will be,

' ' Potato cnlh1re; espHcin.lly planting, fertilizing and digging."

'!'he next meeting will be held the th irn Tlmrsday in Febrnan• at the t't•si deuce of E. P. Beebe, Ea•t Grand street. 'rhe m�otings of this Board �tre held tiw fir;t am! third 'l'hundays of November, Df-!cemhel't Jtmllary, Fet1rnnry and 1\larch. All llgrJCnlturalists uml h01tl­culturalists ot the county are c�rdi�l ly invited to attend all(l become members of the Board, bnt all will be welcowe whether they nre memb�1·s or not.

�·· �---

Fewer Gallon•; Wears Longer.

Fewer Gullons ; WeRt'S Longer, ----·­\Vaahlnatou In \\'hiler.

Wosbiugton i• a typical Winter vaca lion resort and Its bnstle I• pnrely soolal and political. There Rt'B gathered In tbe Cl\pitl\1 representatives of every nation ami country, and their comings and goings oore of no little intere.st. Then the <loings of the Senate and House are featurft8 which every tourist delll!hte ln following, ounl tltes• featur•s together with the vieits to the numerous public buildings keep one bu•y nil ths wltile one Is in Washington The Royal Blue Line of wblch. the New Jersey Central Is the lnltl•l road iio gohig,�o operata _au excursion to Wash ington .on February Ill, 1003, and coat of tickets for tbe 3 •lay& excureiou includ ing all expenses io 4112.00. Train leaves New York at 1 p. m., and �<rrives at. Washiugtou at 6.10 p. tu • . If yon waul to know !<bout the trip tlrop a postal to C. M. Burt, Genet•rtl Passeuger Agent, New Ym·k City, for toar book, Free for the IUlking.

A SWORD OF HONOR. It Wn•· tlu• �leftaN of Drln&rhur :\Ia•· Nbal X��· itl 1Je1t.U1,

"'11en the cleci!iion to gel lllll l'l'ied " 'So you're gut hnl'lt IJOltte, eb '! Sus, tool< fnl l pONNl'sioilou of 1 h em u few jutlge, wlteu you \\"(11Jl nwu�· 1 wnH do· dnys ngu tlwy looked uut U JHHI a cohl, iug ull my owu wot•lt UIHI luul my fjhOlJ ben ti ng l'u l n and rcul lzetl tlw t tu in tho woodslwtl : 11ow I'vf! hu•Jwtl a reul.'h U\us�buJ'o n ncl 11 m l nh;tcJ' they boss lm t•n Into u cootJCI' Bhop nml 11111 w.nuld htl\'c to t l'll\'C I li \'e m lle!i uroot, l.Jo�slug two jouriW}'llll'll nut! lllttklug becnuse 1l1ey h1u1 110 c•on\'t�yn nct! of Jlfty hnt'J't1IJiJ u week. Don't foru{!t tu nny �ort, unt l t1 Jc,r nemh•cl u l l the t�ay thut while you're hceu wusUng JtHlfle.�· t he l ah'l' of sueh 11 cJJO \'t!,\'llm!e Jo'OUI' time Jn 11urope .John Y, Hlbtglns

