Transmutation Table - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2024)

5 items 5-95 4-90 3-85 2-80 1-75 0-70

35 items 35-95 34-94 33-93 32-92 31-91 30-89 29-88 28-87 27-86 26-85 25-84 24-83 23-82 22-81 21-79 20-78 19-77 18-76 15-17-75 11-14-74 7-10-73 4-6-72 1-3-71 0-70

10 items 10-95 9-91 8-87 7-83 6-79 5-75 4-74 3-73 2-72 1-71 0-70

40-items 40-95 39-94 38-93 37-92 36-91 35-90 34-89 33-88 32-87 31 -86 30-85 29-84 28-83 27-82 26-81 25-80 24-79 23-78 22-77 21-76 17-20-75 13-16-74 9-12-73 5-8-72 1-4 -71 0-70

15 items 15-95 14-93 13-90 12-88 11-85 10-83 9-80 8-78 7-75 6-74 5-73 4-72 2-3-72 1-71 0-70 45-items 45-95 44-94 43-93 41-42-92 40-91 39-90 38-89 37-88 36-87 35-86 33-34-85 32-84 31-83 30-82 29-81 28-80 27-79 25-26-78 24-77 23-76 20-22-75 15-19- 74 9-14-73 4-8-72 1-3-71 0-70

20 items 20-95 19-93 18-91 17-89 16-87 15-85 14-83 13-81 12-79 11-77 9-10-75 7-3-74 5-6-73 3-4-72 1-2-71 0-70

25 items 25-95 24-93 23-92 22-90 21-89 20-87 19-86 18-84 17-83 16-81 15-80 14-78 13-77 11-12-75 9-10-74 6-8-73 4-5-72 1-3-71 0-70

30 items 30-95 29-93 28-92 27-91 26-90 25-88 24-87 23-86 22-84 21-83 20-82 19-80 18-79 17-78 16-76 13-15-75 10-12-74 7-9-73 4-5-72 1-3-71 0-70

50-items 50-95 49-94 47-48-93 46-92 45-91 44-90 42-43-89 41-88 40-87 38-39-86 37-85 36-84 35-83 33-34-82 32-81 31-80 30-79 28-29-78 27-77 26-76 21-25-75 16-20-74 11-15-73 6-10-72 1-5-71 0-70

55-items 55-95 53-54-94 52-93 51-92 49-50-91 48-90 46-47-89 45-88 44-87 42-43-86 41-85 39-40-84 38-83 37-82 35-36-81 34-80 32-33-79 31-78 30-77 28-29-76 23-27-75 17-22-74 11-16-73 6-10-72 1-5-71 0-70

60-items 60-95 58-59-94 57-93 55-56-92 54-91 52-53-90 51-89 49-50-88 48-87 46-47-86 44-45-85 43-84 41-42-83 40-82 38-39-81 37-80 35-36-79 34-78 32-33-77 31-76 25-30-75 19-24-74 13-18-73 7-12-72 1-6-71 0-70

65 items 64-65-95 62-63-94 60-61-93 59-92 57-58-91 56-90 54-55-89 52-53-88 51-87 49-50-86 48-85 46-47-84 44-45-83 43-82 41-42-81 39- 40-80 38-79 36-37-78 35-77 33-34-76 27-32-75 20-26-74 14-19-73 7-13-72 1-6-71 0-70 95 items 94-95-95 92-93-94 90-91-93 87-89-92 85-86-91 82-84-90 80-81-89 78-79-88 75-77-87 73-74-86 70-72-85 68-69-84 66-67-83 63-65-82 61-62-81 58-60-80 56-57-79 54-55-78 51-53-77 49-50-76 39-48-75 29-38 -74 20-28-73 10-19-72 1-9-71 0-70

70- items 70-95 68-69-94 66-67-93 64-65-92 62-63-91 61-90 59-60-89 57-58-88 55-56-87 53-54-86 52-85 50-51-84 48-49-83 46-47-82 45-81 43-44-80 41-42-79 39-40-78 37-38-77 36-76 29-35-75 22-28-74 15-21-73 8 -14-72 1-7- 71 0-70 100 items 99-100-95 97-98-94 94-96-93 91-93-92 89-90-91 86-88-90 84-85-89 81-83-88 79-80-87 76-78-86 73-75-85 71-72-84 68-70-85 66-67-82 63-65-81 61-62-80 58-60-79 55-57-78 53-54-77 51-52-76 41-50-75 31-40-74 21-29-73 11-20-72 1-10-71 0-70

75 items 75-95 72-73-94 70-71-93 68-69-92 66-67-91 64-65-90 62-63-89 61-88 59-60-87 57-58-86 55-56-85 53-54-84 51-52-83 50-82 48-49-81 46-47-80 44-45-79 42-43-78 40-41-77 38-39-76 31-37-75 23-30-74 16-22-73 8-15-72 1-7-71 0-70 105 items 103-105-95 100-102-94 97-99-93 95-96-92 92-94-91 90-91-90 87-89-89 84-86 -88 82-83-87 79-81-86 77-78-85 74-76-84 71-73-83 69-70-82 66-68-81 64-65-80 61-63-79 58-60-78 56-57-77 53-55-76 43-52-75 32-42-74 22-31-73 11-21-72 1-10-71 0-70

80 items 79-80-95 77-78-94 75-76-93 73-74-92 71-72-91 69-70-90 67-68-89 65-66-88 63-64-87 61-62-86 59-60-85 57-58-84 55-56-83 53-54-82 51-52-81 49-50-80 47-48-79 45-46-78 43-44-77 41-42-76 33-40-75 25-32-74 17-24-73 9-16-72 1-8-71 0-70

85 items 84-85-95 82-83-94 80-81-93 78-79-92 76-77-91 74-75-90 72-73-89 79-71-88 67-68-87 65-66-86 63-64-85 61-62-84 59-60-83 56-58-84 54-55-83 52-53-82 50-51-81 48-49-80 46-47-79 44-45-78 35-43-77 26-34-76 18-25-75 9-17-74 1-8-73 0-70

90 items 89-90-95 87-88-94 85-86-93 83-84-92 80-81-91 78-79-90 75-77-89 73-74-88 71-72-87 68-70-86 66-67-85 64-65-84 62-63-83 59-61-82 57-58-81 55-56-80 52-54-79 50-51-78 48-49-77 46-47-76 37-35-75 28-36-74 19-27-73 10-18-72 1-9-71 0-70

110 items 109-110-95 105-198-94 103-104-93 101-102-92 97-100-91 95-96-90 91-94-89 89-90-88 87-88-87 83-86-86 81-82-85 77-80-84 75-76-83 73-74-82 69-72-81 67-68-80 63-66-79 61-62-78 59-60-77 56-58-75 45-55-74 34-44-73 23-33-72 12-22-71 1-11-70 0-70

115 items 112-115-95 109-111-94 106-108-93 104-105-92 101-103-91 98-100-90 95-97-89 92-94-88 89-91-87 86-88-86 83-85-85 80-82-84 77-79-83 74-76-82 72-73-81 69-71-80 66-68-79 63-65-78 60-62-77 58-69-76 47-57-75 35-46-74 24-34-73 12-23-72 1-11-71 0-70 125 items 121-125-95 118-120-94 115-117-93 111-114-92 108-110-91 105-107-90 102-104-89 99-101-88 96-98-87 92-95-86 89-91-85 86-88-84 83-85-83 80-82-82 77-79-81 74-76-80 70-73-79 67-69-78 65-66-77 63-64-76 51-62-75 38-50-74 26-37-73 13-25-72 1-12-71 0-70

120 items 119-120-95 115-118-94 113-114-93 109-112-92 107-108-91 103-106-90 101-102-89 97-100-88 95-96-87 91-94-86 87-90-85 85-86-84 81-84-83 79-80-82 75-78-81 73-74-82 69-72-79 67-68-78 63-66-77 61-62-76 49-60-75 37-48-74 25-36-73 13-24-72 1-12-71 0-70 130 items 127-130-95 123-126-94 119-122-93 117-118-92 113-116-91 111-112-90 107-110-89 103-106-88 101-102-87 97-100-86 95-96-85 91-94-84 87-90-83 85-86-82 81-84-81 77-80-80 75-76-79 71-74-78 69-70-77 66-68-76 53-65-75 40-52-74 27-39-73 14-26-72 1-13-71 0-70

135 items 131-135-95 128-130-94 125-127-93 121-124-92 118-120-91 114-117-90 111-113-89 108-110-88 104-105-87 101-103-86 97-100-85 94-96-84 91-93-83 87-90-82 84-86 -81 80-83-80 77-79-79 74-76-78 70-73-77 68-79-76 55-67-75 41-54-74 28-40-73 14-27-72 1-13-71 0-70

140 items 139-140-95 135-138-94 131-134-93 127-130-92 123-126-91 121-122-90 117-120-89 113-116-88 109-112-87 105-108-86 103-104-85 99-102-84 95-98-83 91-94-82 89-90-81 85-88-80 81-84-79 77-80-78 73-76-77 71-72-76 57-70-75 43-56-74 29-42-73 15-28-72 1-14-71 0-70

145 items 141-145-95 138-140-94 131-134-93 130-133-92 127-129-91 123-126-90 119-122-89 116-118-88 112-115-87 108-111-86 105-107-85 101-104-84 97-100-83 94-96-82 90-93-81 86-89-80 83-85-79 79-82-78 75-78-77 73-74-76 50-72-75 44-58-74 30-43-73 15-29-72 1-14-71 0-70

150 items 147-150-95 143-146-94 139-142-93 135-138-92 131-134-91 127-130-90 123-126-89 121-122-88 117-120-87 113-116-86 109-112-85 105-108-84 101-104-83 99-100-82 95-98-81 91-94-80 87-90-79 83-86-78 79-82-77 76-78-76 61-75-75 46-69-74 31-45-73 16-30-72 1-15-71 0-70

140 items 139-140-95 135-138-94 131-134-93 127-130-92 123-126-91 121-122-90 117-120-89 113-116-88 109-112-87 105-108-86 103-104-85 99-102-84 95-98-83 91-94-82 89-90-81 85-88-80 81-84-79 77-80-78 73-76-77 71-72-76 57-70-75 43-56-74 29-42-73 15-28-72 1-14-71 0-70

145 items 141-145-95 138-140-94 131-134-93 130-133-92 127-129-91 123-126-90 119-122-89 116-118-88 112-115-87 108-111-86 105-107-85 101-104-84 97-100-83 94-96-82 90-93-81 86-89-80 83-85-79 79-82-78 75-78-77 73-74-76 50-72-75 44-58-74 30-43-73 15-29-72 1-14-71 0-70

150 items 147-150-95 143-146-94 139-142-93 135-138-92 131-134-91 127-130-90 123-126-89 121-122-88 117-120-87 113-116-86 109-112-85 105-108-84 101-104-83 99-100-82 95-98-81 91-94-80 87-90-79 83-86-78 79-82-77 76-78-76 61-75-75 46-69-74 31-45-73 16-30-72 1-15-71 0-70

Transmutation Table - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2024)
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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.