A subm· or imnol' I.Jrong!Jt M:u·sbnl N(_ly to d h;hmlot· .uml duut ll. "'hl'il Nn­Jlnlcon cntl'red Cairo ou the.:!�M ut' .Tuty; 1 7U3, be wus Jll't'�ent�tl wIth t hl't1e R\\'Ot'tls of honor l'lclll)' inln ld wllh pre· rlons EtOJII'"· lie I.Jr·ouglrt them l111ck to Em•oJl<!, 111H1 In 180� lw gn\'0 one to N£>r nnd another to Murut. lweping the th ir'd for himself. Noy �'"''efyetl his ut 1111 lmprrtal rcceJ•tion. 'l.he sword Jl:lH�e!l from one 1o nnotlrer of those prmwnt, nmong whom wuH n young snbnltem of the Am·er·gne I'Pglment. "'hen Napoleon f'Sentwd from Ii!lbe, Ne)' left tile king untl took Hides with his former chief. Aftet· the n!!i(•H en· lN'04l Pnl'ls, Ney mmlc IH'f'fJfii'HtloiiR to get out of the mnntt')', I.Jnt Ills wife und R fl'i(�IHl J1£•rrmndetl him thnt tlwre wns rt•nl ly no c.lnngea·, ond he tlecldt'tl to re· lllllill } 11 J•'I'IIIH!C, �')am CUIIH! till! order• for his n r•reHt. lie fte!l to 11 cuHtle In the J"'""es•lon of some (!'lend• und sue· Cf'rtlf'd In rmwlr lng It ��ttho11t hiH I•I'CH· ence bclug lmow n, OJH! dn:v feeling tlr•ed, he threw hhuHclf on u e'o;wh, tlrst Inking oil' hi• orhmtu l •wor·ct, whldt he 1<lwnys wm·e out or nn·ectlon fur !be UlllJWl'OI'. Henl'lllg volet�fl, ho I:IJH'U IIg 11(1 IIIJC] fllll'rlctlly left the 1'(1(11fl, forJ,Cet• ling hiH Hl\'01'<1: A mln 11te l11tcor u par­ty of wonum aucl rnen t!lltct·ctl the room, one or tlwru being the youuw Hnhnltern of the An\'et'gnu rl!glnwnt, uo""' a colo­owl, Ho at once recogul�etl t he Hll'ot'd

might coHt., hns como l'igllt to Uu• ft·ou t nt homu.' "Crtn .vnu wu lk t h f' tl il'tll lll'll 'r' n�lwcl ":\1,\· llttlo foiJleuch to my f£1llow towns-GeorgP Wut-�h l ngoton nf hi� l o n�d n1111, Ulflll didn't IU'ou.-� rotwh UJJthtu.dllflOJ," "l ,;l1'd 1 h i n k f couhlt lwu t\Y, 11 rt�· snl<l tho jmlge, ••nud that f!OIJJll'l' wuH to pll•d ���'" .Tll l'I'IH I n !"''' mo•1· wil l lling blnmo fur· It, lie simply wiltotl nw."-wny. DetJ•olt t••l'tJU J•re:;a,

Out. ln ! IJ<• ruin nnd tlrto t•h i l l nnrth· -·-f"UMt. wlncl, whlt'h l>tmt 111 tlu�lt• rut•mi u •• uf D•••l r•t!··· tire t•nt,Jre <ll•hull"'· t h e """Jilc• t:ohwlgger•-1 hour u,., H1orm blew trnilgerl 1� rlln"'horn, fnllll!l lit•\', R. your l<'nl down. )f, Nlehrrl• nt th• �fn l h rrdl•l l�JII"<•n• i Ch·u 11s 1-'ulch·-\Vm·H<• t lrnn t hnt, 'fhe p11l pnroollll!lll', nnd wt• r•e <JIII<'lrly t'Rln gnl'e t.he RWord·HII'Illlriii'Pl' u sur• mn1le onfl, hrrh·n�rtofiPtl IlK tlw,\' we1•e. th1•oni ntul \\'IIKht�d n i l tlw deslgi'IH oft Them, hand ln hnn<l nne! l'er,l' IHIJII'.I'• the tnttooed mnn .-J11dge, Mr. nnrl MI'H, All•n t r•rulgcrl liVer t.he ·---live rnll•• horne.

enlllng Ill Home lfPlllllli'UWM, Jll'<> . tu ••no·ch tho )lretnii<I!H. l•'lndlug th11t h11 wnH discovered, r>ey lllll'e hltn· B<!lr. 1111 quietly. On Doo, 7, JSll.i, the Dlnr•hal, · who.., Hllltrhtuet WRR the lirAI'68t or the Br11ve, th11 hero of a hundred bttttle1, wu 11tot, two ntonth• nfter Ute owner


It looks 11 if a man't back is the center oi

otrength when he is otrainiug to lift or haul a heavy weight. nut the center of strength is not the back, but the stom· ach. There's no strength in the back of a giant if he's starving. All strength is made from food, and food can only be converted into stre11gth when it is perfectly digested nntl assimilated. When th.e stomach is diseased, lhe uutn· tio11 of food is lost and pltys· ical weakness foll ows.

Dr. Pierce's Golden 1\Iedical Disco\'ery cures diseHseS of stomach and other organs digestion and nutrition. It makes men strong and muc .. cular, by enabling the eerfect

digestion and asoiwtlatlon of the food eaten. 111 sufl'erl!d from a very obsti* nate caiiC of dyspep•da," writes ll, H. Secord, Esq., 13 Eaetc:rn Av., Toronto, OD·

tario. "I tried a number of remediea without l!luc:cel". J was 10 fu l'ane that I could uot �u anr t101ld food on my•tnmach; felt melancholy and deprnHd. Could not altep nor work. A friend reconuneuded your ' OoldtD Mrdic:al DiiCOVel'f.' I ba,.e taken tllree bott1et and it ::t·�:-,pU•bed a perm•·

The Medical Advl-, covers Ia NUt

receipt of at one· cent ltamptl to p��y expeu• Of mail· iag only, Addreu Dr. R. V, Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.

MEATS of all kinds. Best cuts at lowest prices,

Archbold & Scudder, WESTFIELD,

Stea1 1arble aud Granite furta I'I:NOING FOR OEMETERY PLOTS.

l.arp Varlet)' of Orulta Mollu•nta. P••••allc THI& far Lettarl&l a .. C.r•l•l•

L. L. II..&NNING A liON; l'nat Ito; 0.•. Cleaw.l .a. ... , IIILAI.PIILD • •• ol.

A.a A.IUterAdve t•uem oa ..... IJ. One or tlw book collectors ot Phlla·

delpbln hns In his library II I'Ofume or· (,ntln jokeM tlrnt was : printed In Ger: mnuy In 1703, suys the Philadelphia Hecord. 'l'ite name or this \'olunre is "Nugm Ytmulel!l," . 1!-lld . lt .. contnlns R floem 300 !lues long wllereln m·ery WOI'tl-cwt·y Bingle word-begins wltb the letter "p." .

Bven the title puge of the pOem con­tains only "tJ'N." It l'eads:

'•Pugnn Pm·<�OI'utn, p4_1r Publhnn Pot'· chnn; · Poetnm" ("'l'he Battle of tbe l'lgs," by Pnblius Porehts, poet). Here nrc two lines of the poem thnt show how stl'!lnge nllttet•ntion, so benv· ll:y lnld 011, nwem·s: Perlege porcorum pulcllerrlma. proello,

potori Potnndo potcrls placldam proferre poeshn,

Alnwst Incredible Ia the pntleilcc thnt must hn \'e bce11 reqult·ed to COill!lOSC thle work of 1,>.00 words, ever)' one or which begins wlt!J n "II·"

8potlhlK a Traared,.. Among tlreutrlcul u nocdotes n time

honored oheNtnut Is thut wlliell belonl(s to the tent scene iu "ltlcluntl Ill." '!'llu story Is told of Bnr·ry Sul llmn, to whom It JH'olmbly oecm•red. Anyhow tim uurrutor lrus thrown In a rcJlnrteo tbut Is chnrncteriMtlc euongh ot the fa. mous Irish tl'ltgellluu,

"Wiro's tiler•e'l" exclnlms ltlchnl'll nt the coneluHion of hlH tlt•en ming. Cotes­by lu hi• exdtHuwut stnmnwc·ed o'ul lJIH ouswm· nnd nbt'UJJtly stop1wd ln the middle ol hie ilhrnse, " "!'Is J, my lot·tl, the eurly vlllogo eock."

Snlllvun Blll'l'eyctl the bewlldet•ed OB· fleet of tire ortkor for. n tew seconds with n S!lt1luulc grin, os if enjoying the nctot•'s ugony, utHl tbcu gl'Owlei.l In ou nu!llhle tone, '"!'hen why the mischief don't yo\1 CI'OW'/1 '

A HeRd)' A.uawer. Not nil l'lsltor•s to the couull•y ure on i&nornnt of the I'Ot'lltCI''S SUITOltlldinjtB HI the for·mers smnetlmes Ruppowu. Bt·owuiuii'S �luguKine Jllvea till• In· etnueu:

"Wual," onld �'urtnut• Wilkin& to ills city boortln, who wno up ·ear•ly nncl luokillll rcnurd, "ben out to hear the hllfl'K'k ci'IIW, I a'po&e," And bo wiuk· l'f! at biB hlroo UUIU,

"No," l'eJilllod tbe city borirder ; "l've IM!eu . out tylnt a lluot lu • cord of WOOd,'' . ll'artuer

Incl .


"Februar.y Furniture Safe ·

�· OFF REGULAR PRICES. · 1) At no Carpet or Furniture House in Newark

Cash go so far as here.

2) If you're short of ready cash we'll na:ommodate

3) If you don't want the !l"oods for 2, � or () from now, we will set them astdc for you, w1thouL a uun••· ,,_ All _'we ":a�t is your �ord. U8 Bedroom .Suit. 'Tis of solid

plate oak, f a n c y · 21 00 French ahape mirror. o

fJ .f.OO Oak Dreaaer, 'baa large drawers and French 10 _..9 plate mirror, . o't

$7,00 E1111m1led Bed at 5 25 Brau ralls, head and •

foot, brau mounts aad ee11tre ornameniS.

l.f.OO Parlor Rocker at 2 98 Has s p I n d I e back, 0

saddle seat-a beauty.

$35.00 Parlor Suit of five pieces cherry frame, damask 26 25 covering. •

su. Extension Table at 9 7 5 Of golden oak, elegant •

finish-heavy build.

$1 .25 Dining Chair at 95C Good high spindle back -�race anns.

$:ZO.OO Sideboard at )5 00 Has French P l a t e •

Mirrors, lots of clmel room.

18.00 Velour Cou'h at Fine ateel sprlnga, rlcll aad heavy fringe; .. · '

f:z.J.OO China Cloaet, Golden oak,

f9,00 Morrl1 Chair, Oak f r a m • , velour cushions.

$10.00 Ladlea' Delk, In golden oak.

$.f.SO BookcaR, In oak, with four shelves.

$8.00 C h i f f o n i e r, In· golden oak, six drawers,

$7.50 nualc Cabinet., Single door, sliding shelves.

•ttrf!lt'• "No. 73 " and you see the lrst namt •• Amos " befioreeat.eri<nll oour

�"�·� .. T0.l_a _ _ �r�ua 7 3 MA 'RUfi

A Prl't'ate Delly�ry WBI'Ot. lleet eB Request. '' Tc1eplr.oae eao,u Send for New 62·P•I'• Catalo8ue.

The Time for LAP ROBBS Ia at Hand.

An Excellent Cam be aeen

R • . F. Hohelslel1, FLOUR, FEED,HAYandORAIN.

Prospect St., Weatlleld, N. J, "HORSE EQUIPMENT&."

Buy the Kind

of Coal You Need. There. le a dlfterence In coals; some

thot Ia e:rcellent for certain purposes Is not good for others. Yun will save money and trouble by gettin11 tbe kind th�t Is beet for yout• pnrpoRe and

We'll Tell You what klnd that I• if yon consult 01 abont it. We 11ell ail kinde and 110-llcit a call.

Jas. E. Goodman & Son, :AaH .AODIC. N. ol, 1118tl Or!ltn Pra•pttJ l'llf ...

JOHN CO LTRA, Carpenter & Builder.


JE�'FERSON apolte

KAT URAL BRIDGE, · 11 " the moat anblime of

work• " aud it is justly :for

that tlrey are tJ1e moat wo;ndEirl�l•• beautiful caverns in the

Both of tl1eee Great den 'are on the

division of the

Rorfolk & · Western and quickly reoohed by 4V•ov••· ·""'•

tmin service a'cld thro11gh cars from the� ·

EAST AND THE All through tickets are good

oJI nt Lnray CnvernB and Bridge, Va. .

Call on or nddress any Agent N. & W. Uy., or ·


Plana Furnished If Dealred, Ros!denoe bl Ptu•lot l!!f troet, WESt'FIELil, NEW J I!:RSEY, - �-----------""'!:\'!


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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.